Do you ever wonder why you have the friends you have? We all think we had no choice in who our parents are, but what if we actually chose them?
Do you wonder why you met a specific person? Why did they come into your life?
Have you ever thought about soul contracts? That the people that come into your life are there for a reason? At a non-physical level, you both agreed to assist or work with one another.
We have many soul contracts and there are many who are co-creators with us as we walk our path. Gratefully, a BIG part of Cardology is a way for us to better understand all of those various relationships that are soul contracts.
First, a tiny bit about soul contracts:
Soul contracts are agreements you are making from the multidimensional aspect of you. This can include the non-physical as well as the physical. It is an agreement between your partner, your family, your friends, a pet, a job, a place that you live, etc. They are contracts you are making in order to share, change, grow, and appreciate the present through variety of experience. Life would be pretty boring if we were truly alone with nothing to prompt evolution!
The “mystical” or confusing soul contracts are usually “larger” and made from the non-physical, which is why they typically feel a little bit like a head-spin. So our advice to you is to use your heart!
I don’t know about you, but sometimes a person will come into my life, cause what feels like unnecessary pain, and I am shouting, WHY!?!
Many times it is confusing as to why certain people behave as they do and we wonder why we are dealing with them at this point in our lives. We struggle with how we can help the situation. (Unless you enjoy relationship drama!)
One of the most popular topics I get with clients when doing readings is about their confusing or painful relationships.
Within the system of the cards is an in-depth formula for better understanding our relationships.
Because it is so in-depth, I can’t share all the ways the cards can clarify things in a single blog post, but I wanted to share a few basic ways you can see what might be going on between you and another person and why you are in what might seem like a frustrating or confusing relationship.
All you need to check in with this basic formula is two things:
- Know the birthday of the other person
- Use the Solar spread chart (You can see it below)
If you know anything about the cards, you probably know that we each have a birth card and a ruling card (much like we have an astrological sun sign and a rising sign). If you don’t know anything about the ancient system within the deck of playing cards, learn more here.
You can use the birth chart here on my website to see what your birth card is if you don’t already know.
You’ll want to also see what the birth card is for the person you are wondering about. (You need to know what their birthday is.)
The Solar Spread chart (also called the Earth Spread) is how the cards are naturally arranged. Below is an image of the Solar /Earth Spread.
Find your birth card in the chart.
First, you want to see what cards are in your birth card spread – these are the cards that comprise the blueprint of you and define your birth card. There are more than 8 cards in this spread, but for the sake of keeping this simple, we will only use 8.
All you need to do is see what the 8 cards are following your birth card.
You do this by finding the card that sits to the left of your birth card and continue going left.
The first card to the left will be your Mercury card, then Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and finally Pluto.
The image below shows what my birth card spread is. I’m a 6♣. I wanted to use my card as an example so you can see what to do if the card you are looking at sits at the bottom of the chart.
The rule for finding your birth card spread is: always go to the left, then drop down to the next row, start on the right side and continue left.
The exception to this is when the card is found on the bottom row. In that case, you’ll go up to the top, start on the right and count left. I’ve circled my birth card and used numbers to show what cards are in my Birth card spread.
I’m only using 8 planets, which goes to Pluto.
Card #1 is Mercury
Card #2 is Venus
Card #3 Is Mars
Card #4 is Jupiter
Card #5 is Saturn
Card #6 is Uranus
Card #7 is Neptune
Card #8 is Pluto
Those cards are my Mercury through Pluto cards.
Next, do this same thing with the birth card of the other person – find their birth card spread.
Now, you’re ready to look at three ways to see what energetic relationships are going on between your card and their card.
1. The first method for seeing what your relationship might be about is to see if the other person “is” one of your birth spread cards.
What do I mean by this? A close friend of mine is a K♠. You can see that my Saturn card is the K♠. This shows me that she will represent my Saturn card. Energetically, she will be very “Saturn” to me and be someone who will be showing me what my Saturn card is about. Remember that the cards represent the people in our lives as well as an energetic pattern. How can we realize what an “energy” is for us, unless we experience it in the physical? The best way for us to do this is by experiencing it through the people we relate to day in and out!
One of the very helpful things about realizing this is that while I will experience her in this way, others in her life won’t. If we have mutual friends, we won’t all experience her this way – they will experience her in whatever energy their relationship is. This is so helpful to know when any drama erupts between a circle of friends!
You will be looking to see if the person you are inquiring about is one of the cards in your spread, or you are one of the cards in their spread.
Now, in the above example between my friend and I – it is only that she is my Saturn – I’m not Saturn to her. My 6♣ birth card is not in her Birth card spread.
This means she’ll be a certain energy for ME – but she won’t feel that energy FROM me.
This is the first basic thing to look for when you’re checking on another person and what might be going on between you two.
2. The second thing to look for is called the Vertical connection.
I’ll use my daughter as an example. Her birth card is the 9♥.
As you can see from the chart to the right, her Birth card spread is not the same as mine at all – but we do have a connection.
Her card is directly above mine or “vertical” to me.
Since her card is 2 spaces away from mine, that makes her Venus to me. (remember that Mercury is 1, Venus is 2 – so 2 spaces is Venus)
But, it is not the same for her.
Since we only go up when we look at vertical connections, we see from her point of view, if she goes up to the top (K♠), she would then go to the next column to the left, and back down to the bottom (6♠). So, while we have other connections because of our Ruling cards, she doesn’t have anythng ‘vertical’ to me.
This means, to me, her energy is Venus. I will experience Venus with her.
**Below I explain the energy of each planet and what they mean in a relationship.
3. The third thing to look at is if your card and their card has a diagonal connection.
I’ll use my housemate as an example. Her birth card is the 3♣. Looking at the image below, you can see that she sits diagonally from me 2 spaces.
Because it is diagonal, it is mutual. Meaning, I am also Venus to her. So, there is a Venus energy that flows between us. Unlike my other example, we will both experience the Venus energy. (I’ve been using examples that are all two spaces away…remember, it can be 1 space away , which is Mercury, or 3, which is Mars, or 4 which is Jupiter, etc.)
Once you see what type of relationship your two cards have, you can use the reference below to get a better idea of the type of energy there will be between you and the other person.
Remember that unless the connection is diagonal, the point of view will be different and that alone can affect a relationship!
Note: Many family members or close friends will have a Venus connection – that easy, loving connection. However, that connection can suddenly go very wrong (or have major issues!) Why? I talk about that here because it is another big topic within relationship connections.
*Here is what each planet represents as an energy in a relationship:
- If the other person is Mercury to you – You will find that you both think and talk in a similar way. You communicate easily and share similar ideas and points of view, or you stimulate one another intellectually and converse well.
- If the other person is Venus to you – You will love, appreciate and enjoy them. You won’t feel the need to change them, you feel no issues, it is a very loving, easy relationship!
- If the other person is Mars to you – they will motivate you, give you strength to move forward, or make you angry. If this is a romantic relationship, there will be a lot of passion and heat between you two.
- If the other person is Jupiter to you – they will be a blessing to you – giving things to you without being asked! They will support and encourage you. You are very compatible.
- If the other person is Saturn to you – They will act as a teacher for you and you might not always like it! They might feel like a burden or make you feel less than because they might always be telling you what you “should or shouldn’t” be doing. But, they can be a great opportunity for you to grow and improve yourself by not taking their criticism personally and instead use it constructively.
- If the other person is Uranus to you – They will do unexpected things that take you by surprise, and you might feel uncertain with them or their actions and you can’t control them. But there is a deep friendship when you allow them to be who they are and not place any expectations on them.
- If the other person is Neptune to you – you will probably see them through rose-colored glasses and there will be a sense of disillusionment with them. This can be a difficult relationship if you only see them as you think they should be, or it can be very enlightening if you take a step up with this relationship and allow the spiritual essence of it to allow you both to grow. There will be a strong psychic bond between you two.
- If the other person is Pluto to you – They will be challenging to you and they can help transform you. They can be a reminder of what you want to become, or they can feel like someone who is shining the light on your shortcomings, or wanting to control you. They will do things that brings Pluto energy into your life so you can transform something you need to transform.
There is a low and high/positive and negative to every planetary energy.
A Venus or Jupiter relationship might be someone who has a soul contract to help you, assist you or be the one who delivers the blessings of the Universe to you. If we constantly refuse their gifts to us, we are blocking our blessings and the love that Source is showing us.
A Mars, Saturn or Pluto relationship can feel challenging or hard, and we might think it best to be rid of them, when in fact, if we are aware of what is going on, we can step up and improve our life from what they offer us. (I want to add here that abuse or any dysfunctional relationship that is hurting you is not one to stay in – when I say “challenging”, I’m not referring to abuse.)
Every relationship is an opportunity for us to evolve and experience what we came to experience in this life.
If you feel confused by someone, ask yourself these questions:
- Why did I choose to have this relationship?
- What would I change about this relationship?
- What is awakening within me because of this person?
- What about them is just like me?
- What about them is something I wish was me?
- How do my answers reflect the energy of the planet(s) represented in the relationship between our cards?
What I’ve shared in this post is but a tiny part of what the cards can reveal about our relationships, but even one small “aha” can make all the difference in your life when navigating relationships!
If you would like to really get to the heart of what is going on between you and someone else in your life, you can always book a session.
Soul contracts are essential to our experience on earth as a human being. Whether easy, fun, hard or challenging, the people in our lives are there for a reason. 🙂
Ive always wanted to know..wich lifepath is better..reversed,vertical or straight life path?
Cause riri has chris browns birthcard in jupiter vertical..accompanied by 7 of spades straight. 7 of spades means physical exhaustion,sex,illness and body pain.
Well,chris did hurt im thinkin if riri would have remain on the straight path..she wouldnt have met chris.
Ive come to conclusion..the straight path is hard..but best and has less drama.just analyze for yourself.your vertical people/cards are alot of work..what you think?
Hi Shanna! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I personally see the other ‘directions’ as added influences verses picking one as a life path. I believe the straight path is what we came to live, the vertical and reversed are just influences we can experience with others. Rhianna is a 5♦/J♦ Chris is an A♠/7♦ making him Jupiter to her and Saturn to her (via her ruling card). But, he wouldn’t feel the same energy towards her. He is also her Venus in the Spiritual spread, so one might wonder if she felt a close connection to him because of a close past life together. When a connection isn’t mutual (they feel different energies towards each other) it can create confusion in how they feel about each other. Could that be why those who are vertical are more work as you said?
I have a question how come my birthday March 28 doesn’t have a soulmate card on it? I am very worried about that
Hi Barrett, your birth card is one of the Mystical family of Seven and a fixed card. I’m assuming you are referring to not having any Karma cards? They aren’t ‘soulmate’ cards. For the 8♣, the other fixed cards are your ‘karma cards’ though , it isn’t necessarily like the other typical karma cards the other cards have. Your Ruling card (the 10♥) has the J♣ first Karma card and the 5♠ second Karma card.
Hi Ashley,
I’m a 10 ❤️, my husband is a 6 ♠️, and my daughter is a 3 ♣️. What does that mean for my new union/family? Thank you in advance.
Hi Ebony! I’ll share a few of the basic connection you all have – First, you and your husband have what is called a mutual Mars connection – meaning you both feel a Mars type energy between you. This can mean sexual chemistry, you moivate each other, you can even anger each other! It can mean you both take action on your desires together and basically, it isn’t dull or stagnet between you two! 😉 Your daughter is your Neptune card, but not in his Life Path spread (unless we take a look at everyone’s Ruling cards.) The 3 of yoou together create the 6♣ – that is your husband’s Moon card – so that energy is comforting to him. It’s a ‘balancing’ energy, calm and harmonious. Just you and your husband create the 3♥. This is his Saturn card, so your union can help him to be creatively expressive or to speak his feelings – but that might be also where he feels restricted if he doesn’t tend to already do that. The union can help him with that and you as a 10♥ are a very creative person and not quiet! 😉 There might be indecision between you two around how you feel about something and it might help to allow each other to freely express your feelings, then find that common area you both can be happy with. 🙂
Hi, very quick question- I’m an ace of clubs, July 27th.
I seem to attract a lot of 8 of diamonds around me. My mom is one.
And most 8 of diamonds I know are born on August 5th, most good friends. Is this a coincidence?
I fell in love with one 8 of diamonds guy and the feeling was mutual for a while- until I learned that he suddenly got a girlfriend and wasn’t interested in a relationship with me; however his energy hasn’t changed towards me.
Hi Miku! So, for the 8♦ person, you are their Mars card in their Life Path spread, so you are reflecting to them their Mars energy. Your card plus the 8♦ creates the 9♠, which is your Cosmic Moon card in your Life Path spread, so when you have a relationship with the 8♦ person, it is creating an energy that feels supportive and nurturing to you. So, you and the 8♦ person are assisting one another. The 8♦ person has a lot of Mars energy innately, so I wonder if they are drawn to you to help them understand that very active, forceful energy. I hope that helps!
Hi Ashley, is a 6 of ♦️ compatible with a queen of ❤️?
What about 2 queens of hearts together?
Hi Candida! The 6♦ and Q♥ share a karma card, (9♣) however, that 9♣ is the first karma card for the 6♦, so it is an energy that is harder and depending on the age/experiences of the 6♦ might not have been embraced yet. The 9♣ is the second karma card for the Q♥, so is a very familiar, easy energy and many times we all can tend to rely on our second karma card to navigate stress or be our default mode for things. For the 6♦, the 9♣ as a first karma card means the 6♦ person needs to not fall into indecison and fear when stressed – which ends up creating a “I don’t know what to do” stance, which then can create impulsive decisions. Instead, they are learning to think from a higher place – from a higher wisdom and to realize when unhealthy mindsets need to be released so they can think from a higher place.
For the Q♥, the 9♣ as their second karma card (so their defauilt mode when stressed) is to feel like everyone is rejecting them, or they feel excluded, or that they can’t trust their partners and can start believing in crazy scenerios they have made up in their minds about their relationships. There is always the low and the high side and each person will play this out in their way, but that 9♣ second karma card can also give them a serious approach to their relationships, being very reliable, taking a lot of time to build trust and open to higher/spirtual knowledge.
So, all that said, (LOL) what this can create is that depending on how each one is experiencing that 9♣ – they are teaching one another, but also one can feel annoyed or defensive with the other. This is one of those situations where realizing this, seeing how each one is playing that 9♣ and bringing awareness into the relationship about it would really help! 🙂
As for two Q♥’s…anytime two people of the same card have a relationship there can be an ease and familarity because they “get each other” and do some similiar things. But, if one is suppressing a part of themselves that the other one is fully living, that is where conflict can happen.
Both cases can be great relationships to help the other expand who they are, so realizing these connections can help. 🙂
Hello, any insight you have time or will to give in regards to this romantic relationship match would be very very much appreciated. I am queen of clubs (sept 12) and he is 7 of diamonds (feb 18). Our son 10 of clubs (nov 10). I have Never been so moved by someone and yet also blown completely away at the amazingly deep amount of pain I have felt through knowing him. The intensity of the whole thing is not like anything else I’ve experienced, even close. He shares this card with also my mother (may 12). I feel like some serious karmic debt is being paid here this go around, or something. I’m not sure how to view these two in my life. I don’t know what to be aware of with our son as I now am raising him alone. Thank you for your help here
Hi Anokhi! Yes, I see a lot of Karmic energy here with you all!
He is your Uranus card in your Life Path spread and under your Ruling card, your Saturn. And you are your son’s Saturn card.
