You Are in Phase 5!
You are living Phase 5 because you no longer consider yourself singular. We have arrived as group consciousness.
In Phase 5, your soul relationship shifts, or more aptly, the personality shifts from a singular soul identification to a group soul. This can be your Soul Cohort, your Soul Petal, Soul Herd, etc., though most will “begin” with their Soul Cohort–a group of 8-12 souls that when “pieced apart” will be recognizable souls that you tend to incarnate together with as close friends, family and/or partners. Think of it like shifting from being a single baby born to a “litter” or group that is intrinsically connected. You may still appear to be functioning and recognizable as a singular body, but the consciousness is very much shared.
You are no longer living reality as linear, but rather holographically. The microcosm is the macrocosm and vice versa. Every piece contains the whole, and the whole contains the piece–an infinite warren of rabbit holes! You are comfortable with the idea that this cannot be understood, because you are realizing you are no longer need to “understand” but rather live more in the mystery.
A great indicator of this phase is the ability to not only identify yourself as ALL–but also to FEEL yourself as ALL. You are most likely feeling strong emotions and having physical sensations that “emerge” from others. Initially, this may feel confusing, but there are methods to transmute energy so that when one is in great distress or pain that you are sensing, you can share that burden for a moment, in recognition of it’s richness as a lesson, and then offer solace, peace, and energy to transform that emotion.
In this example, it means that you are simultaneously in Phase 2 where such rich emotions live. In Phase 5, you are able to maintain a connection to the web of life and hold the emotions, perspectives, and individuality that characterizes Phase 2. Whereas in Phases 3 & 4, one must shift between phases and might have a hard time “connecting” to duality, Phase 5 allows us to stay tethered to the expanded consciousness we carry. As you hold the Phase 2 emotion for another/yourself, you feel and assist that emotion without ever having to fully leave Phase 5. It’s as if you are now living as a group of helium balloons that stay aloft, and sliding down the ribbon to untangle energy that hinders the freedom of the group floating.
To return to our previous analogy, imagine being born with 7 other babies. That empathy that many twins and triplets, etc., experience remains. So when you “feel” that someone is sick, in danger, stressed, or even elated, celebratory, or orgasming, you are experiencing the emotions of others that are bonded to you as strongly as those who emerged with you from the womb.
In Phase 5, you are not burdened by the entire world’s problems, though mass consciousness is not only something you carry, but something that you are actively “transmuting.” You/we are one of the great healers of our environment.
Crystalline Form
In Phase 5, you are shifting more completely to 12-strand DNA (and yes, if you are receiving the Love Intrinsic Alignment, it means that this may be your path, as you are “reset” to the 12-strand DNA you were born with).
This means that the “junk DNA” that Phase 2 scientists have discovered are coming to life as a complete and sustainable structure. Your 2DD Vessel then does not practice the duality of Phases 1-3. The Vessel does not so starkly experience physical body/human consciousness and then dreams/astral travel, etc. It is becoming integrated in form so that you experience journeying, remote viewing, and visiting those incarnations that you exist as in greater detail and clarity in your OED (open-eyed dream/waking consciousness). In Phase 5, the OED and CED (closed-eyed dream/everything other than waking consciousness) begin to merge so that you are constantly aware of our Dreaming.
As a Crystalline and Sustainable Body, you emit energy as well as consume it. Imagine being a walking-talking crystal. You are charged constantly by food, by the sun, by the moon, by your Soul System and all iterations of soul relationships. Time is irrelevant in this phase, so you are as privy to the nutrients of the placenta you are born from as the food on your plate. You are nourished by the stars, by the Whole of the Earth and Gaia’s consciousness.
There is never a moment that you do not give back the energy that sustains you. You are like a large and effusive light bulb that is powered by solar energy on endless sunny days. People gravitate to you because your light and warmth is reminding them of their own light and warmth. Your currency is love.
Us and We
We are now shifting in our explanation to the more appropriate pluralization of subject. Truly, you are us. I am we. You as we are happy to speak in the terms of our omniscience because we are now an active part of this web.
