You Are in Phase 2!
Phase 2 is an ego-driven experience. We are not speaking of arrogance, or the general interpretation of “egotistical,” but rather the component of the physical human brain that separates “I” from “you” or “ALL.” In other words, what you experience is truly a construct of the mind.
Phase 2 is characterized by an “upward” seeking of expansion. Reality is formed by familiar concepts, yet there is an agreement in part of the mind that there is more to learn, more to know, and more to discover.
Your truth may be one, unyielding truth that you believe applies to all. You may subscribe to the modicum: all or nothing. A Phase 2 focus tends to be rooted in linear reality, meaning very black and white. There is a strong sense of right and wrong, and opposites tend to take precedence over a middle ground.
The Mind & Body*
The Phase 2 psyche thrives on identity, and what makes you “worthy.” This may also resonate as your big mission or purpose or work in this life, defined by your unique traits and desires. This provides you with a rich voice and vision. Your personality is truly shaped, honed, and honored in this phase.
However, you may experience stress frequently from a deep commitment to your responsibilities. You may have trouble imagining what it would be like to let go of some of these defining traits. It is easy for you to cast judgements, even if you “know better”–as the ego is constantly reaffirming who you are as opposed to others.
There are distinct choices that you may or may not delight in–but you feel that it is up to you to “control” or create your life. You most likely believe in an external authority governing your life. Often in this phase there is a feeling of powerlessness–a higher power determines your life, or your boss, or your partner, or your parents, or the mistakes you or someone else has made… It is a subtle drama, but it is this feeling that you do not have control that makes you feel that you must be in control.
In this focus, there is the interchange of the culprit and the victim, and usually the blame is on something or someone outside of you. This propagates the paradigm of powerlessness; you seek it from feeling that it is denied to you.
There is a constant exploration to understand how things work; a deterministic focus. If something has not come to pass, perhaps we have not done something correctly…
Sleep may be infrequent or troublesome for you, or you do not place as much importance on rest as you do in the actions and pleasures of the waking day. It may feel like a stark division from being awake, and you may not remember your dreams. You may also consider your dreams to be simple fantasies of the brain’s psychology; or be plagued by nightmares and/or anxiety dreams; or you may not place any relevance on dreams. If you pay attention to your dreams, you may watch out for the ways that they illuminate how you are lacking, what you are needing, how you can improve. Again, they assist this idea of expansion and growth.
You may appreciate food, community, energy, and your body as means to an end, the end being your (or those closest to you’s) comfort, happiness, success, and satisfaction. You may have a frequent vantage of isolating parts from the whole (often this is subconscious), rather than considering the way everything is connected. For example, you appreciate your legs for walking, your mind for solving the math problem, your income for putting food on the table (rather than the entire body as movement, your math teacher in grade school, and the plants/animals, farmland, farmers, distribution, etc. for the food on your table. These impressions are indications of Phase 3.)
You may distance yourself from the whole from a subconscious fear of “losing yourself” to it, or simply that it is not as important as your goals and those aspects of your life that are more practical or easily understood.
Time, Linear Structure & the Afterlife
Phase 2 is very much defined by duality–a world of opposites. There is a life, and a beginning with being born, and so there is also the concept of death and ending.
Therefore, your body rooted in Phase 2 operates in a linear structure of aging. The cells have a certain life span. You contain a limited number of cells for various parts of the body. The science of Phase 2 says that the body contains isolated parts and thus they function independent of the whole. This is demonstrated in the case of replacing joints, manufacturing metal objects or fabricated parts to the body with the understanding that it is a fix to an isolated area and is thus a contained solution. The stomach is stapled in a gastric bypass and therefore solving the larger issue of food and how the body handles it. The body is a vehicle for life and life is limited.
The afterlife, if you believe in one, may contain a similar, and perhaps more pleasant version of your life on Earth. You may not be able to imagine a consciousness beyond which you’re experiencing now. The afterlife is still “you” as you, along with your personality.
If you believe in a soul, it is most likely a mirror image of you in your mind’s eye. If you believe in a higher self, it is most likely a wiser version of you, like an angel who can see beyond the drama. Even non-physical spirit tends to take on human traits over other concepts of existence, because of the ego’s dominion to stay tethered to Earth and human ideals.
Even if you believe in reincarnation, you may be focused on karma, or how you are continuing to rectify a past wrong, or pay for the crimes of a past incarnation. Again, there is a sense of not feeling quite worthy enough in this life to be complete.
This is a valid reality, as all others. It is a common one for humans of this time, and what defined the Age of Intellect. It provides a very dynamic sense of life as an extremely focused frequency.
We All Experience Phase 2
As you are human, physical, and identifying yourself as separate from the next person, you are in Phase 2. If you consider yourself in Phase 3, 4, 5 or beyond and you do not like hearing that you exist in Phase 2, this is a quality of Phase 2 focus, because it is the ego that is applying that judgement.
Phase 2 is the anchor for duality, which is a foundation for Earth experience in the Universe as you understand it. How do we enjoy the light if it weren’t for shadow? How do we understand time, or gender, or balance? How do we even create distinctions between the phases?
Phase 2 allows us to specify. Otherwise, how do we understand ourselves as unique? How do we understand Earth is different from all the other planets and hosts for life?
Phase 2 is a platform for understanding, and it is imperative for your life on this planet.
*We are generally speaking of Phase 2 from the Western construct. Depending on the culture which you originate, these qualities may be experienced differently, but will still be rooted in a sense of ego and separation vs. connection.
And what is Phase 3? How can it benefit me?
- Moving away from anxiety & drama quickly
- A deeper awareness of what my body wants to be healthy (and lighter!)
- To a realm where fear is diminished to the extent that it feels from time to time like an annoying bug bite, and nothing more. Peace, balance and harmony are the primary sensations.
- A constant connection to guidance, and an appreciation that it comes from so many sources!
In Phase 3, there is a release of the ego and focus at the center of duality.
As the ego fears losing the extreme polarity of the dual universe, it keeps the personality tethered to Phase 2. One is only ready to transition to Phase 3 when one understands that extreme polarity is inevitably a part of the human experience and can never be extinguished. You are ready when you understand you can never be lost.
This also means that the drama of one’s existence begins to lessen in Phase 3–the highest of highs are less often felt as well as the lowest of lows. One always continues to have choice and free will, so that the personality (you) can choose to feel the intense bliss of an external circumstance of extreme success or love, and yet one would be vibrating at a Phase 2 frequency.
In Phase 3, there is a true understanding of integrated reality when one can appreciate the dualistic nature of the physical universe and not be a slave to it, not be defined by it, not be tethered to it.
Phase 3 is fully embracing yourself as omniscient. It is living as a multidimensional being, so that you are accessing a network of connection rather than assuming you are alone in creating your life; it becomes more expansive as a vast orchestration of co-creation.
Phase 3 is recognizing that spirituality does not belong in a box. Spirit is everywhere and permeates ALL. Phase 3 is exploring connection with your energetic extension–the versions of you in parallel universes–and opening to modalities that connect you to these versions. As the range of experience feels truly possible, you will find yourself shifting into Phase 3 or 4, or possibly beyond.
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Learn More & Meet the Entirety of You!
Ready to leap right in and work on your expansion? We offer courses on Vessel Phasing, so that you can expand your consciousness–through dreams, diet, forecasting, and a broader understanding of just how limitless you are!
Beyond Phase 2…
Curious to see the explanations of the other phases? Not only do we find ourselves in each of the phases, but learning about them all help in understanding where you and others are predominantly focused!

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