The energy you create together is the 6♥, which is his Pluto card. As well as being his Pluto card, the 6♥ can be an intense energy, creating an intense desire to take action on being able to truly express his feelings and set things ‘right’ according to his truth. But, that can also be the area where 7♦ folks feel powerless and is the shadow work they need to do. Your relationship creates the energy for him to do that- however, it can also create a lot of intense conflict and him feeling confused as to when he should be assertive and when to restore harmony through love, not anger.
For you, as a Q♣, you hold a lot of fiery, ‘very set in your decisions’ energy (I’m not saying that is bad, just part of being a Q♣!) and so for you, that 6♥ can intensify that even more! I can see how your relationship was painful, but also allowed for a lot of growth. What you receive in the relationship is the 5♦, which is your Uranus card in the Spiritual spread. So, add in that 5♦ Uranian energy that is still part of you – which can manifest as the impulsive need to change/move/do things differently or to be restless with how things are and you want a change, yet, not really clear on how to go about it. There is not any quiet, still energy in that relationship!
You are your son’s Saturn card, but under his Ruling card, his Venus.
I have had many conversations with parents of a 10♣ child and I feel they are very much an energy that comes into the lives of their parents to shift things in the family. That is a longer story than for this blog comment – but one thing as far as parenting them is to help them move all of that mental energy they have. They can have a lot of anxiety due to too much going on in their heads and feelinig inadequete with all of it. Some kind of physical activity really helps them, even at a young age. Allow him to process through movement. You are showing him what he is here to master – which is his intuition. 10♣’s feel they need to analyze everything to death, creating sleep issues or not being able to trust their decisions, while you as a Q♣ are the Queen of knowing what you need to do and doing it. 🙂
Greetings, I am King of ♣️ who recently met a 7 of ♥️. Our composite card is a 7 of ♦️. He has the 7 of ♦️ in the placement of his mercury. What would the purpose of the relationship be and why does the connection feel so strong, if there are no other connection? He is a life path 4 and I’m a life path 8.
Hi Bianca! It helps to know what your Ruling cards are to see what other connections are there. You can email me both birth dates ( or let me know what both of your astrological signs are) and I can look at other card connections.
Can I have a compatibility between king of diamonds and 6 of clubs
Hi Craig! The main connection between these two cards (without knowing the Ruling cards) is that the K♦ has within it’s Life Path spread both of the Karma cards of the 6♣. The K♦’s Mars card is the 2nd Karma card of the 6♣. What is natural and easy for the 6♣ is what drives and motivates the K♦(the 2♦). Now, what is a weakness and difficult and what the 6♣ is learning to embrace (the 8♠) is the Cosmic Lesson card for the K♦ – so challenging for both people. The card (energy) of the combination of the 6♣ and the K♦ is the 6♥, creating a possible karmic connection as well as an opportunity for both to realize and live more authentically. 🙂
What if the other person is the same number as you? Both 8 of clubs – Mars.
Thank you kindly
Hi Jennifer! When two people have the same birth or ruling card, it can play out in a several ways. They both act as a mirror to one another. Like when two people meet who are very identical in their ways – they either drive each other crazy, or they feel an immediate bond, depending on whether they are embracing who they are, or suppressing aspects of who they are. Because the 8 of Clubs is a very “fixed” card (and part of the mystical family of seven) that adds another dynamic to the situation. If they are both too fixed and strong-headed (the card is about mental power), it can create an immovable force that gets no where. The low-side of the card is to always be battling with others, the high side is to be always helping others because of their desire to act on their sensitive nature, so together they can be a power house of compassion, imagination (they are amazing artists!) and expressing their heart. When any of the mystical family of seven folks join forces, they can do amazing things together! So, bottom line, it really depends on whether they are living their high or low side of the card. Does that help answer your question?
Hello 👋 what is they’re a cosmic lesson to me, does this mean they learn a lesson. Are they my karmic person ? Or just someone who teaches me a lesson. I didn’t see the karmic card between this person I’m the k hearts ♥️
Hi Syrea! If you’re a K♥, your Cosmic Lesson card is the 10♦ – is this the card you are wondering about?
I know someone who is a 8 of clubs and her husband is a king of hearts, both of them are straight line with each other, does that mean they have a better understanding of each other compare to diagonal and vertical?
Hi Ashley! Because the 8 of Clubs is in the Life Spread of the King of Hearts, it will play a part in their relationship. The 8 of Clubs is the Uranus card for the King of Hearts. That can be a tricky one in a relationship though. It can be a very close, supportive energy, as long as there isn’t a conditional attachment on the relationship from him. Our Uranus card represents where we need to break free and be ourselves, so she represents that for him. As far as it being better than a diagonal or vertical energy – that really depends. A mutual Venus, Jupiter (diagonal) or even Mercury can make for an easier energy in a relationship, but it really depends on how they are handling the type of energy represented by the cards.
Hi there I recently became involved with a person who has my exact birthdate (different years) but it results in the same spread with a 10 ❤️ In Jupiter birthcard. It started out with an instant bond w/ shared likes/ways of thinking etc Now I think I was taken for a ride by a manipulative narcissist). A few months later it’s becime disastrous. It has been one of the most painful relationships I’ve ever had with myself being used, lied to, stolen from and taken advantage of and he apologizing/denying/rejecting/apologizing/denying/rejecting over and over until I feel I’m going crazy!!!!
I cannot for the life of me understand why I would manifest such a relationship. His last message to me was that he will never speak to me again in life (this is after telling me last week that if we don’t work out he will never date again). He owes me money (the money he lied to get and stole from me). He promised to pay me back several times but is determined to make me wait until he’s “ready”. The catapailt to his rejection of me is always being told no or not getting his way. I sued him and won thus he’s now never speaking to me again. We have a serious power struggle relationship with he, I believe, always trying to dominate me while accusing me of trying to dominate him. I just want my autonomy and my money!. He’s 15 years younger than I but acts like a baby. Of course there’s serious mommy issues. I think he’s a horrible person. What could possibly be the lesson here for me other than don’t accept abuse?!?
Hi Sabine! So sorry to hear that you’ve been through such a painful time with this person. There is no way I can pinpoint that ‘why’, but I can point out a few things that the 10 of hearts birthcard deals with. While your life path is in Jupiter and can be very successful, there are cards that when lived on the low side deal with abusive/power issues. Namely, you both have the 8 of spades in Venus. That card is all about power and can be the card of power struggles, abuse and manipulation. With both of you ‘living’ that card in a relationship (Venus speaks to what we are attracted to and love), it seems as if you were experiencing the low side of that card in a relationship.
As well, 10’s and Ace’s are very masculine and Ace’s can be very self-centered energy and the 10 of hearts has the 10 of diamonds in Mercury, the Ace of hearts in Mars, the Ace of diamonds in Jupiter, so again, if these cards are being lived on the low-side, there is a lot of demanding, give-to-me, selfish energy.
I hope that you can continue to love yourself, be free of this relationship and learn about the high side of your Life Spread and now that you know the negative energy, can choose the positive, successful energy of that Life Path!
Let me know if you wish to talk further about this situation and I wish for you healing, lots of love and to make this an opportunity to grow and be the positive, successful person you desire to be!
I’m new to all of this and trying to understand it. My two sons (June 20 and July 18) and I (August 16) are all 10 of clubs. Is that odd? What does it mean?
Hi CM! Wow, what a unique family energy you all are experiencing! It’s not uncommon to see family members having the same cards, but yours in unique. (My Grandparents were a Q♣ and a K♣ and their twin daughters were K♣…there are a LOT of Q♣ and K♣’s in that family.)
Because you each have a different Ruling card (you are each different astrological signs), how you play out the 10 of clubs will be different. Your June 20th son is a Gemini (unless his time of birth makes him a Cancer and being on the cusp, he will have a lot of Cancer tendencies)but that makes his Ruling card the 8♦. Your other son is a Cancer, making his Ruling card the Q♥. Since you’re a Leo, you are a double 10♣. It would take a conversation to talk about how this might play out. Mainly though, you are all a mirror to one another and chose to come together in a family situation to be those intense mirrors for each other. (I say intense because when you live with someone and they are a mirror to you, it is very intense!)
At a soul level we are striving to live the highest of our cards and when we have a mirror of our issues, we can deal with those issues more intently. It can create very close relationships because we ‘get’ each other, or it can create very difficult relationships because we are so much alike that we rub each other wrong all the time. BUT- because you are now aware of this, as you study the 10♣ Life Path, you can be aware of the low side of this card and the high side and help one another in a very special way!
The 10♣ is a lot of Fire energy which doesn’t feel as odd to you as a Leo, but unless your Cancer son has a lot of Fire in his astrology, it night feel difficult for him. The 10♣ card sits in the Sun line and they are here to be seen, to teach and to achieve fame in some way. You three can assist each other in that in a very beautiful way! 🙂
Thank you, Ashley. Your reply is very insightful. Very interesting.
hello! Im an august 16 too!
Leo 10♣!!! woot woot!!!!
Could you please let me know if this connection can work and get to marriage? or will it be destroyed prior or after marriage? the guy is 10 of spades januar 4th born, and the girl is queen if hearts december 19 born. I cant trust this girl, i dont want her to trick the guy who i love and cherish alot (I am related to him). She was different and very distant from his family members kinda had a wall in front of her fir a year, and then when he told her that she needs to change if she wants to be with him. she now shows as if she changed and in my eyes i feel like she is just playing her part in the show until he marries her. This girl
doesnt have good looks has jelous personality and i dont know how she got him hooked on her. please let me know if this connection will have successful ending and if can get married . what challenges could be in their life?. Thank you
Hi Jazmin! So this situation is definitely a complicated one and not easy to speak to in a blog comment. He is her first Karma card, making her his second karma card. So, she feels very natural (or like a familiar energy) to him. And he is her Neptune card, so she is seeing him through rose-colored glasses or has him on a pedestal – PLUS he is an energy she is possibly avoiding or needing to learn from. That Neptune connection is probably what is attractive to her about him, but if the ‘fantasy’ of him wears off, then she might feel like it is too difficult for her.
Together, they create the 9♥…a hard energy for a couple unless they are both very aware and on the same page with seeing their relationship as a way for them to be about ‘Universal Love’…otherwise, it could be a relationship of a lot of disappointments and loss (heartbreak).
I see this connection as one that can teach both of them a lot…and sometimes that is why we are in a relationship – even if it has it’s difficulties. However, I understand your concern and it is valid. There is a lot going on here and as I mentioned – too much to cover in a blog comment. I hope that helps some!
Hello! So I’m a 5 of clubs (May 27) and my fiancé is a 10 of clubs (Dec 8) . I am his Neptune card. We have a great relationship, but I worry because of that Neptune relationship. Perhaps he doesn’t see me how I am, but I feel like he does… nevertheless, that connection is driving me nuts. I’m more of a free spirit and he’s more of a home body who likes things a certain way and doesn’t require or particularly like change. Early in our relationship, we would bud heads about this. When I’m feeling restless nowadays, he tells me to go take a trip or encourages me to do something creative. We’ve certainly grown, but now the idea with kids freaks me out because I know we will have differing parenting styles. Yikes! Any insights or feedback you can offer for us as we go done this road of marriage and babies!?
Hi Cristina! I’ll point out a few things in this reply, but there are other dynamics between you two than just your 5♣ and his 10♣…and it would take more than a reply to cover all of it!
Main thing is that while yes, Neptune creates a rose-colored glasses energy, it also has it’s high side. Neptune is a ‘higher’ energy of Venus, so a higher LOVE. My partner is my Neptune card as well and we have this amazing spiritual love aspect to our relationship. Knowing we have this, Neptune connection (among others), we work at making sure we are CLEAR and being authentic with each other. The wonderful thing about understanding and utilizing the card relationship knowledge is to see where you can improve things! It sounds like he gets that you need that adventuring/freedom space and doesn’t stop it. That is a gift! As far as parenting together, I don’t think any parents agree 100% on how to raise a child, but when you can see his natural perspective and your natural perspective, you can decide who decides what. 🙂 Also, once the child is born, you’ll know what type of connections you have with it and that comes into play…but, no matter what, when you KNOW, it makes it so much easier to make those parenting decisions!
Hello, so I’m a king of hearts and the person I’m in love with is a three of spades. I can’t figure out why after so many years I can’t get over this person. Can you tell me if there a reason why this person was put in my life for what purpose? Can you know if you are meant to be with a certain person with a certain card? I’m new to this but I am very intrigued! Thank you so much.
Hi Rachel! Can you tell me what astrological sign you both are? (So I can see what your Ruling cards are) that will help in seeing the full picture of connections. If you don’t wish to do that here on the blog, feel free to email me!
Hello again! Yes I’m a Sagittarius and he is a Gemini. Thank you for responding ❤️
Hey Rachel! Thank you for letting me know your astrological signs – that helps! The connection that stands out for me is in the Spiritual spread, you feel him as Mars energy. It is a one way connection meaning it doesn’t feel the same way for him. Anyway, when we see connections in the Spiritual spread, it indicates a past life (or lifetimes) together with a certain energy. When it is Mars, there is a lot of passion, chemistry and with that passion is either anger or they motivated you. It is always a very intense connection. Without knowing more or having a conversation with you, it might be that you heavily relied on this connection in the past and now not having it is like not having one of your limbs. There are no strong connections in the Mundane spread between you two. It might take some cord-cutting and intentional work of you owning YOUR will-power and courage/strength/initiative (all the Mars qualities) to finally release what he did for you. Granted, this is just my initial thought, and would need more to go on for a more in-depth look! I hope that helps! 🙂
Wow thank you so much for all this information I truly appreciate it! What would be needed for a more in-depth look? Also can you tell me my connection about my king of hearts (Sagittarius) and an eight of clubs (cancer) is there any way I can send you a donation for your help? Thank you ❤️
Hi again Rachel! With an 8♣ person, you have several connections! The 8♣ is your Uranus card for your K♥ and is your Venus card for your 2♦ (which is your Ruling card because you’re a Sag). When someone is our Uranus card, we can have a close relationship with them, but they might sometimes surprise us or we never know if they’re coming or going. They represent the part of you that is unconventional, or that seeks freedom or needs to break the rules. When you both except each other for who you are and YOU own that part of you, that relationship can be wonderful! A Venus connection is very easy and loving.
If you do want to talk more in-depth, I have my Empowerment Sessions, which can be about any topic/questions you have and I look at your Life path, current forecast, etc.
The link to that is here: (that is the 30 minute session)
I can explain the other connections with the 8♣ and what it means in that session if you’d like! But I am always happy to answer questions!
I will most definitely consider a session with you! You are spot on! Thank you so much once again, may you stay blessed. ❤️
I’m very curious what does it mean when someone has the same birth card as you? I just met someone who is also a 3 of clubs, different birthdays but same card. What’s all this about?
Hi Collin! When we have someone in our life who is the same birth card as we are, it can create an immediate connection – or, we don’t like them, but there doesn’t seem to be a stand out reason. That is because they are a mirror to you and they might be showing you aspects of YOU that you aren’t owning or are suppressing. When they are a different birthday, it means you each have a different Ruling card. Your Ruling card is another aspect of you and adds to how you act, what path you are walking, etc., so while you are a lot alike, there will be those things that aren’t alike. We can feel comfortable with others of our same birth card because energetically we get them! The main thing is the more you know about your birth card, the more you can see why you either feel some negativity with them (and you can see what they are mirroring to you about you) or why there is a comfortable closeness!
Interesting. Thank you so much for your reply! I’m so fascinated by these cards, they seem so accurate on so many levels. Sort of blows my mind. I’m curious what about cards that don’t have a direct connection like what you’ve described above (the diagonal, or in your chart, or horizontal)? I have some people who have been incredibly powerful in my life who don’t have these connections. How can I find the connections through the cards/planets with these people? Thanks a million! very cool site.