In Phase 4, we are living as ALL. In Phase 5, we come into some specificity yet again about WHO/WHAT we are wanting to focus on. Phase 4 is a shift from identity to be comfortable yet again in the whole of Source, which still maintains a relationship with a human body and paradigm. In Phase 5, we launch ourselves out of the human paradigm a bit and play as ourselves in a variety of forms.
Divine Timing
Timing in Phase 5 is of the essence–the essence of collaboration. It is less a realm of “creating” as it is a “meeting of the minds.” Again, the “mind” in Phase 5 extends throughout the energetic meridians and conduits of connection throughout the body and 2DD Vessel. We are imagining an electrical storm of flashes, and like the synapses of the human brain firing to begin a chain reaction, the web of life we are conscious of fires with us.
It is as if we are an elaborate and infinite spider web, our physical bodies and personality a dew drop at one intersection. When we pluck the web with a thought, intention, or specific focus, the dew drops in the neighborhood of that focus tremble. (More aptly, the entire web trembles.) But what is considered “divine timing” begins to slide these dew drops together into a larger formation of creation.
No longer do you have to “create” and wait for others to respond in co-creation of form. The information moves through the web even faster than the 0.5 milliseconds or so that the brain uses to communicate. It is instantaneous, outside the structure of time. Therefore, as life “unfolds” into the physical constructs that are measured by time, the “communication” has already happened. It is a matter of recognizing the signals you have activated are manifest. Often this comes with insights, hits, knowings and indicators from this web, as non-physical energy arrives “quicker” than physical form. There is no impatience, because we are a moving piece that allows for one or a thousand dew drops to slide past, in an automatic and efficient system of interaction. We trust implicitly in the pieces of our whole.
Therefore, conscious creation differs from the focus on individual desire (even if it is for the greater good in Phase 3) to the cooperation of we as the web. We are living the greater good as a collective desire, form, and exercise in existence.
Jedi Mastery/Magic
If you have been following the lexicon of the Age of Omniscience, you have heard of this term “Jedi Mastery/Magic.” In Phase 5, we are finally experiencing it on a visceral level as the body’s cellular structure has shifted in Phase 3 and 4 to an extent that allows for the expression of many of these qualities.
Get out the light saber (or just beam as our crystalline form), as this is what we are experiencing, or may come to experience:
- Timewalking. Visiting our incarnations as alternate timelines in parallel universes. This is also where the conscious giving and receiving of nutrients, energy, and insights happen. It occurs in Phase 4, but more like the parasympathetic nervous system in the body–taking care of needing nourishment and rest as unconscious actions and exchanges of energy. In Phase 5, we are aware of these exchanges and what they signify in our connection.
- Lifewalking. Visiting our incarnations as alternate lifetimes in parallel universes. This means we are restricted only by physical form. We know ourselves as life on this planet and others in whatever sense of “time” we are connecting for sensation, learning and expansion.
- Remote viewing. This is conscious viewing of a physical environment from the 2DD Vessel, but much more attached to the human mind and framework. For example, one will not be able to go “far and wide” here to a civilization that is vastly different from the human construct of the ego, because the thread to the ego is strong.
- Astral travel. This is a broader category of exploration that we experience as our 2DD Vessel. It is different from timewalking and lifewalking, however, in the sense that one is “removed” and hovering over a physical experience, instead of visiting the life in form. It is different as well from remote viewing in the sense that we are expanding beyond the ego and what we “construct” as true from the human vantage. In this way, the destination for astral travel is less limited, and we begin to understand even non-physical constructs of being.
- Conscious “downloads” and channeling. This is the voicing of expanded concepts into the physical realms of Earth. What Randi does in channeling this information is utilizing her/our Phase 5 frequency. It differs from the insights you receive in Phases 3 or 4 because you are fully aware and trusting of the process of downloading/channeling. You/we are the bridge between a wider web of energy that we are now ready to plug into.
