Phase 1: The Experience of the Flora, Fauna & Instinct
Phase 1 is what you might consider to be pure instinct. It is where all of us (yes, that’s right, ALL OF US) have been, are, find ourselves when living completely from the base instincts of the human construct.
Basis of Biology
You could consider this to be the phase of the animals and wildlife. If you are viewing it from a biological standpoint, this is what rules the consciousness of what you might view as “life on Earth.” You experience this as instinct. Your body is in Phase 1 as you are sleeping. This is your drive to eat, to sleep, to procreate, to live in groups, to protect yourself and your family, and to love and nurture each other.
The human experience of physical reality here is primarily from what the five senses provide.
Phase 1: Phase 9 : A Loop of Consciousness
There is a fascinating relationship between the flora and fauna in Phase 1 and the consciousness of life itself as Source. The veil between Phase 1 and Phase 9 in this regard is thin. This is because they are not affected by the ego, and therefore exist as well as a group consciousness. What many consider the “sentience” of life is introduced as the ego in Phase 2, but we would argue that there is indeed intelligence to life in Phase 1. It is simplicity, yes–an experience on Earth and physical form that moves of its own volition, you could say. A “mindless” existence in that one does not wonder.
But we would say that life in Phase 1 is full of wonder. There is a close relationship with the connection to ALL life, in the sense that consciousness is an inseparable part of an ecosystem. The loop of consciousness from Phase 1 and Phase 9 could be considered a bit of a spiral, but we would also say that the Phase 1 instinct receives a great “bleed-through” of the Phase 9 experience of ALL understanding itself as Source.
The First Years of Being Human
Phase 1 is the primary experience of the first couple years of your life. As babies, we exist as instinct–connected to the Earth, and especially to our mothers and caretakers. You could also say that the mother and father instinct to protect and care for their child at all costs is Phase 1 consciousness.
We as children experience the Phase 1 : Phase 9 loop in a very real way. As much as the human form is focused on survival, the soul consciousness of the child permeates its being and knows itself as ALL. It is not uncommon for the soul/2DD Vessel to be experiencing itself as many, if not all, iterations of itself while the human body is developing. This is a common occurrence, while the child is at play, sleeping, and lost in imagination, etc., until the age of 4-5. Imaginary friends then, are not imaginary at all in our perspective; they are very real experiences that the child is recognizing, though adults are accustomed to that separation of realities of “imagination” and “real.”
It is around age 2-3 (though this varies) that the ego begins to develop, assisting in the great “forgetting” as the dominant frequency of a human’s life in the Age of Intellect.* The ego separates the child from the mother, right from wrong, etc. The child then learns to exist in Phase 2, which gives them more personality, autonomy and a sense of judgement. The boundaries between what it imaginary and real begin to solidify as the child’s psyche begins to adapt to this Phase 2 of separation.
However, we remind you that we all experience Phase 1 to a degree. In times when we are connected to the Earth, “mindless” in meditation, or even in flight or fight mode… It functions like the sympathetic nervous system in the body, sending signals to ready itself against external stimuli. It protects the physical form, as well as the mind, many times from harm. Being connected–to family, to nature, to a partner, friend, home, etc. All of these traits nurture you as Source.
Phase 1, though simplistic in its base structure, is timeless. It is without ego, and this is the portion of the human mind that creates time. The flora and fauna, though they go through a lifecycle–in our eyes that are viewing from the ego–seem to experience birth, aging, and death. But from their perspective, they only have those natural “cues” of transition that are provided by instinct. They do not fear death nor transition in the way that you do from a Phase 2 perspective. It is a movement in the cycle of the ecosystem.
This is the closest way we can explain the perception of life for the Phase 1 consciousness: movement driven by instinct. Not from the tracking of time, but through a tracking of life as it manifests as birth, nurture, blooming, reproduction, maintenance of the physical form, and love as the common denominator for life (what we call Source.)
We All Experience Phase 1
Phase 1 is the basis for all human consciousness and we ALL find ourselves in this frequency at certain times–it is essential for the human construct. When one is in deep sleep, Phase 1 is a density that we “revert back” to in order to restore. It is the blacking out mechanism that the body chooses when in terrible fear. It is the reset button when the mind under the strong influence of the ego overwhelms the natural instinct of the body to preserve life.
*Whereas we are shifting into the Age of Omniscience–so this is changing. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the human intellect as a child to be complacent, dismissive, judgmental, and living far from instinctual patterns to survive in longevity and love. Children being born into the Age of Omniscience naturally have access to the Phase 9 “bleed through” that understands we are ALL.
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Learn More & Meet the Entirety of You!
Ready to leap right in and work on your expansion? We offer courses that assist with Vessel Phasing, so that you can expand your consciousness–through dreams, diet, forecasting, and a broader understanding of just how limitless you are!
Beyond Phase 1…
Curious to see the explanations of the other phases? Not only do we find ourselves in each of the phases, but learning about them all help in understanding where you and others are predominantly focused!

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