Hi Collin! My blog post covered the basics of finding connections, but my article didn’t cover the Karma Cards. We each have 2 Karma cards (with the exception of the 7 cards in the Mystical Family of Seven) and there can be connections because of the Karma cards. Also, looking at the Spiritual Spread and looking for the same diagonal, in spread or vertical. Are you signed up for my resource Library? I can put some charts up in there to reveal Karma cards and Spiritual spread. And, I agree with how accurate they are! I’ve studied many systems and this one is the most accurate I’ve come across…it changed my life! 🙂
Hi, What if the other person is the same birth card as you? My last two relationships have been with people with the same birth card as me.
Hi Lucille! When we’re in a relationship with someone of the same birth card, it can create an easy relationship because you get each other, but it can also create friction because you are a mirror for one another. If there is something you (or the other person) is suppressing, or disowning about who you are, and you’re seeing it in them, it can create friction. Sometimes we draw to us those who are the same birth card so we CAN fully see and BE who we are. Here is an example that I hope helps explain it: My birth card is a 6♣ and our Karma card (what we are trying to become more of) is the 8♠…a card about will-power. My significant other who has same card (for whatever reason) will not take initiative in their life, or always relies on me, or is very co-dependent, will trigger that issue between us because one of us is trying to achieve that and the other one isn’t. There can be a variety of ways – depending on if the other is or isn’t being what their card is-that it can create friction. Does that make sense?
Hello,how does it work a relationship between a 3 of clubs and a 4 of spades? We ll feel together the energy of the other??? Thank you im advance
Hi M!
There are quite a few connections between the 3♣ and the 4♠. A prominent one is that the 3♣ is the Pluto card for the 4♠, which can be a challenging connection. There are some easy, loving connections as well, so if the challenging ones are addressed and both realize what they’re about, it can end up being a very beneficial relationship. 🙂
Please i have a quick question : i am 9♦ and he is 2 ♣. He is my venus.. But i dont know what am i to him. Can you please help me out
Hi Nisrina! Can you let me know what your Ruling cards are? If you don’t know, just tell me what astrological sun signs you both are as that will help answer your question. 🙂
I don’t know ? my birthday is 02/09/1995 and he is 22/09/1994. We are Virgos
OK, so you’re both Virgos, making your Mercury cards your Ruling cards. Yours is the 7♠ and his is the K♣. That adds to the connections! So, besides him being your Venus card, your Ruling card is his Moon card and in the Spiritual Spread, your are the Cosmic Reward card for his K♣. In the Mundane/Earth spread, HE is in your birth card line for the most part, so you are following him because the cards always move to the left. You are learning from him. Of course, this exception is that you are his Moon card, so there is a close, emotional bond that he feels from you. Because the connections in the Spiritual spread are from his spread, you two had connections in past lives where he was learning from you, and those influences are carried over to this life. 🙂
Hi, I’m a Jack of Clubs and my husband is a 2 of Clubs. He is my Mars card. What does this mean for our marriage?
Hi E! Apologies for taking so long to reply to you! Life has been a whirlwind! So, as a basic answer to your question (because there are other variables at play that I can’t cover here), with your husband being your Mars card, he is representing that aspect of you. So, it can add sexual chemistry, passion or even anger on your part. The thing we have to look at when a spouse is one of our Life Path spread cards is to see if we are fully embracing that card in our life. If not, anyone (especially a spouse) who is that card will repulse or annoy us. They are acting as a mirror to us and sometimes that is not pleasent! LOL So, your Mars card is that which motivates you, angers you, pushes you, is what you ‘act on’ in your life. The 2♣ is (on the low side) the card of arguments, debates, worries and trying to logically process everything to death! The high side is to be great at communicating, taking traditional knowledge and making it new and innovative. he can be pushing your buttons on that area of who you are – or motivating you in how you communicate.
I would like to find out if this is a good match because its a big decision for me and I want it to be easy on me!
My supervisor has changed and she is born december 19 Queen of ❤️ and I am a 3 of ♦️. I was recently told by my supervisor’s supervisor who is born december 16 2 of clubs that she wants to move me with a new supervisor who I haven’t worked with at all.. I dont know her birth card. I have worked with the Queen of ❤️ before for 6-8 months now and I think everything has been smooth, but there has been some kind of unknown or uncertainty around her energy. I am not too sure if she is fully okay with me, if she wants to keep me with her, because if she wanted to keep me, she wouldnt be okay with moving me to someone else. I want to to know if this is a good fit, I shall stay or should I leave and go to someone that is being offered. I have to get the new persons DOB.
I would also like to know about my supervisor’s supervisor 2 of Clubs.. if thats a good fit for me too because she is basically my manager but she comes after my supervisor.
I had a really good boss 7 of ♦️ May 12. She was my everything and she no longer is here, so I want to make sure I am putting myself into something okag. Will this Queen of ♥️ help me to move up, will she be supportive, good or should I avoid and take the other offer?. I am tired of lessons and heartbreaks I really want peace. My job is already a hard one so a good supervisor really can make me or break me.
Thank you in advance!
Hi Anna!
OK, so to break this down and hopefully give you some insights –
You are, for the Q♥, the Reward card in her Life Path spread. This can create her feeling good about you…might even be an obsessive or “need to know/have you around” energy for her.
You two create together the 2♠-which is a great card for a working relationship (the only caveat is to be aware that subconscious battles can happen or thinking something negative is going on when really there isn’t anything.)
What you receive from the connection is the 5♣, your Moon card – so there is another positive.
What she receives is the A♥ – that can be a selfish energy but also be good for initiating desires and being optimistically progressive.
For you and the 2♣ –
The first karma card for the 2♣ is the A♠ which is your Mercury card – so an energy you are comfortable with, but she might not be (see my post below yours). Our first karma card is an energy we need to learn to embrace more but it can feel foreign or unnatural.
What you two create together is the 5♠ – which is your Jupiter card, so you have beneficial energy from it.
You receive the 8♣ – depending on what your Ruling card is, that 8♣ is also in your Life Path spread. This can be very positive for you in being determined and focused on anything you are mentally working on. On the flip side of that is if your focus in negative, you’ll give that negativity a lot of power and what results is manifesting the negative.
She receives the 7♥ – this can be a bit tricky as an energy to receive because it can either be great, unconditional support, or trigger any “abandonment/betrayal” issues she might have.
Let me know when you have the birth date of the other person you’re being moved to – but in a general way, both the Q♥ and 2♣ are helpful for you- just keep in mind the other things I mentioned. Being aware of those things can help you navigate things if they feel off (hopefully)!
Me and the person I’m with are both fixed cards. Imma j and he’s the 8. the 8 is in my karmic lesson my whole life from what i see.
Hi Keddy! It is very common for those who are part of the Mystical Family of Seven to join up. You came to really focus on something specific and joining up helps that. Like you said, you two are the fixed cards, so while it can keep you on track with any goals, it can also create immovable standoffs! Learning to keep the ego in check and not let fears (of untruths) get between you – you can accomplish some amazing things together! 🙂
Hi! I am a Tarot/Lenormand reader, professionally, and diving into this new modality is turning my head upside down! Thank you for all of your helpful tools.
I like to use the vedic method for astrology, so my idea of planetary influences may differ from yours, but I am curious what you think about this…
I am K of Clubs, and have recently come apart from a long term partner who is 10 of Clubs. In my vedic method, his card falls in the Descending Node, or Cosmic Reward.
This has been a powerful connection, but tumultuous and I can’t seem to shake the idea that this person is my life-partner, and I am just playing a waiting game. Can you illuminate? Thank you!
Hi Clarity! It is interesting to use Cardology with Vedic astrology…I’d be curious to see what you find in doing so! As far as your relationship goes, having the Cosmic Reward as your connection can be confusing. The reason being is because he represents the REWARD of you doing the transformation work represented by your Pluto card (the Q♥). So he can seem challenging or difficult to you until that Pluto work is done, then the relationship takes on a new quality of gratitude and ease. You might be feeling he is your life partner because he is the energetic reason or push for you to do the deep work. Typically, couples with this connection are destined to be together to help each other do the deep work. I’d also check to see what your Ruling cards indicate in connections. What signs do you both go by?
Hi Ashley,
This is all so interesting. I am a virgo 8 of diamonds with a gemini 3 of diamonds. I see from above that he is Neptune to me, I guess in both birth card and ruling card? So since this is a one-way connection, does this mean he has no connections to me or feels less of a connection to me?
Hi Astrid! So, you are a 8♦/K♠ and he is a 3♦/A♠ (wow, you two are very powerful people!!) Anyway, yes, he is Neptune to you, but also Uranus (your K♠ to his 3♦) but you also both have a mutual Mercury (your K♠ and his 3♦), which makes communicating easy and you both are on the same page. In saying he is Neptune & Uranus to you just means that is the energy he is mirroring back to you. He represents to you what your Neptune & Uranus energy is. It doesn’t mean he feels no connection to you. I didn’t write about the Spiritual Spread in my blog post (I need to do that soon!) but in it, YOU are Saturn to him! This represents some past life connection you two had. Connections/relationships are never black and white. They are multidimensional, complex and span who knows how many lifetimes! But, in your relationship, that past influence is there as well. When someone is in our Life spread, they are teaching us something about ourselves. 🙂
So interesting! Thank you so much. I love learning how everything is connected!
You are so welcome! It really can be life-changing when you understand the connections with others in your life. While we might not be able to get them to understand it, if we do and can change how we react and are with them, it changes the relationship! 🙂
Hi I love your write up! I’ve read it about 3 times now lol I’m just looking for a little insight about the king of ♠️ Relationship? I’m an Aries 4 ♦️/ 6 ♣️ & my bf is a 9♣️/9♠️ Gemini.. we’ve been together for a year but these last couple months have been rough. I can’t lie when we 1st met we instantly were attracted to each other. I feel we’ve both grown a lot but it’s been very challenging. Anything would be appreciated
Hi! I’ve been busy packing to move and totally overlooked your comment – I’m so sorry! I will get to that as asap! 🙂
Hi Love – OK, finally getting this reply to you! My apologies again for the delay. 🙂
OK, so as you mentioned, your Composite Card is the K♠ – this speaks to the energy that the two of you together will create.
I could write a book on that topic alone! So, in a nutshell, there can be immense power from you two together, the thing is, the K♠ must be responsible and not bully, control or step away from responsibilities and not let EGO rule.
It can be a partnership that creates much success, but can two people handle that and not feel that one should be ‘more’ than the other?
Are you a Game of Thrones fan? I’ll use this analogy – if Jon Snow and Daenerys ruled together that could be incredible! But, they can’t seem to do that. OK, maybe that is an extreme analogy…LOL But, do you see my point?
As far as the connections between the 4♦/6♣ and the 9♣/9♠ – there are several.
The 9♣ is a vertical Saturn to the 6♣.
The 6♣’s Venus card (Q♥) is the 1st Karma card for the 9♣
The 9♠ 2nd karma card is the 6♠ – which is the Mercury card for the 6♣ and the Jupiter card for the 4♦.
There are also connections in the Spiritual spread.
I can’t get into all the details of what all this means in a blog comment (I do have a Relationship Reading that goes into depth for this sort of thing).
But, you two are expressing to one another those things that you are here to develop. This can create friction in a relationship unless you are aware of it and willing to understand and use it in a positive way.
I’d say that Q♥ card is probably a big one for you both as partners. It’d take a conversation to explore and explain it.
No doubt you two are together for a reason. And I can see why it would feel challenging in ways. Are you both willing to allow the changes and growth that being together can bring you? If so, it’s worth digging deeper and understanding all of this! 🙂 Even a 30 minute chat could help – if you’d like to do that I charge $2 a minute and you can set the time limit. 🙂 Just email me if you’d like to set up a time to talk:
Hi, i am really into this knowledge and i could relate so much with you on your blog. June 14 gemini
I am a 3 of Diamonds, pretty tough life in people dealing or relationship matters, but i saw in comments you said 3 of diamonds are very powerful. Can you explain how that power can be used for better and success in life and what is that power? I know Trump is 3 of diamonds but i am not rich like him:) although i do know i am a strong person and do have qualities to get to higher point in life. My life path number is 8. I am a gemini sun, virgo moon, venus cancer, mars in capricorn, ascendent node in aries and people view me as Taurus(rising sign)
I met a 8 of clubs person a year ago and i cant seem to get him off my mind. He is a sun cancer, moon in acquarius, venus and mars in virgo ascedent in virgo. Born july 20th. I read a lot and have some info but i want to see what you can tell me about our connection and if this could work out or not if it was meant to have reunification. Also anything else that you can tell me about this connection,
Thank you
Hi Ann! Because you’re a Gemini, your Ruling card is the A♠ and when the 3♦ and A♠ are living their high side – wow! Here’s a bit about why: The 3♦ is an independent and original thinker with a lot of creative energy for producing progressive ideas and environments that value originality.
The A♠ has the ability to launch a new type of work that will be transformational and is imaginative, creative and psychic – a visionary and dreamer drawn to higher consciousness and spirituality.
So, when I say powerful, I don’t mean that in the typical way society sees as powerful…which tends to be about controlling everything. When you tap into your innate gifts and let them play out (in the highest way) you can be someone who does extraordinary things that help mankind!
Yes, D.Trump is a 3♦ and to me he is revealing the low side of that card. Bernie Sanders is also a 3♦ and I believe revealing the high side.
The riches can come because of the creativity and ability to be progressive.
The other part of the riches for a 3♦ is that their Mars card is the 7♦ – which is called the Millionaires card. The key to it creating prosperity is to NOT get caught up in lack consciousness and to know that Source provides and will deliver your desires. It is all about seeing abundance as it was intended…not to hoard or control, but to easily allow it to flow into your life. All the 7 cards are about creating magic and the 7♦ can create magic with money and resources!
About the 3♦ and the 8♣- there are a few interesting connections: You are Venus (vertical) to him with both your 3♦ and A♠ (his Ruling card is the J♠)
He is vertical Saturn to you, but what can be a powerful connection is that you are Pluto to him in the Spiritual spread. Connections from the Spiritual spread are more about past life connections. But any Pluto connection can be intense. For the sake of simplicity and because this is a blog comment, I’ll say that in some way, he (in whatever persona he was in that life) needed YOU to help him do some deep transformation work. YOU represented what he needed to transform – plus our Pluto can be a very deep desire that we pursue in some way. Again, for sake of simplicity, I would suggest you ask (while in meditation or ask in a dream or however you receive answers ) if what you feel is from a past connection and if it is important that it continue. We can feel past life connections what were strong, but in trying to keep it alive this time around, we create drama that should be left alone. Also, what does he feel about you? Hope that helps!
hi Ann,
When i read your comment, i felt like i was typing. i wonder if you are born june14. my man is born july 20 too and i had struggles and pain that he threw at me. very devastating and he is gone …. wonder what you took out if yours. we have the same astrology placements me and you!!
Hi Ashley,
I am J of Club and he is three of spades. We have the same ruling card, which is 9 diamond. I feel there are always some challenging in our relationship. Can you give me your insights? Thank you for your help.
Hi Amy!
You are in his Life spread as his Saturn card. That connection alone can be a difficult one, as you are representing his Saturn, which teaches us responsibility, discipline and to deal with challenges. When someone is our Saturn and representing that to us, we can feel that the person is judging us or pointing out our flaws and the Saturn person can be seen as restricting them in some way. The Saturn person is in the role of “teacher” and that can be difficult in a romantic relationship. Once you both understand this and make the adjustments to be and accept that role and take it from being critical or restrictive (and even though you might feel you’re not being that way, he feels that energy from you) then it can become a really helpful connection as you are helping him be the best he can be. After all, challenges make us stronger! But, it takes awareness and the ability to not let ego be what reacts.