- Conscious guide for “you” in other phases. We are now the angel that you are visited by in the denser frequencies. We exist in Phase 5 to assist with understanding, alleviation of pain and suffering, and clarity, especially to Phase 2. Insights and guidance that you may “remember” receiving years ago from a guardian angel or higher self, we are now understanding are coming from NOW–as we are the “higher self.” Often there is the experience of this for your OED as well, and in a conversation with another (that is really you), you are also transmitting this energy to the iterations of you in other phases. Again, this is something that happened without your conscious awareness in the other phases, but now we are practicing the entirety of who we are.
- Alignments from alternate dimensions. The expansion into our crystalline form and 2DD Vessel is assisted by energetic alignments. Again, “previously” these happened in an automatic nature by the deeper intelligence of the body/meridians that you “were” tuning to. NOW, you are consciously aware that they come to you in a variety of forms to aid our expansion. Think of receiving an energetic “adjustment” much like the chiropractor might give. But instead of a response to pain or the body being misaligned, these alignments are arriving as you are ready–as a mutual agreement of an asking for them and an understanding that we’re divinely timed to receive them.
- Love Intrinsic Alignment for others. Phase 5 is precisely balanced. In the way that we are receiving conscious alignments, we are also giving them to others. These alignments can be a variety of forms, but the intention is to assist others to live as the Love Intrinsic to them, and be a channel/catalyst for the shift to the 12-strand DNA and crystalline structure that we are enjoying in this phase.
As Phase 5 we are conscious manifestation of spirit. We are our higher selves of other phases and incarnations.
And what continues in the Great Beyond?
Phases 6-9 are very much foundation to the sense of mystery that keeps Source alive in us all. Even if our efforts to “know/be/do” it all–the more we come into capabilities to experience diversity of form, we stay glued together in the love that is undefinable, unexplainable, and the great mystery for us all.
That being said, we do get to play as Source!
These “abilities” continue in the other phases, as well as greater group and non-physical focus. The waking day/OED begins to feel like a “blink” of the eye compared to what it experienced in Phases 6-8. As we are evolving, we are offering more detailed explanation of these abilities, but for now, here’s a “glimpse.”
In Phase 6, our human DNA is fully realized as a 12-strand structure to support such vast expansions of form. We begin spiritwalking, which is sending our consciousness into a physical host. It allows for an immersive experience of alternate physical dimensions and time periods. It is a phase of great learning for both the interaction of the spirit consciousness and the host’s civilization and consciousness. In this phase, we are exploring further in our non-physical capabilities as our 2DD Vessel.
In Phase 7, the focus again returns to the physical realms as we master those skills that benefit and rebuild our world. We extend the very natural and consistent empathic ability to telepathy as the dominant form of conversation rather than speaking. That is not to say that the voice is not utilized, but there is no “hiding” what one thinks from what one says.
As the denser phases are a time to utilize physical form and body, now is a time to make great sweeping “repairs” and creations with the lighter/quicker frequencies of the mind (again with the mind being the expanded consciousness). Here, we practice telekinesis, stiiermorphing (changing our physical form to whatever cellular structure is most appropriate), transmorphing (combining minerals with “our mind” to create lasting, durable and strong materials), and many more abilities to be revealed.
In Phase 7, the human “body” is also expanding to meet a variety of atmospheres and habitats. We are extending into flight, breathing under water or in areas without as much oxygen, and into pressurized environments that were “previously” impossible. It is also in this phase that the human experiences travel beyond our planet in the physical human body rather than with the non-physical consciousness or 2DD Vessel.
In Phase 8, we are ambassadors of energy, further assisting the other phases and retaining our expanded consciousness, much like we do in the Phase 2 & 5 relationship. We are the voices of omniscience.
In Phase 9, we experience the avatar state, when the awareness of Source is practically unfiltered in human form in all of the phases (this is Jesus, the Buddha, Muhammed and many others that have gone undocumented in our human “history”). In the Age of Omniscience, we are more actively experiencing life as these avatars.
There is, of course, no hurry. Our expansion is at the rate of our choosing and our willingness to connect from a separated form that we indeed decided. There is much guidance that we are receiving and we are getting there in “time” and in “evolution.”
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Beyond Phase 5…
Curious to see the explanations of the other phases? Not only do we find ourselves in each of the phases, but learning about them all help in understanding where you and others are predominantly focused!

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