Also, his 2nd Karma card is your 1st Karma card, which can also be a challenging connection. What is easy/natural for him (and this card is the J♦- so is creative promoting) is what you are learning to develop. Many times we have to really work at learning to Be & Do our 1st Karma card, so he is teaching you that!
Any relationship where one is teaching the other can be hard – until we realize that is part of why we have come together and if we allow it (and it isn’t done in a forceful, full of ego, critical way), it can be a life-changing relationship!
Hi can you tell me about the 3 diamonds (me) and the 6 clubs?
Hi Valerie!
The 3♦ card is the Cosmic Moon card for the 6♣! What this means is the 6♣ person will experience 3♦ people coming into their life as the support and assistance to helping them become who they are becoming (represented by their Transformed Self card) Just like everything in life, we evolve and we aren’t meant to be the same person doing the exact same thing as when we were young. We grow and change and we evolve and at our death, we are a different person (in a nutshell that is what our Transformed Self card is). So, you, as a 3♦ are part of what is helping him towards that. At a soul, deep level, you are assisting him. It’s not a connection that is felt like the planets are – this is a spiritual connection.
And the 3♦ is the Cosmic Lesson card for the 6♣ in the Spiritual Spread – another soul level connection. It is an important connection if either of you are seriously interested in self development and personal transformation. You act as a teacher to him and through that you’re leading him to a more mature and self responsible way of looking at himself and his role in the world – his ‘Cosmic destiny.’ It can be felt as criticism sometimes by him, so understanding this is helpful. You just being you is the best help.
With these two powerful connections, you two are together in a very deep soul level connection/contract. 🙂
Hi Ashley
I have two persons who I have feelings for but don’t know who I should go with. One is three of spades and the other is six of diamond. I am 4 of diamond. Can you tell me about them? Thank you.
Hi Myan! I will share what the connections are, but as a disclaimer, I feel there is much more to making this kind of decision and hope you will trust your intuition! 🙂
The 4♦ person and 3♠ has a mutual Venus (meaning you both will feel that Venus connection which is very loving!). I did write a blog post about a Venus connection that doesn’t feel loving here: The 4♦ is also the Transformed Self card for the 3♠, so you represent that which they are evolving into during their life.
With the 6♦, the connection is in the Spiritual spread and the 6♦ is Venus to the 4♦. The Spiritual spread shows past life connections. So, you probably have a naturally loving relationship with both. Knowing what the Ruling cards are can help see what other connections there are.
In making this type of decision, I always advise, know 100% what YOU want out of a relationship. The more clear you are on that, the easier it is to not only make that decision, but to attract the right person. 🙂
Hi Ashley,
I have read the Venus connection from your link and had goosebumps all over. Most of those have been happening between me and the three of spade. There were sorrows and sadness. To the 6 of diamond, I don’t have strong feelings like I have for the 3 of spade, which is very sad. I really don’t know what I should do.
Hi Amy! I don’t want to assume anything so I’ll ask…are you the same person who asked about the 4♦ with the 3♠ and 6♦ a few comments ago?
Hi Ashley, I do apologize. Myan is my twin. I let her use my account as she doesn’t want to create one. There are things that I need to ask you in private when I am ready. Sorry for the confusion.
Gotcha Amy! Just didn’t want to assume and think it was same person when it wasn’t! Anytime you’re ready, let me know and we can talk! 🙂
Hi Ashley!
many thanks for your comments. I am curious about my connection with special family of seven. I am ace ♣️ born on 25.08, my almost ex husband 26.10 which makes him 9 ♥️ and difficult ♏️ ? ??
How do Connections go between family of seven? I noticed when i meet 8 of ♣️ as friends (i meet a lot/have around many) we get along …. but 9 of ♥️… ? totally different ?why?
Hi Anna!
My apologies for taking so long to reply to this. I found myself going deep into the topic of MFS (Mystic Family of Seven) information, which is too much for a blog comment and at the same time, I was in the middle of moving and then went offline for over a week! Just now getting back to work.
So…I’m going to make this comment as simple as possible (and I’m working on a mini-course just for MFS!)
First, the MFS doesn’t adhere to the typical path that the other 45 cards do.
They tend to be souls that are wanting to live more of a multidimensional experience. Seven cards with seven touchstones of thought and orientation that is a group soul energy, so relationships within that group is more like looking at a family, or a pod, or school of fish. Only with the entire unit does it feel at home and that it belongs.
MFS are always going to not only physically gravitate to each other, but also energetically they are living a group experience, so if they feel alone and don’t connect with the other MFS, it is an added challenge in their life.
It can almost feel that part of you is missing.
Living out each other karmically is more of an ‘owning of their group energy.’ This is why when MFS’s come together, there is much power because it is like putting all the pieces of the puzzle together – suddenly you have a complete picture.
So, when a MFS person is feeling that sense of something missing, they will resort to the human behaviors that make us think we are OK – addictions, workaholic, sex, avoidance, so on and so forth. (basically, act out the low side of their card)
For both the A♣ and the 9♥, LOVE is a really big focus. The 9♥ is learning to let go of emotional attachments and learn to love in a higher, universal way – it is the card that is the ‘Mother of Humanity’, but many 9♥ never get to that place in their life!
The A♣ is always in search of that someone to make them feel whole and the 9♥ is learning to let go and not be so attached. That would create an opposite agenda for the A♣ and the 9♥.
Second, there is an interesting connection between you and your husbands Ruling cards.
First, yes, Mystical Family of Seven have one another as their Karma cards
But you both have a Ruling card. Yours is the Q♣ and his is the Q♠
Here is the interesting connection with your Ruling cards.
His 1st Karma card is the 10♦, which is also your 2nd Karma card.
What he is learning to be and do, is what you come by innately and naturally and it means that he ‘owes’ you – that he is meant to give to you to learn to be that 10♦ and that can create conflict within a relationship.
Obviously, this isn’t what explains everything you’ve experienced in the relationship, but because you are a Virgo A♣ and he is a Scorpio 9♥, it adds to the dynamic!
Third, yes, there are different dynamics between the various MFS cards – it is not the same type of relationship between all of you – yet, there is also that sense of a family. And like any family, some get along very well and some don’t!
The 8♣ is the Neptune card for the A♣ in the Spiritual spread making that relationship one that can be loving and even dreamy! I hope this helps a bit – it is a very deep topic! 🙂
Hi Ashley!
I’m so very intrigued by the cards and finding connections. It all started when I met this man a little over a year ago. The connection is intense and what I feel for him is like nothing I have ever experienced before. He is one of my karma cards and I’m trying to understand our connection/purpose. He is an 8♣️ And I am a J ❤️ He is a Virgo and I am a Leo and our composite card is a 6♦️ Thank you for any insight!!
Hi Gina! As you can read in my comment to Anna, there are different dynamics between all the MFS cards, yet also a strong group energy. With the 8♣ and J♥ being two of the Fixed cards, your connection is the same in both the Mundane spread and the Spiritual spread. The 8♣ is the Cosmic Lesson card of the J♥. His Ruling card is the 6♦, so with that also being your composite card, he is LIVING what you two together are creating energetically. A big focus for the 6♦ is making compromises where money is concerned and taking full responsibility for all your debts and actions that involve exchange of value. There is a lot more to the purpose of MFS people coming together ( a BIG topic!) but besides the Cosmic Lesson intention, you two are focusing on that 6♦ and he is a big part of bringing that to the table for you two. And for the Cosmic Lesson: We each play a part in making the Universe everything that it is.
There is a portion of its fullness and potential that can only unfold and be realized through each one of us. The Universe relies on us to express our part of it.
He is expressing to you (as an 8♣) that aspect of the Universe that you are here to convey. The Cosmic Lesson card is a higher form of Saturn , it is the work we are here to do, but on a Universal level. In a nutshell, it is a card that needs to be deeply worked with and something that we see play out the more we realize how important we are in the grand scheme of things. As long as we just see ourselves as someone who gets up, goes to work, pays the bills, goes to bed and does it all over the next day – we will not understand this grander work.
The more we see ourselves as spiritual beings, as a part of the Universe and as a potential that the Universe wants to express, the more we will see our Cosmic Lesson card play out. We need to view it from the high side and see it from a broad, grand expansive side. I can see why your connection is so intense! It is waaaay more than just a physical connection. 🙂
Hi Ashley,
I’ve stumbled across this blog; which is incredibly informative. I’m a 3 hearts he’s a Q diamond ♦️. Based on the vertical and diagonal ( hoping I did this correctly) he sees Jupiter in me, I see mars in him. Neither of us have a Venus as I recall, again hoping I did the calculations right, so using our birth cards, as Venus??? Recently there have been some deceit and lies that I discovered. Where can I look in his cards to find out why and how can things be resolved for the better?
Hi Ashley,
Your website has been so hopeful as I have recently begin exploring cardology and astrology. I am interested in understanding how our life spreads effect our family dynamics. I am a Libra 7 clubs, husband Virgo 10 hearts, son Aries 9 clubs, and daughter Gemini 8 diamonds. I’ve noticed that my 7 of clubs cards shows up in my husbands spreads as his Cosmic Lesson and my husband’s 10 of hearts is in our son’s spread ( transformation card ?). I am still somewhat confused as to what card/ energy I represent in each of their life.
Hi Shauna!
You all have many connections (creating more than one type of energetic connection between some of you)
I’ll list a few:
Your Ruling card is the Q♠, which has a vertical connection to the K♥ (your son’s Ruling card) this means you’ll feel towards him a Mars energy.
There is also a mutual Jupiter between his 9♣ and your Q♠ – mutual energy is felt as the same by both.
Your son feels a Venus towards your daughter’s Ruling card (the K♠) and there is a mutual Venus energy between your son and your husband.
And as you said, your card (7♣) is the Cosmic Reward & Cosmic Lesson for your Husband. (His Ruling card is the 10♦ which is why there is both connections beside the Cosmic Lesson)
And, in the Spiritual spread, you are also the Cosmic Lesson to your husband and your son is your Venus.
Not trying to make this confusing, but in many families, there are a variety of connections like you all have! (There are even more in the Spiritual spread)
You all have traveled together in many lifetimes!
To answer your question – what do you represent in their life?
First off, that you are your husbands Cosmic Lesson (and Cosmic Reward card) creates a teaching and protective energy that you are for him. You are a big part in him evolving and transforming in this life.
A bit about our Cosmic Lesson card: We each play a part in making the universe everything that it is.
There is a portion of its fullness and potential that can only unfold and be realized through each one of us. The Universe relies on us to express our part of it. Everyone is here for a reason. We must realize and value the significance of this.
I believe this is a big part of what our Cosmic Lesson card indicates for us.
For your Husband, the 7♣ is a card that needs to be deeply worked with to understand its high side and is something that is played out the more we realize how important we are in the grand scheme of things. YOU represent that to him – you act as a teacher or support for him to realize that aspect of himself.
Granted, don’t expect him to always like the lessons you represent to him 😉 It can create situations where you feel the need to correct him or push him to improve, but he sees it as a negative. Even if you don’t say anything, your presence in his life is teaching him invaluable lessons. And it can cause personality conflicts as the lessons are learned.
Another big connection is that your daughter (8♦) represents your First Karma card. This is the card that represents what we need to develop, start using and embrace in our lives.
HER First Karma card is the Q♠ (your Ruling card) so, you are both helping one another to live and BE your perspective Karma cards! That can also create some challenges because we tend to want to avoid (though we can’t) living what our First Karma card is about.
Add to that – Your Q♠ Ruling card has the 10♦ card as it’s First Karma card – so your husband is also playing a role in helping you achieve THAT aspect for you.
Again, when there is a LOT of connections within a family, it can seem confusing and is too much for me to go over in a blog comment.
It would be best to just break down the connections between you and each one on your family and fully understand them than to look at all of it at the same time. Let’s just say that you are together for many reasons and are helping each other in many ways! I can help with this through an Empowerment Session (a phone call to go over any topic and you choose the amount of time we talk). Let me know if you’d like to do that at any point!
This is interesting. I tried it with rider wait deck got confused then I realized you used regular playing carsds??? I am curious about some people in my life if you can help me understand this better or do one for me is appreciate it. Thank you. Stacy.
Hi Stacy! Yes, this ancient system is what the deck of playing cards was created for! Many times ancient wisdom and mystery teachings were put into something that could be used under everyone’s noses, but not be attacked or destroyed – so the deck became popular for just games! But, originally, it was called the Little Book of Wisdom. 🙂 Anyway, the card connection are based on birthdays as we each have a birth card, so to provide you with any insights, I’d need your birthday and the birthday of the person you are wondering about.
How do i find info on tye jack of clubs , anyone?
Hi Jo! Are you looking for info on a Jack of Clubs person or just the meaning of the card? I don’t think I have a blog post on it at this point. Let me know what specifically you’re looking for and I’ll answer it here (or I can send you an email) 🙂
Okay, so I am a four of clubs and my bf is two of diamonds. He’s mercury to me, but how do I count to figure out what I am to him?
Mind you it’s been a year since he cheated on me with a queen of clubs they have a mutual venus connection. THOUGH he told her he’d never leave me for her but I think she still loves him because she tries to contact him still. (I am no fool, forgiveness is given one time but it hurts still).
I do not feel or believe he ever lived her though from alllll the messages I read and seen… she seems so attached though. Smh
Hi Rini! Cheating is always the hardest to get over, it can forever destroy any feelings of trust. You asked what you are to him – you are his Moon card, which is always a very close connection. He feels comforted and nurtured by you. With a Moon connection though, the person who is the Moon (you) needs to decide if being his emotional support is what is BEST for you. If it’s healthy, it is a wonderful connection, but it can also be very co-dependent. His first Karma card is the A♦, which is your Cosmic Lesson card, so you two share that A♦ as a card(energy) that you are working on becoming more of and many times we come together with another person to learn to be more of a certain card. Besides the mutual Venus they have, her second karma card (the easy one) is his Uranus card, so they have that connection as well. In the Spiritual spread, his 2♦ is her Mars card, and that is often seen in people where one is very attracted to the other and even obsessive as Mars can be about passion and they had that connection in some past life together.
Hi! Hey,can you tell me please what i have to learn ,or how did affected me a relationship, i am pisces born on 6 march 1999 and he is a scorpio born on 17 november 1998. My north node card is his birth card ,3 of clubs,but there are many connections that i don t know how to read them. Anyway, it impacted me in a biiiig way,in a very deeply way,and i m just asking what exactly or how exactly can you explain me ,through looking on out connections and rulling cards. Thank you so much ,i m so curious.
Maria, You are a 4♠/5♥ and he is a 3♣/7♣
First off, you two have a mutual Mercury, meaning you both can understand each other when you communicate – or you are on the same page when communicating. Your Ruling card is his Moon card, so he feels supported and nurtured by you.
He is also your Pluto card, so he is representing that which you need to do the work on and transform in your life.
His Ruling card is your Cosmic Moon! You two have a LOT of connections! Primarily, he is in YOUR Life Path spread.
It is too much to try and discuss it all in a blog comment.
I’m happy to go over all of the connections with a session – you pick the amount of time and we can talk! Email me here:
And what cards i m for him,did i afected him a a way, how does he feel about me in term of cards? What connections did he had with me?
Hi i am ace of clubs- he is 4 of hearts. Such connection then but then not . Odd
Hi Chloe! My aologies for a late reply, I never saw a notification that a new comment had been left! Depending on what you both have as Ruling cards, there are a few connections that can feel strong, but then challenging. As an example, the 4♥ has the 10♠ as it’s second karma card, which is your Venus card. What is easy and natural for him is also what is magnetic and lovely for you – that creates an attraction! In the Spiritual spread, the A♣ is the Cosmic Lesson card for the 4♥ – so you two at some point had a challenging connection and that energry is still between you now…it isn’t felt or seen as obvious as a Venus connection, but underlying everything, it is there. This is why connections are complex!
Hi Ashley, I am 3 of diamonds, help me understand where am I going… 🙁
So far I’ve been unfortunate with marriage/relationships, and that makes me scared of getting into a new relationship although I desire to have a real one. First marriage was with 3 of spades, lots of heartaches and abuse, second marriage with 6 of diamonds, big distance and disconnection. Later, I dated an ace of diamonds, I left him, then 9 of diamonds although I liked him I left him because he wasn’t serious. Now a 5 of diamonds is serious and seems to know me a lot as if there’s a karmic bond between us and that scared me, I ran away. I don’t want another failure. I don’t know what are my karmic debts, is there something I should do to better my life on both romantic and financial level?
How do I use my strong cards to my benefit? Can I know who is a soulmate or twin flames in my cards?
Thank you so much.
Hi Jane!
Thank you for leaving a comment. There are so many variables that it would be difficult to thoroughly answer all of your questions in a reply, so I will just focus on a few things a 3♦ person deals with: Your first karma card (that which you are here to develop and learn to USE) is the 6♥, which is relationship karma. I have a blog post about the 6♥ here:
The 6♥ must learn responsibility in all relationships and create harmony in your relationships. Again, I can’t cover all of what that means here. Your Venus card (in your Life Path spread) is the 7♥ – another card that deals with relationships and is about unconditional love. The weakness of the 7♥ is bitterness and a refusal to see challenges with relationships as a way to uplevel how you love and fearing relationships and the opportunities for experiencing genuine love by closing yourself off.
The strength (high side) of the 7♥ is having challenges in love to create an opportunity to understand unconditional love – love from a higher perspective. Using betrayal or heartbreak to teach you about spiritual love so you can allow others to be who they are and not place so many demands upon them. Becoming more aware of their true personalities and allowing yourself the freedom to be who you are and experience how it feels to be free of fear and attachment.
As well, the 3♦ has as it’s Saturn card the J♥ – another heavy duty relationship card!
None of this is to say you become a door mat and get walked all over, nor does it mean you can never have a fulfilling, beautiful relationship – the 3♦ person chose a path where relationships are a BIG part of what they are here to learn about! It CAN be successful!
Do you like or listen to P!nk? She is a 3♦ and it is very evident in her music (and in learning about her life) that she struggled with relationships, but (I think) has learned/done the healing work and is taking the higher road.
As far as knowing who your soulmate/twin flame is through the cards – I’ve yet to see that. You can see the type of connection you’ll have or the energy between your cards, but soulmates/twin flames come togetrher to learn from one another and that happens in many types of card connections. There are so many misconceptions about what soul mates and twin flames really are. I am with my twin flame now, but we both had to go through SO much to find each other and have the amazing relationship that we do. Those are so romanticized, when in reality it means doing the healing work, then you attract to you the person you truly desire.
If you truly want things to change, I am here to help. You can start with an Empowerment session just to cover more clarity on your card and where you are. It is much easier to talk about all of this than for me to try and explain in a reply! 🙂
The 3♦ person also has the power to make a lot of money with the 7♦ as their Mars card, but again, the awareness of what true abundance is needs to be there and this is another issue the 3♦ person deals with. As always, the potential and possibiites are there – it just takes some awareness and work!
Hi Ashley,
I am a 6 of hearts (10 diamonds/jack spades) scorpio and he is a Queen of Diamonds Leo. How does this relationship look?
Hi Barb!
Thanks for leaving a comment!
You two have many connections!
First of all, you two have a mutual Venus connection, meaning you both will feel an easy, loving energy between the two of you (unless either of you aren’t owning your Venus).
Your J♠ Ruling card has as it’s first karma card the 7♣, and that is his Saturn card. That 7♣ card ( learning to walk with one foot in both worlds and shifting your mindset from negative worry and fears to a mindset that creates magic and accessing knowledge from higher realms) is what both of you have as a challenge, so that can create some interesting dynamics! The 7♣ can be a card of depression, anxiety and living negative loops that create a sense of feeling stuck until it is dealt with and the higher side is embraced. Because it is a card both of you are learning from/about, you could be mirroring it to one another and depending on where you are with it, it can be felt as challenging or create issues in the area of negative thinking, over analyzing things, fears that aren’t your truth or mental issues.
The 10♦’s Jupiter card is his Q♦, so he is also your Jupiter card giving you a sense of him as a blessing and he creates benefits/expansion or even abundance for you. The Q♦ person is very giving, unless they are still living that fear of not having enough and feeling like they have to have a very materialistic life to feel safe. So, a possible issue there is one of you loves to give and the other is fearful of giving. Hopefully, it is that both of you love giving, knowing it is coming right back to you and is a source of your blessings!
And the last connection I’ll mention is that your second karma card (what is easy and innately what you fall back on in life (the 3♦) is his first Karma card (that which is more challenging for him and he is learning to develop and use). So that is something that you do naturally and he is learning to develop, which is another connection of learning from one another. 🙂
Hi, I was wondering I see you have all the planets listed and how to find out if another person is Venus, Mars, Uranus etc to you— but what if the sun and moon cards? I have seen in other information about this system that someone can be the moon card to your sun and vice—versa, and it means that a close connection is possible but that the moon person in a way stands behind the sun person —in the supportive role while the sun person stands out front. I saw once as an example someone had looked at the life spreads of both Madonna and Sean Penn—(Madonna in interviews has cited Sean as her true love) — and that Sean was the Moon to her Sun —but that it didn’t work out because he was unwilling to play the moon role. Also that most marriages have a sun/moon connection for instance Michelle is the moon card to Obama.
In Robert Lee Camps book it explains how to find who is your moon card or sun card but I have that book in storage at the moment.
I was just wondering if you had a place for moon and sun cards I can’t seem to find it on this chart except the Sun is listed.
Thank you for the informative information about vertcal and diagonal connections and the eight cards following you .
Oh I am sorry ( I just wrote the comment asking about sun and moon cards) —I just remembered, the moon card is directly to the right of you , because I remembered my moon card is the 8 of hearts, as I am 6 of clubs like you. So then the sun card person is to the right of you. I also noticed that you call this spread the solar spread. Do you work with two spreads? I have seen others referring to the life spread or the spiritual spread and I was wondering if these correspond to the solar spread that you use and another spread with another name ? Thank you
Hi Maria! Yes, the Sun card IS your birth card and your moon card is the card to the right of your Sun/Birth card. And, indeed it creates a very close connection! My partner now (who is my Twin Flame) is a 6♠, making me his Moon card. In my last marraige, my husband was my Moon card in the Spiritual spread and he did take on the role of suppoprting me in many ways and we knew there had been many lives together where he had that role as well. It can create issues if the Moon person no longer wishes to take on the role of supporter and follower. HOWEVER, I personally believe that all positions have a high side and when a couple realize what the Moon position is, they can transform it to a higher position and not just one of “you have to support and follow me.” In my relationship, he feels me as what grounds him and calms him. We equally support one another and neither of us see the other as the follower. But, my energy to him is supportive.
Yes, there are 2 spreads (and several words for them!) There is the Spiritual Spread, which is where all the cards are in order. Then there is the Mundane or Earth spread. There are 90 spreads total and they are referred to as the Grand Solar Spreads. I need to update my Soul Contracts post! 🙂
Hi Maria,
Any comments or advice about I am a 10 of clubs and he is a 3 of spades
Hi Nancy!
I am assuming you meant to address this to me? There might be a Spiritual spread connection with your Ruling card and the 3♠ (what astrological sign are you?), but there is a Karma card connection- YOUR 2nd Karma card (what is easy for you) is the 4♠, and the 3♠ is the Moon card to the 4♠ in the Spiritual spread. To me this says you two had a connection in past life that was easy/supportive and it is there between you now as well. I would need to know what the Ruling cards are for both fo you to see more connections.
Hey Ashley!!
I love this blog post – I have been referring back to it for months as I study how people I meet/know manifest certain energies. My birthday is 8/7/89. My husband, a triplet, is 5/22/88. We met three months before he was deployed to Iraq on 10/28/07, married 12/11/08, and had our firstborn son 5/22/09 (my husband and his two brothers, AND my stepmothers birthday!). Then our second son was born on 7/24/2010 (my husband’s SISTER’S birthday! My mother-in-law and I have marveled many times at how I gave birth on the same days she did to her four living children – she had a total of three traumatic, unsuccessful pregnancies between giving birth to her daughter and the triplets. Another fascinating manifestation of an energy I’m not sure I understand, but I know is powerful and meaningful.) After ten very tumultuous and difficult years of marriage and childrearing due to our own immaturity and resentment toward one another, my husband and I experienced a profound relationship changing event that caused a complete reversal of feelings – we became loving and supportive. And within a month of experiencing that change, we became pregnant with our daughter, who was born 8/17/2019. I feel like she is a gift from Creator, a reward for the positive change in our marriage. She is mutually a Venus connection for my husband and firstborn, and mutually Mars with my second son. She will also feel a Uranus connection with my second son. I know I am a Jupiter energy with my second son as well, but I don’t see any other connection between myself and my husband/oldest son and myself and my daughter. Despite that, I am certain there are deep connections between myself and any 10♧ because there are 3 very important 10♧’s in my life other than my husband and son, and there are three other 6◇’s in my husband’s life besides myself – there is my little brother and my husband’s two best friends that are 6◇’s as well. 6◇’s and 10♧’s seem to have a natural attraction to one another. I feel there is some cosmic connection between myself and my daughter because during the first ten years of my marriage, when my husband and I didnt get along so well, my closest ‘mom friend’ was a 9♧’s, same as my daughter. Then seven months before I got pregnant with my daughter, my brothers wife, a long time best friend of mine, gave birth to her son on my best mom friends birthday – May 23rd. These are all people I am very close with and spend so much time with, and they all know eachother as well. So anyway, I know there are connections. I feel them. I just need help seeing them within the cards.
Hi Kim!
Thank you so much for sharing all of the family card connections! I study my family tree cards all the time and find something new each time! (especialy when looking at the dates that they die.)
There is another connection between you and the 10♣ – (I didn’t cover this in my blog post) but your first Karma card (what is a weakness in this life that you are overcoming and learning to embrace and BE more of) is the 9♣. The 9♣ is Moon to the 10♣ in the Spiritual Spread, plus your Mecury card (the 4♠) has the 10♣ as it’s first Karma card. I’ve seen this a LOT in families and between close friends. We are helping one another with that ‘karmic’ work!
So, now you can see that your daughter’s 9♣ birth card is YOUR first Karma card and the Moon card (in Spiritual spread) to your Hubby. The conenctions in the Spiritual spread indicate connections we had with the person in some past life that we have brought into this one – to either help one work through karma or to be here for them again in a supportive way. 🙂
What a fascinating revelation. I knew there had to be something there! Do you know where I can further study the relationships between various cards and their spreads?
Hi Kim!
With so many interested in this topic, I’m creating an online class to teach the various card connections and how to transform relationships through them. You can sign up for the Waitlist here:
Class will be starting either in late Jan or early Feb.
Hope you’ll join! If you have any questions, please email me:
Wonderful! I’d love to join. Thanks!
Hey Ashley, Kim again!
I’ve been studying a lot about the 9♧. It seems, with a 9♤ in their Mercury space on their life path, that many endure traumatic suffering at a young age. I’m deeply disturbed by this for my nephew and my daughter. I met another 9♧ at work recently who’s parents were murdered when she was 14. And I learned of Princess Diana’s two sons being 9♧… however, my “mom friend” who I mentioned in my previous post had a very non-traumatizing upbringing as the youngest of 7 kids. I just don’t know what to do with the information. I’m worried about what the future holds for my nephews and/or my daughter, but I’m trying to balance my concerns with the reality that not all transitions are negative or traumatizing. Any thoughts on the matter?
Hi Kim!
That 9♠ Mercury card can indeed represent losses and a childhood where a lot seems to end over and over…however, not everyone experiences extreme trauma from that. The thing to keep in mind is that we each choose when we come in and what ‘energies’ we came to play, learn from and experience.
The astrology and numerology or Human Design can be looked at as well to see a bigger picture. While none of us want a hard life. I have planets in the 8th house, which has brought a lot of trauma into my life and made ‘powerlessness’ a theme…until I realized as a 6♣/8♥, I was here to use those experiences to heal and own MY power and change my life.
Not everyone comes in with harder/traumatic expereinces as they way to grow – but those who do, DO have as well, something that is also a help/protection/tool that is assisting them. Looking at the whole picture, you can be part of the wisdom, support and awareness maybe they need? Not in a codependency ar rescuing way – but as an advocate.
There is more than just possible trauma…there is also a lot of beauty and grace – and all of it comes together to shape and mold a soul. 🙂
I have a question ma’am, i am an 8 of clubs and so is my person of interest, weve been Friends 17 yrs and just a yr ago, became closer. Sexually and spiritually, just recently we were separated because of law issues.. Since we are the same card how does that affect us? My 25 yr old us a 9 of clubs, my 11 yr old is a Jack of hearts, and my 17 yr old is a 3 of spades. What kinda combo is this??? Plz let me know im super curious! I appreciate your time , and thank you in advance
Hi Angela! When we’re the samne birth card as someone else (who we’re close to) it can create several dynamics to the relationship. You’ll get each other’ at a deeper level because you have the same birth card. If you are different astrological signs, that shows where in your Life Path spread you’ll each be more focused (your Ruling card). If either one of you are denying or suppressing an aspect of who you are, but the other one isn’t, THAT will create issues in the relationship. You are mirrors for one another and when we are denying parts of ourselves and another person is living that part, it can create jealousy or a feelng of ‘not liking certain things about them.’
For your 9♣ and J♥ kids, you are both in their Life Path spread. You two are The Result card for the 9♣ and the Cosmic Lesson for the J♥. And you both are the Moon card for the 9♣ in the Spiritual spread (a very close relatinship in a past life). For the 3♠, their 1st karma card is the Mercury card for you two, so they are learning from how you communicate/think and process. Definitely a lot of very close/karmic dynamics with you all!
Hello! Thank you for all of this helpful information!! What can be expected from a 4 of spades ( aquarius) and 5 of diamonds (Scorpio) i am really into him but I’m not sure he feels the same for me!
Hi Nicky!
As a 4♠|Q♦, that makes HIM your Transformed Self card! As well, under your Q♦ Ruling card, he is your Uranus card. So, you are learning from him and feel a connection to him. As well, your Q♦’s Second Karma card (what is easy and natural for you) is his Mars card, so again, you resonate with his energy. Because he is a Scorpio, they have 2 Ruling cards, so his other Ruling card -the 4♥- has as it’s First Karma card (what is his weakness and he is trying to achieve) your 4♠, so he is learning from you, but he can feel a sense of owing you – or that you are difficult to him.
The other main thing is that you are a 4 and he is a 5 – very different energies and he might feel a sense of being trapped or confined by you.
If you are both aware and the relationships means a lot, there are things you can transform in this relationship.
I’m starting an online Course about the card Connections if you are interested in learning more and seeing how to work with the card energies in your relationships! You can sign up on the Waitlist here:
Thank you so much for your response. I had thought I was Venus to him, But I think I read it wrong. So it seems as though I’m feeling more from this connection than he. At least in terms of positivity. It’s a new connection so I’m not sure where it’ll go. But I thank you for helping me to better understand! Him being my transformed self & Uranus… that could mean that spiritually he will help me to evolve. Which in this short time he already has. It may be just that short lived.
Yes, I’d say he is teaching you a lot. There is a vertical Venus connection (his 4♥ Ruling card to your Q♦ Ruling card), but in light of the other main connections, it isn’t as strong as the others. That is not to say he feels nothing towards you! But, it might be this is more for you at this time in your life. 🙂
hi! I love how you explain the information in such an easy way to grasp, thank you very much appreciated! I just wanted to ask what if I shared a Jupiter connection with someone else vertically? we would both experience each other as Jupiter? I am a two of diamonds he is a 6 of clubs. I know he’s my negative karma card and I’m his positive karma card, but I don’t necessarily know what that means. I know karma isn’t negative nor positive it just is karma right! lol
Hi Lisa!
Thank you for your comment! Your question about the 2♦ & 6♣ – the 2♦ is vertical Jupiter to the 6♣, meaning only the 6♣ feels that Jupiter energy. It isn’t felt both ways.
I’m also a 6♣ and a close friend of my daughter is a 2♦. I adore her and love being around her but she has never seemed to feel the same about me. I was upset by it until I realized the card connections and how that ‘Jupiter’ feeling I have about her is not reciprocated.
And yes, as well, the 2♦ can feel negative feelings towards the 6♣ because it is their 1st Karma card, where the 6♣ feels very natural and comfortable with the 2♦ because they are their 2nd karma card!
The 1st Karma card is something that is our weakness – we are here to develop it and use it more in our lives. For the 2♦ (which can be a “I Have to DO and be responsible” energy) needs to learn to embrace stillness and tapping into their inner messages and not have to hammer out a strict plan to achieve their goals, So being around a 6♣ (even when nothing is said!), they will feel that calm, stillness and might even see it as being lazy or not proactive, so they don’t like it – or they wish they had it in their lives!
It really depends on what the person is or isn’t embracing in their lives.
My other daughter’s significant other is a 2♦ and we get along great!
But, those two cards are definitely a Karmic union.
Do you watch the TV show Fixer Upper? (Chip & Joanna Gaines) Well, he is a 6♣ and she is a 2♦!
I don’t know them personally or know how their relationship has been, but it seems they have mastered that karma!
thank you so much for replying!! I’m just a little confused, I thought in a vertical connection you can only go up, so wouldn’t that make him Jupiter for me as well? I counted the spaces n it was 4. does a karmic union mean it won’t be a lasting relationship but more of a learning experience?
Your comment made me decide to fix my blog post! When I did that post (many years ago!) I followed the idea that in looking at a vertical connection (such as looking at the 6♣ & 2♦) that in the same way the 2♦ is vertical to the 6♣, if you go up with the 2♦ (then back down to the same column) you’d get to the 6♣. What I learned and have been testing for several years (and I agree with) is this: Because you read the charts by always going left, then dropping to a new row, you’d do the same when going vertical.
Therefore, for the 2♦, when looking vertical, once you get to the top of chart (K♠), you would then go down to the bottom of the next column(to the left) and start at 6♠. I have been meaning to update my blog post and I shall do so today! 🙂
About your question of it not being lasting, but just a learning – there isn’t a black or white answer. I think a lot of it depends on age. Any karma card relationship can transform into a very healthy one, but both parties will need to do the work of embracing their 1st karma card, plus the connections of the Ruling cards will play into it. Using Chip & Joanna as an example – he is a Scorpio, so his Ruling card is the 10♣/Q♣. Joanna is an Aries, so her Ruling card is the 6♦. This gives them other positive connections. So, everything needs to be looked at to answer that question. Does that make sense and help you?
This si why I decided to create a Course to teach about the card connections – there is a LOT to it! 🙂
yes it makes perfect sense!! lol just like looking at a sun sign isn’t enough to know you would need to look at the whole persons chart. I appreciate all your helpful input and info thank you for your time! I’m glad I was able to bring your attention back to the post lol 🙂
How do I look for a relationship soul connection in the chart?
My birth card is 7 of diamonds and my ruler is 5 of spades. My Twin Flame is 9 of clubs and their ruling card is King of hearts.
Hi Kimie! Your twin flame’s cards are IN your Life Path spread. The 9♣ is your Mars card and the K♥ is your Uranus card. Under your Ruling card, the 9♣ is your Venus, the K♥ is your Saturn card. Because they are IN your Life Path spread, they are reflecting to you, those aspects of you.
Thank You, so if they’re reflecting this to me then where to I go to check for a potential relationship?
Hi Ashley! I’m new to this so looking for some insight. My birth card is 4 of diamonds (11/03) and my significant other’s is 7 of clubs (08/19). Our daughter’s card is 9 of clubs (08/17). He and I have been on quite a ride, but I don’t see where I fall in his spread. As you can see, our house is full of Leo energy.
Hi Kat!
In my blog post, I only cover up to Pluto, but You are HIS Cosmic Lesson card. This creates a situation of you teaching him about his higher purpose. Also, your Ruling card is the 6♣, which is his Moon card in the Spiritual spread, so there was a close, nurturing relationship between you two in some past life together that is still present between you now. For your daughter, in the Spiritual spread, he is her Venus card, so another close relationship from a past life. You all also have Karma card connections. I see all of you as having been together before and in this life, are helping one another to learn lessons. It’d be too long of a reply to cover all of the connections, but they are there! Many times when the connections are intense like that, it can create a rough ride! The key is in understanding the connections and that you are all helping one another at a deepr soul level. 🙂
Hey I am a 5♣️ and he is a 2♣️. We been together since 2007 and share 3 children. I feel like our relationship is a karmic one and have been told that we are “soul-tied.” I know somethings about cardology and have been learning for a year or so but can I please have some insight on what is the purpose of our relationship? Thanks!
Hi Morgan!
Yes, you two have several Karmic connections! In the Spiritual spread, he is Mars to you – meaning in some life together, he reprersented to you your motivations, maybe urged you to take action or even express your passion and that energy is still there between you. Also, his first Karma card is your Venus card, so what you are attracted to and find easy and beautiful, he is learning to embrace in his life (the A♠) so you are helping him to embrace that in his life. And his Second Karma card – what he does innately and is his default card (the K♥) is your Cosmic Lesson card, so in this case, he is helping you to embrace that in your life! Your cards together creates the 7♦ – so, together you are creating/experiencing what true abundance and prosperity is. You can create great wealth together, or you both have a lot of fears and worry about money – but with shifting how you believe about money, that great wealth can be built! You both are also about learning to detach from material posessions knowing that whatever you need, the Universe will bring to you. 🙂
Iam confused so Iam a 8 of diamonds when I go left do I go all the way down to the bottom then right?
Hi Alicia!
For the cards at the very top – like your 8♦, after the K♠, you go down to the Mercury line, starting with the 3♥ and keep moving left. 🙂
Hey Ashley I just want to first say thank you for all of your help. ♥️ My ex (Julie) is an eight of hearts (11/25/88). I am a 4 of spades ♠️ (2/8/1991). Why is it so hard for me to get over her? I hope she feels just as strongly for me. Any insight would be so very much appreciated. Love to you. ❤️💫
Hi Nicky! Your connection with her isn’t the typical connection that is about attraction and feelings being the same on both sides. What jumps out at me is that your first Karma card is her Ruling card (the 10♣). To put it as simply as I can, at a deeper level, we ‘owe’ and are learning to embrace and function from our first karma card. So, when we meet or are with someone of that card, we feel a deeper sense of giving to them. What we are feeling is that they represent what we are learning to function by in our life, but it can seem that we are just feeling attraction or love for them. It’s interesting to me that you have such strong feelings, because many times, a person who is our first karma card can feel difficult to us! When did you break up? She just went through her Rise to the Pinnacle years, which many times will create endings to a relationship because the person is going off in a new direction in life.
Thank you so much…. WOW. I definitely feel a deep sense of giving to her. Devotion. She broke up with me in June of 2019. Is there anything in our spread that would indicate her feeling strongly towards me? Wow. My first karma card. Ha! Makes so much sense…. It was a very difficult and trying relationship at times, but I felt, at our core, a profound and dutiful love.
So, YOU (4♠) are the second karma card for the 10♣. For her, the 4♠ energy is her default way of operating, (for her Ruling card) so you felt easy and natural for her. If you’re familiar with Chip & Joanna Gaines (of the TV show, Fixer Upper)-they are an example of a couple who are one anothers karma cards. She is his second karma card and he is her first karma card! I feel that when a couple comes together with this type of situation, it is to help one another with this. It isn’t easy and as with their example, they have other connections that help with the relationship.
In your situation, there aren’t other connections that assist the relationship. I see what you had as a time of teaching and learning from one another. I know that might not help you feel better and it’s not to say you can’t be good friends or that she didn’t feel anything for you – I think for you as a 4♠, you benefit and receive blessings through your self-reflection, powerful feelings and sensitive heart and wanting to find another to reflect back to you what you are seeking within.(Represented by your A♥ Jupiter card) AND with her being a 8♥, she reflected to you powerful feelings and a sensitive heart as that is what the 8♥ person is at their core. 🙂
Wow that just teared me up… thank you Ashley. I love her very very much but I’m okay to say goodbye if that is what is meant for us. It just rips me apart to do so. Absolutely self reflection and personal investment powers me. You hit the nail on the head. You are so so good wow!!! I’m currently (casually) dating a King of Hearts. 11/20/93 Hoping things go better this time around. 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️ She is very sweet to me. Thank you again. Your kindness means more than you may know. So much love to you.
You are so welcome and BIG hugs and love to you too! You will always cherish her I think – those kind of relationships are important!
Now, you and a K♥ have many connections!! 🙂 Blessings to you! Embrace and treasure that you are willing to look deep and understand yourself and others – that will take you to higher, more beautiful places in life!! <3
Hi Ashley,
My I was told by someone that according to their “playing cards” that something was different or about to change or take place in my life here by my next birthday. What it is or what they meant, I am completely clueless. Just wondering if this happens to make any sense to you & if it may be anything to do with this “Soul Birthday” thing I’ve seen you mention? My birthday is actually just around the corner, May 15th, 1976.
Hi Jennifer! I’m assuming they are referring to the fact that beginning on your upcoming birthday and for your whole 44th year, you will be LIVING your Spiritual Path Spread. This spread is showing us what past life infuences are still playing out in our lives NOW. And for our 44th year, we get to experience that. 🙂
What does it mean when you’re their cosmic reward card? I am a virgo 9 of clubs and he is a virgo Queen of clubs.
Hi Nife! So, you are his Cosmic Reward card – I am editing what I posted originally -my apologies – I was replying as if you had asked about the Cosmic Lesson card!
You are HIS Cosmic Reward card.
The Cosmic Reward card is a result or gift/benefit we receive when we’ve done the Pluto work (what the Pluto card indicates), but meeting someone who is our Cosmic Reward card can play out several ways.
So, first, a very small snippet about your Pluto card – Your Pluto card in your Life spread is a very special gift. A hidden treasure that must be found and cultivated. It is a very special wisdom we carry within that helps us give/be that change in the world we came to be. It is about transformation. The holy-shit-why did-this-happen-to-me stuff that shakes us in our boots and forces us to make a choice. And when we allow the transformation, we receive the Reward. (indicated by your Cosmic Reward card – which for him is the 9♣ – Higher/Universal Knowledge)
We can do the Pluto work – OR we can end up just wanting to live (or have) our Cosmic Reward card.
We can even covet our Cosmic Reward card – which can be represented by a person that comes into our life and we desire them. We protect them. We need them.
Hello! I’m a J♦️Gemini and the person I’m drawn to is an 8♦️ Pisces. I was just introduced to this system and I’m told they are my “cosmic reward”. Do you have any insight to this connection, or advice? I very much feel a twin flame kind of thing but I don’t know that the attraction is even reciprocal. I feel a little crazy!
Hi Rene! Yes, the 8♦ is your Cosmic Reward card! The Cosmic Reward card is a result or gift/benefit we receive when we’ve done the Pluto work (what the Pluto card indicates), but meeting someone who is our Cosmic Reward card can play out several ways.
So, first, a very small snippet about your Pluto card – Your Pluto card in your Life spread is a very special gift. A hidden treasure that must be found and cultivated. It is a very special wisdom we carry within that helps us give/be that change in the world we came to be. It is about transformation. The holy-shit-why did-this-happen-to-me stuff that shakes us in our boots and forces us to make a choice. And when we allow the transformation, we receive the Reward. (indicated by your Cosmic Reward card – which for you is the 8♦-financial power)
We can do the Pluto work – OR we can end up just wanting to live (or have) our Cosmic Reward card.
We can even covet our Cosmic Reward card – which can be represented by a person that comes into our life and we desire them. We protect them. We need them.
This is one of those connections that isn’t easy to explain in a paragraph on a blog comment! 😉
You two have other connections as well, so it makes sense that you would feel as you do! I would recommend looking into the meaning of your Pluto card (the 10♣).
Hi! I moved to a new school and the first person i met was someone who had the same exact birthday as me (09/12/2002). On the first day ,i immediately felt comfortable with her. But later on, it seemed as if she was just picking on me and saying hurtful things to me. i did not know where all that came from because i never picked on her or said anything bad about her. That is why i did not like as much again.
Hi Priscilla! Thank you for commenting and sharing. Yeah, when we meet someone with our same birthday/birth card, it is like we are with a mirror. We might not understand why we are triggered, but it is because she felt something in you that she was denying in herself. So, even though you weren’t doing anything to provoke her to pick on you, she did because she was really picking on herself!
What is the relationship like between Queen of Clubs and 5 of Hearts, Queen of Clubs and 10 of Clubs, Queen of Clubs and 4 of Diamonds, Queen of Clubs and 6 of Diamonds and Queen of Clubs and 9 of Clubs?
Hi again Priscilla! Replying to thi would be a novel! LOL Pick which one you most want me to comment on and if you’d like to go over all of them, I have an inexpensive 20 minute reading you can purchase and we can discuss all of them. 🙂 Reading link:
Hello again Ashley ☺️ I hope you are having a nice Easter, or just day in general!
I am wondering about my connection with my old partner who i’d like to have hope reconnecting romantically.
I am a 4 of spades Aquarius, they are 8 of hearts Sagittarius ♥️🧁💕
Wondering if we are more karmic… or potential for a long standing relationship here.
Love to you, sweet soul!🌼🐜🙂
Hi Nicky and Happy Easter to you! The main connections you two have are that your first karma card (10♣) is his Ruling card AND the first karma card for your Q♦ Ruling card is his Transformed Self card (3♦). So, he is representing to you what you are learning to embrace and use in your life (the 10♣ and the 3♦). I can see this as a relationship that is teaching both of you. In the Spiritual spread, he is vertical Saturn to you. So, in some past life, he might’ve been an authority figure to you, a teacher or someone you looked up to or who was a source of discipline for you. There aren’t any of the typical ‘romantic’ connections, though even connections that are teaching us can be romantic if both parties put the effort into creating that! When I see connections between couples that are more about helping each other grow, the main thing I advise is to make sure you both have an intention of supporting one another to that end. If that is only a one-way street, it can be diffcult. So, it really depends on where you both are right now in your life as to whether it can be a long-standing relationship. You two together equals the Q♠ – can be a LOT of ‘mastering life’ when together – but again, both of you have to be on the same page in that regard, otherwise, it can feel like a lot of work! I hope that helps! ♥
Relationship between Queen of clubs and 10 of Clubs and relationship between Queen of Clubs and 5 of Hearts
Relationship between Queen of Clubs and Ten of Clubs and Queen of Clubs and 5 of Hearts?
Hi Priscilla! The Q♣ is the Saturn card for the 10♣. So, for the 10♣ person, the Q♣ can feel to them to be bossy, telling them what to do or can help them be more discplined and responsible in their lives. In the Spiritual spread, the Q♣ is the Venus card for the 10♣, so there was a past life where, (for the 10♣ person) the Q♣ was someone they were attrracted to, or felt loving towards, or maybe even a family member. So, there would be that sense of liking/loving the Q♣ (for the 10♣ person), but they might also feel bossed or controlled by the Q♣ now.
Between the Q♣ and the 5♥ – the second karma card for the 5♥ (what they do easily and is their default mode in a challenging situation) is the Venus card for the Q♣. So, for both, the 5♣ card (changing their minds, being open to other/new philosophies or being too wishy-washy in their beliefs) is an easy, natural mode of operating. This would be their common ground so to speak.
Hi, Ashley. My name is Brad. I’m an 8 of diamonds (01/19) and my girlfriend is a king of clubs (08/13). We’re about 12 years apart. I would appreciate your insight on this connection.
Thank you.
Hi Brad! Your main connections are: 1- You are her Cosmic Lesson card. You represent to her her bigger ‘soul’ work. When someone isn’t on a spiritual path, their cosmic lesson card can feel like a thorn in their side or someone trying to tell them how to be (even if you aren’t doing that!) My ex was my Cosmic Lesson and while it was rough relationship (for many other reasons) I learned so much with him and we both grew so much together.
2 – You have a mutual Mercury conenction in the Spiritual spread, so in some past life, you both communciated easily and understood one another and that is still there between you. Also, in the Spiritual spread, you were her Pluto card and that influence is still there. There was a lifetime where you were either a big part of her transforming her life (Pluto is the big death of some psychological aspect of ourselves that needs to happen), or there was a conenction that was about power and control. That influence is still there between you two, so I’d say that to her you could feel at times, to be controlling or she is understanding her ‘power’ in the relationship. This can be positive if both of you are willing to understand it and create the positive. Otherwise, it can feel like you get each other, yet, there are power struggles.
One other note – she is a K♣ – they believe strongly in their truth – and you as an 8♦ has the K♠ as your Mercury card. That alone can be a power struggle. 😉
Hi Ashley! I just discovered Cardology and I find your website to be very helpful. I’m a 10 of diamonds and the other person an 8 of diamonds. Can you give me some insight on this connection?
Thank you 🙂
Hi Lynn! The two main connections are that the 8♦ is vertical Jupiter to the 10♦. This means that you as a 10♦ will see and feel the 8♦ person is benefical or a blessing for you. With it being a vertical connection, it means, only you feel that type of energy. For the 8♦ person, in the Spiritual spread, the 10♦ is in their Spiritual path spread as their Venus card. Meaning, that in some past life together, you were ‘Venus’ to them. There might’ve been a close friendship, a romantic connection or an attraction. That influence is still there between you in this lifetime. So, there is potentially an easy conenction between you two. Both the 10♦ and the 8♦ are very powerful cards and both like to have and be successful. Both cards have as their first karma cards, a Queen card, so both need to learn to utilize the feminine energy to create the life you want. 🙂
How can the Queen of Clubs overcome the negative karma card (Three of Hearts)?
Hi Priscilla!
My perspective on the first karma card for all cards isn’t that it is ‘negative’ karma to overcome.
Our second karma card (the 10♦ for the Q♣) is something we have been using many lives. It’s our ‘go to’ so to speak. It’s like our default setting. When we want to do something, try something, or we’re challenged by life, we go to that default mode to handle it.
This is our second karma card. It’s something we do over and over. However, one can’t change or evolve when we just keep doing things the same way, right?
So, our first karma card (the 3♥ for the Q♣) is what we need to learn to use instead. We do that by ‘giving it energy’….we have to stop using the second karma card and instead learn to use the first karma card. This creates the ‘balance’ (what karma is about) and allows us change and evolve. So, people who are our first karma card can seem challenging to us and situations represented by our first karma card can feel difficult because it is not a comfortable feeling for us.
So, back to your question-
For the Q♣, when wanting to do something or face a challenge, instead of relying on forceful, masculine energy to try and figure it out all on their own, or with money or through their own knowledge, they need to practice and use the energy of the 3♥.
This means creative self-expression. It means trying new things and bringing variety into their lives. The 10♦ energy is very “Do it all by myself” where the 3♥ is about others, especially ‘others’ who aren’t typically in our circle of influence. And not just others, but creative outlets. The Q♣ person needs to learn to truly express themselves or through being open to different creative expressions, they find what fits them. (And because the Q♣ has as their Mars card, the 3♦, they tend to be good at multiple projects to make money and overlook the sheer joy in just picking a creative outlet and expressing themselves through it.)
Do you read diagonal connections on the natural spiritual spread? Thank you :)) 🌷🤍
Hi! Yes you do and it is the same meaning with the exception that the ‘connection’ is from another timeline/life with that other person and so that connections’ influence is still there between you in this life. 🙂
Hi Ashley how are you!?
I just had a quick question hopefully I can word it so that it makes sense but is it possible to have a connection with ones sun card and another’s ruling card in both the spiritual and mundane spread? does it work that way too? for example, his ruling card forms a diagonal connection to my sun card in the spiritual spread, or my ruling card forming a diagonal connection to his sun card in the mundane spread. ( for reference so you see what I mean lol, He is a libra 6 of clubs and I am a Sagittarius 2 of diamonds).
thank you in advance! 🙂
Hi Lisa! You two have MANY connections!
His 6♣ is mutual Mars to you 4♠ (Earth spread)
You are vertical Jupiter to him (Earth spread)
And you are his second karma card!
In Spiritual spread:
Your Sun and his Ruling card are mutual Venus
His Sun and your Ruling card are mutual Jupiter
And your Sun is his Cosmic Reward card
So, yes, we can have both connections in both spreads.
The Spiritual spread connections speak to past life connections – influences that are still there between you now.
You have what is called shared connections in the Earth spread. 🙂
I’m going beyond your question, but with the easy past connections and the fact that you are his second karma card, you two would get along well and find it an easy connection. 🙂
The parents are the 5 of Hearts and the 10 of Clubs and the child is the Queen of Clubs . The 5 of Hearts is the underlying Venus card for the Queen of Clubs and the Queen Of Clubs is the Venus Card for the 10 of Clubs. How does this connections play out along with other connections in raising the Queen of Clubs child?
Hi Priscilla,
The connection you are referring to is in the Spiritual spread. In it, the Q♣ is the Venus card for the 10♣. In the Earth spread, the Q♣ is the Saturn card for the 10♣. And the 10♣ is vertical Mercury for the Q♣. The connection for the 5♥ and the Q♣ is a shared connection- the Q♣’s Venus card is the second karma card for the 5♥. So, whichever parent is the 10♣, there was a former life where the child was “Venus energy” to that parent. It was an easy, loving connection that is still there today. That probably helps since the child is Saturn to that parent now, which can be challenging for the 10♣ parent. Just being that child’s parent is helping the 10♣ learn to use a more feminine energy to get things done and to use their intuition. The 5♥ parent shares that 5♣ energy with the child, and it is easy for both of them. For any parents of a Q♣ child, they have a child who is highly sensitive and attuned to their intuition, which can make them feel ‘weird’…and while they are a “Queen” and need to live via a more feminine approach, can feel they have to be assertive/aggressive (masculine energy) to get their way. They need to be encouraged to trust what they receive from other realms and to be OK with a more feminine approach to things.
Hi Ashley,
Such amazing insights here – thank you for sharing. I’m looking at my connection with my partner and not seeing him as any of my planetary cards or connections. I feel in my bones that this is something special so wanted to find out more. I‘m an Ace of clubs (12/17) and he’s an Ace of diamonds (8/12). I like that we’re a pair of Aces. Could you speak further to our connection? Do we have connections per the cards?
Hi Scarlet! You two definetly have connections! I only cover the basics in the blog post, but your Ruling card is the 3♦ and that has a vertical Jupiter to the A♦. Also, the second karma card for the 3♦ is the Q♦, which is his Mercury card. Your second karma card is an energy you find easy and can be a default mode for you, so because it is also his Mercury card, it is something you both find easy and can connect with. In the Spiritual spread, your Ruling card is the Venus card for the A♦. This indicates in some past life, you represented to him that Venus energy and it is still there influencing him now. 🙂
My Brother is the 4 Of Diamonds and I the Queen of Clubs. Our composite card is the 3 of hearts which is the first karma card for the Queen of Clubs. What does this relationship mean?
Also my Dad is the Ten of Clubs and I am his Saturn Card and he is in his Saturn Period. What does this mean?
Hi Ashley! I am a Aquarius 2 ♠️ and he is a Virgo king ♣️. Could I get your insight on this connection?
Hi KC! You are in his Life Path spread. The 2♠ is his Jupiter card and your Rulinig card (the 8♦) is his Cosmic Lesson card. ALSO, the 2♠ is his first karma card! There are a few cards that have their karma card as part of their Life path spread. Anyway, this makes you someone who is mirroring to him the energy of his Life path. The Jupiter connection provides the sense of you being a blessing or that you help expand or bring joy into his life. The 2♠ is the card of networking, friendships and at a higher level, being able to bring many people of differing walks of life together. The other two connections make you someone who is assisting him in his journey. This can create an interesting dynamic – sometimes a push/pull dynamic, where he is drawn to you, but can feel you challenge him. If both of you are aware of this and work to benefit from it, it can be a very rewarding relationship!
My Brother is the 4 Of Diamonds and I the Queen of Clubs. Our composite card is the 3 of hearts which is the first karma card for the Queen of Clubs. What does this relationship mean?
Also my Dad is the Ten of Clubs and I am his Saturn Card and he is in his Saturn Period. What does this
Hi Priscilla, While I love replying to blog comments and sharing information about the card connections, I can only do so many as it is very time consuming. When the same person keeps wanting more and more free answers, it becomes unfair to the others who are polite and don’t request information on everyone in their life. Since you have so many inquiries, might I suggest you book a reading and we can cover all of them. Thank you!
I know I ask too many questions and other people also want their questions answered so it’s ok.
I am a 10 of clubs and personality card or ruling card is a 8 of diamonds the lover in my life is also 10 of clubs birth card but personality/ruling card is a 3 of hearts plz help me understand mine and his both life spreads..
Hi Kristi! I’ll be covering your Life Path spread in your reading tomorrow – way too much to put in a blog comment. But as a quick answer for a situation like yours where both people in a relationship are the same birth card, but a different Ruling card. You’ll be a mirror to one another and where you’ll focus your 10♣ energy in life will be different than he does. Yours will be in the 8♦ area and his will be in the 3♥ area. I’ll explain more in your reading. 🙂
Hello! I did the spread for me and a lot of people and my life and did’nt find any “aspect” between the positions. But I found something curious: this partner of mine have the exactly same planets as me, inverted.
I am a 9 of diamonds (July 6) and he is a Jack of Clubs (January 3rd)
As you can notice we are also opposites: cancer-capricorn
In details: he has Gemini moon, and it’s my Venus.
I have Aries moon, and it is his Ascendant.
*I had another partner that was more “perfect” in the astrology than him, but in the cards spreads that one doesnt make any “aspect”
My cards and natal chart are always talking about a karmic love and this one feels a bit karmic, there is 10 years that we loved each other, being friends, couple, friends, but always there. And I really love him till this day, we’ve been real friends for years, so I am looking for an explanation that helps me get it if its a romantic karmic love or just a pure love and caring.
Hi Nina! You two are in one another’s Life Path spread! He is your Ruling card (and Moon card) that alone is a very deep connection – where he would feel a need to nurture and care for you and he represents to you your emotional needs. Your birth card is his Mercury card. His Ruling card (the J♦) is your Jupiter card. So, again, he is representing to you what and where in life you can expand, bring in abundance and grow.
You are also in his Spiritual Path spread as his Cosmic Moon card. In some past connection, you assisted him in his journey and that energy is still there between you. I can see why your relationship has been close and you two are teaching one another. As far as it being romantic or just close? I don’t think it has to be either/or. It can be whatever you two desire it to be if you feel there are still things you can do together. I can’t cover everything in a comment, but the connections are there and it is no surprise you are continually in each others lives!
Greetings !!!! I am a Libra 6 of Diamonds and She is a Taurus 4 of Clubs. We had a pretty good relationship and we had a strange breakup a few years back but everything seems so unresolved. I see that we have similar cards in a lot of areas. Our composite card for the relationship was the ten of Spades. I was wondering if you could give me insight on that and maybe our relationship going forward.
Hi Steve! I can see you two have a lot of positive connections – you were her Jupiter- mutual Mercury between her birth card and your ruling card – and other connections between your ruling cards. You asked about the energy you created together – the 10♠. The high side of that card is being mentally upbeat, interests in higher education, maybe foreign travel/cultures. It’s a think big card that likes to work. The low side is a mind that can exaggerate things to the point of overwhelm and exhaustion. And liking to work becomes the workaholic that overlooks the details. I don’t know if you felt any of that in the relationship. Any ’10’ energy is a LOT and unless the couple works together to steer it in a direction both agree on, it can be tiring. Beyond what you created together is how you each perceived that energy. For you, it was creative, non-traditonal, progressive and project oriented. Or, there was overwhelm, indecision and maybe feeling you had to take a stand for your truth. For her, she felt curiousity, wanting to learn something new or a desire to keep hopping to something new and not being able to committ or be interested enough to stay focused on something that needed time. The thing is, for her, as a 4♣, which is a very stable, sometimes stubborn thinker, that hopping around wasn’t a comfortable feeling. And even for you, as a 6♦, who is very responsible with money, that creative energy can make you uncomfortable – too many risks for you? Does any of this resonate? You asked about your relationship going forward? You two have many ‘shared connections’ – but you each feel them differently. Understanding what they are and using that abundant 10♠ energy towards something you both agree on would be important. 🙂 I hope that helps!
How about I’m ace of spade she is jack of heart it’s been rocky….
Hi Bob! This is a combination that is difficult to speak to in a short blog comment. First, she is your Jupiter card, which makes her benefical to you and you might feel a sense of needing her to expand your life. But, both the A♠ and the J♥ are highly spiritual cards and if those who are these cards are living with a lack of a spiritual foundation (not religious, spiritual), there are a lot of fears and even paranoia. I’m not saying that is how you both are – that is the extreme low side. The J♥ can either always play the martyr, or dislike committment, prefering to be unavailable in relationships. On the high side, the J♥ is opitimistic, friendly, out-going and wants to uplift others. The A♠ person is someone who can transform others and are very artistic and sensitive – but, if they’ve never found that spiritual foundation, they live through their fears which can lead to escapism or addiction. The two cards together creates a very powerful energy of being able to create the life they want by going inward and doing the work – otherwise things feel like it’s always heavy, stuck or drudgery. A couple with these cards can do some amazing work together and be a couple who truly assists mankind, but until they recognize the inner, spiritual work that is necessary, it can be difficult!
Hi! I just recently came across your page and find it to be so informative. I’m so intrigued by the cards and just learning. My bday is 6/12/91 and my partner of 7 years is 11/4/91. I’m a 5 of diamonds and he is a 4 of Diamonds…How do I read our relationship destiny? I’m also intrigued as to any book recommendations you have on learning this? I’ve seen a few different ones about your destiny laid out from years 1-99 predictions and would love to learn more. Would appreciate your insight!!!
Hi Amy! Before I comment on the card connections – I wanted to see if you had made a typo – the card for 11-4 is the 3♦. Did you give the correct bday, or card? Thanks!
Hi Ashley! Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. Ooops. maybe I got this wrong. His birthday is 11/4/1991 I must have misread this! haha so would he be 3 Diamonds not 4 of diamonds. You’re right 🙂 Thanks for responding <3
Yay! OK, now I can answer your question properly! 🙂 So, you two have a lot of connections. First, you are his Venus in the Spiritual spread – meaning in some past/other life, you were ‘Venus’ energy to him which creates a close, easy, loving connection and that is still there between you two in this life. AND, in the Spiritual spread, his 7♦ Ruling card is your Venus. Your Ruling card now is the Q♠, which has a mutual Saturn with the 3♦. So, while there is a very loving energy from some past still there for you two, there is also the Saturn energy. Being that it is mutual, you both feel it. It is like you are both the grinding stone for one another, helping to polish the edges, teach one another and challenge one another. Those who are Saturn in our lives, while very helpful in the long run, can create a very hard relationship! It can feel like they are always criticizing, or finding our faults or pushing us in ways that don’t feel good! As well, you are both dynamic energy and somewhere there needs to be a grounding, stabilizing energy, otherwise things seem to always be a state of chaos or overwhelm. You both are so creative and can manifest and make discoveries that are life changing!:) There are more connections, but too much to go into in a blog comment.
Hi Ashley. I came across your article and I’ve been trying to analyze it. I am a King Diamond (April 8, Aries) and he is a 6 diamond (March 17, Pisces) We’ve been together for 4 years, but he is not very affectionate and is also very set in his ways. Doesn’t like to go out much or socialize with family and friends on either side. Can you tell me more about our relationship dynamic in regards to the our destiny? Thank you in advance for not only helping me out, but helping many others on here.
Hi G! First, you two have a mutual Mercury, so you tend to get each other in what you’re saying/communicating. The big thing is that he is in your Life Path spread as your Uranus card. While we can feel very close to those who are our Uranus card, it takes some work and acknowledging that their energy represents that which we either rebel against, or feel weird about. They seem to do unexpected, shocking things in our eyes.
We have to be willing to really understand that person through the perception that they are representing an aspect of who we are. Secondly, the 6♦ person can be set in their ways as they have two very ‘stubborn’ cards as their Moon & Mercury cards in their Life Path spread. The 8♣ – most mentally fixed card in the deck- is their Moon card and the 4♠-very set in lifestyle ways-is their Mercury card. Also, they have the A♥ as their Saturn card, so if there is some abandonment/betrayal they suffered in an earlier time that they didn’t heal, they will keep their heart closed off. These card are also in your Life Path spread, you just experience them differently. It is called ‘shared connections’ where you both have the same cards, but they are different to each of you in how you feel them and express them. One might be easy for you, hard for him, etc. And last but not least, his Ruling card (Q♦) is the Moon card for the K♦ in the Spiritual spread, so in some past/other life you two had that connection in some form where who he was took care of or felt a bond with you and that is still there now. It would take a conversation to cover all of that more indepth and how it might be playing out now. All that to say, when someone we are in a relationship with is in our Life Path spread, they are a mirror to us, showing us parts of ourselves. We can truly learn and grow from that, however it isn’t always easy! As far as destiny? Truly understanding each other and how you are helping one another grow is a process that both need to be willing to do, which allows that growth and healing to happen. 🙂 I hope that helps some!
Can you tell me the compatibility between a Queen of diamonds and a 10 of Hearts please?
Hi Kelsey! Without knowing the Ruling cards, the main connection is that the Q♦ is the Saturn card for the 10♥. This will make the Q♦ person feel challenging, restrictive, or controlling to the 10♥. To what degree depends on the 10♥ person and whether they have or are doing the ‘Saturn work’ in their life.
Ohhhhh Ashley Ashley Ashley! Thank you Thank you Thank you! Im am really enjoying reading your post and all of the questions and answers given by you and the other curious ones such as myself (hey guys n gals thanks!) I have worn my battery down quit a few times reading and rereading this info. Im at 8% as I type lol! My wondering is about my ex born 11/18/76 with whom I have two olympic year born sons with (6/27/96 and 5/10/04). I being 1974s freshest coming thru on 12/8 love them all dearly and wholeheartedly! HOWEVER, more times than I would like my head spins and spins when communicating with them. So, my young wonder woman, I ask of you to explain some of my connections with them especially those dog gone water signs! The taurus and I do ok I just want to do better and be a better me for and with them. Please speak on whatever connections you would like. Just please please please SPEAK dear gal for your words speak volumes!
Hi Bradley!
Since you asked specifically about communicating with your family, I’ll focus on that.
First, with your ex, you are her Cosmic Lesson card. One can learn a LOT from those who are their Cosmic Lesson card as they represent one’s ‘higher’ work – that apsect of us that is here to represent the Divine. But, it can also feel like they are a thorn in our side as I like to say. Communication wise, the mind of the 2♣ person is VERY intelligent, many times contradictory and they stand firm on what they believe in – to the point of inflexibility, eccentricity for its own sake, or fear of change – which can create a lot of worry that leads to arguments and debates. (that is the extreme low side.)
You are also her Pluto card in the Spiritual spread. So, your energetic connection can be very intense, though the relationship is one of assisting with deep transformations.
Your way of communicating as a 10♣ is based more on what matters most to you and creating that outcome. (I’m condensing this!)
Your 3♣ son communicates by processing his experiences through creative energy and isn’t so mentally focused (as in learning via data/knowledge). He needs to express himself by exploring, doing and moving energy in a creative way.
Your 9♦ son also communicates through his experiences, but it is on a much deeper, probing level – more by exploring his inner world, but through experiences. His Ruling card is the 2♣ – so there is a connection of his mom being a mirror for him as well as representing to him that which he finds energetically pleasing to him.
As a parent, it helps to know how differently our kids process and think compared to how we do.
There is so much more that can be looked at with all of you as a family. That would take a VERY long comment!😉
This is why I have a course on understanding our relationships through our card connections!
I hope this helps some?
After rereading my post I feel I should help more with the birth cards. The scorpio is a 2♣. The cancer is a 3♣. My baby bull is a 9♦. I the sag am a 10♣ love. Help me teach them so I can learn please and thank you!
Hello, my husband is a Q of Clubs and I am a 7 of hearts our combined is 6 of diamonds. I’ve been trying to figure out what this all means is that a lot of my cards are in his cards. Please help because I am so confused.
Hi Sherell! You are in his Life Path spread as his Saturn card. So, you are representing to him what his ‘work’ is in this lifetime. Our Saturn card is what we have to work at, what takes time, what helps us be more responsible and create a solid structure in our life. When someone is our Saturn card, they can feel challenging to us – because they are challenging us – helping us to do the hard work we need to do. It can make for some intense times of feeling things are too hard in the relationship, but it is very helpful if we are aware of what is going on. So, you can feel challenging to him. The 6♦ energy that you create together means if you are both on the same page, together, you can
make compromises where money is concerned and take full responsibility for all your debts, as well as have an interest in higher education/ philosophy and travel. Or, the low side is that you both fall into a comfortable rut and don’t pay attention to your financial affairs. If not on the same page, he can feel a lot of confusion about the relationship or feel rejected, even if that isn’t truly the case. You can feel that you have to be the responsible one financially and have the say in how things should be – which is actually what your Pluto card is about. That is a brief, sinmple explanation – hard to cover the complexities in a blog comment. 🙂 I hope that helps?
I just was interested in knowing more about my path with my husband. He’s a Q of clubs and I’m a 7 of hearts, together we are a 6 of diamonds. I’m not sure what it all means.
Hi Ashley! This was such an interesting post––I’ve had trouble finding other sources that provide insight concerning the visual relationships between the cards, so this has been very illuminating. You outline a method to read “through” the chart, as it were, in the vertical, such as moving up, and then dropping down and over to identify the five of clubs as experiencing a relationship characterized by Venus energy with the six of spades. I’m wondering if you have any insight as to how to read “through” the chart for mutual, diagonal relationships. My birth card is the queen of diamonds, and I’m wondering if I have other mutual mercury relationships besides those with the four of spades and the jack of clubs––or, do certain cards simply have more mutual relationships than others (such as more central cards like the ten of diamonds)? Thank you!
Hi Kiki! if you view the chart as being more than the 2D representaion it is, then you would continue even when on a card sits on the edge. So, for the Q♦, mutual Mercury would include the A♦ and the J♦. 🙂
Ah! That makes so much sense, thank you for the clarification! So all four mutual Venuses for the queen of diamonds would be the six of hearts, the two of spades, the jack of spades, and the six of spades, right? I’m having trouble finding the other two mutual Marses, aside from the nine of clubs and the jack of hearts…would they be the eight of diamonds and the king of spades? Thank you again!
Yes! You got the other mutual Venuses right. And yes, K♠ and 8♦ for the other mutual Mars!
So then…are there only three mutual Saturns, because of the gap to the right of the king of spades? Or would you skip the space, and the fourth mutual Saturn would be the queen of hearts? Thank you so much for your patience, and for taking the time to answer these questions––I’m really quite enamored with this concept, and I sincerely appreciate your insight! 🙂
How are you finding more than 1 mutual Saturn? (besides the 10♣)
Hi there! I genuinely enjoyed reading your blog and appreciate the semi thorough breakdown for what you are providing for free! I am seriously looking for more resources and when I saw you were 6 ♣️ I thought maybe it was meant to be!
Anyway can I please get some inside on how you add two cards together?
I am 6♣️ and my partner is 2❤.. can I please have some insight on this connection? Combined does this connection become my karmic card? Appreciate you taking the time to reply!
Hi Desire! The energy created by the 6♣ and the 2♥ is the 8♣ (your first Karma card is the 8♠) This means that if both on the same page, you would be amazing at focusing on a goal and learning what needed to be learned and not being deterred. That 8♣ energy is very intelligent and creative. The low side would be getting stuck on an idea or belief that is harmful or negative and not being able to let it go. If you two aren’t on the same page, it can feel like you get no where with plans or ideas and are beyond stubborn…LOL
I thought the nine of spades and the five of spades were also mutual saturns…if the king of spades is a mutual mars, I thought you continued to trace its trajectory down and to the right, so you’d have a mutual jupiter in the ten of spades, a mutual saturn in the five of spades, a mutual uranus in the king of diamonds, and a mutual neptune in the six of diamonds––and then follow that same path down and to the left for the eight of diamonds. That was my understanding, but I take it that’s not correct? Is the ten of clubs the only mutual saturn for the queen of diamonds?
Hi Kiki, I beleive you are correct and I want to thank you for bringing this up here! I’ve only played with it this year (going beyond the edge of the chart) to be honest and the 3 spots at the top gave me pause – so I’m adjusting my thinking on this as well! For me, with discoveries beyond what has already been taught, we need to test it out! Look at those people in your life (if possible) and see if it does indeed feel mutually (the energy fo that planet) for both of you. The main thing this system teaches us is that we express/experience all cards at some point in our lives and we are all connected energetically in some way! (And in most cases in a variety of ways ) which creates the complexities of relationships. 🙂
I love that you pushed me to look at this again and you asked about it! <3
I’ve been trying to figure this thing out for years and I’m not sure what debt I have to pay to this Q♣️ person who is my ex. My birth card is a 10♦️and he’s my Karma card. I’m still emotionally attached to him. The only person that I truly loved and feel I have a soul connection to in a since. I feel like I can’t mentally move on. I feel tied to him…almost like a soul tie. Though we both have moved on….I still feel intuned
Hi Denetra! What if you stopped veiwing it as a ‘debt you owe’ and see it differently. Our first karma card is something we are learning to BE and use in our life and it doesn’t come naturally to us. What about him are you drawn to? Can that give you a clue as to what (regarding the energy of the Q♣) you might still be needing to embrace? Also, what is your Ruling card and what is his? is that possibly where the attachment is?
Hey Ashley! I was wondering if you could tell me the connection between a 10 of clubs and a 10 of diamonds?
Hi Meg! Without knowing the ruling cards of each, the main connections are that the Saturn card in the Life path spread of the 10♣ (the Q♣) is the first karma card for the 10♦. This is a shared connection, so you both have this Q♣ card as an energy that is more on the difficult side for both of you. When a shared connection is part of a relationship, it can create a situation where you are both working on the same situation/growth in your lives. In this case it is learning to trust your intuition, embrace assistance from higher realms and serve others with your knowledge. The other connection is the 10♦ is vertical Jupiter to the 10♣, meaning that the 10♦ feels like someone who is beneficial, or brings expansion to the life of the 10♣. It can feel good to the 10♣. But, that is a one-way connection. And of course, you are both 10’s! 🙂
What is the connection for a 6 of Diamonds and a Jack of Hearts?
Hi Chelsea! The 6♦ and the J♥ have several connections. In the Spiritual spread, the J♥ is vertical Mars for the 6♦. This means that in some other lifetime, the 6♦ felt the J♥ person as someone who theu were passionate about, or felt drawn to sexually, or were motivated by or even angered by and that energy is still there now between you. It might be what drew you together. The 6♦ is the Cosmic Moon card for the J♥. This makes the 6♦ person someone who is there in the life of the J♥ to assist with their evolution. The 6♦ person will want to either nurture, support or be there for the J♥. And you have a shared connection. The Mercury card for the J♥ (how they think, communicate) is the first karma card for the 6♦. So, the 6♦ person can learn to embrace their first karma card (which can feel unnatural and uncomfortable)just by talking to and understanding the J♥ person.
Hi, I wanted to know how to know the relationship my card is 6 of diamonds and my husband’s is a 6 of clubs. They are not connected vertically or diagonally. Is there a different way to read this?
Hi Flor! If you go down to the thread with Kiki, we talk about how we can’t look at this system on a flat piece of paper. It is fractul and moves. If you go beyond the edges of the chart, it increases the connections. This is something I’m still studying. Because of this, it creates a mutual Mars between the 6♣ and the 6♦. Your Ruling cards might also play into your connection. For me personally, (as a 6♣) I really like (and am motivated by) the 6♦ folks in my life. 🙂
Hi Ashley,
I have been looking into cardology for a few months now. My most recent relationship is composite card of Ace of Spades, Ace of spades is my Pluto card.
I am 8 Diamonds/King of Spades/ Gemini
he is 6 of Hearts / Four of Clubs /Scorpio.
I was wondering about this intense connection and is it because of our composite card is my Pluto. Is this going to be a painful one?
xx luz
Hi Luz! The composite card being your Pluto card definitely creates an intensity to the relationship! However, because you are aware of this and know that your Pluto card is revealing the transformation within you that will bring you even more fulfillment and purpose to your life, the energy you create with him is assisting you with this! I think for someone unaware, it could feel too intense or conflicting, but if you have the perspective that the relationship can help bring this about, you can shift from the belief that it can be painful, to it being beneficial. Doesn’t mean it will be easy, but that shift in perspective can help you realize what is going on. You two have other connections as well. If he is a 6♥ Scorpio, his Ruling card would be the J♠. In the Spiritual spread, the K♠ is Venus to the J♠. Also, his second karma card (what feels natural and easy for him is the 3♦, which is your Neptune card – so there are other things that probably brought you together that can ease that intensity. 🙂
Hi Ashley. Ive been really getting into this Cardology and even started taking a course recently. My question is what is the Karma/Relationship of the 9♣️ Libra & J♦️ Pisces? Ive been with this person since i was 15 and have decided to leave due to the lack of respect and boundaries as well as communication issues. I am the J♦️ he is the 9♣️.
Hi Jazmine! One of the main karmic connections between you two is that your Ruling card (the Q♥) is his first Karma card. The 9♣ person can have a life that propels them to a deeper understanding not only of their divine feminine (regardless of their gender), but also about their true innate desires. This isn’t just romantic desires, but the desires they came to fulfill in this life. The Q♥ is the ‘Mother of Love’ and that includes learning to love ourselves with the same nurturing and love a mother has for her children. As well, the mindset, beliefs and attitudes the 9♣ person has around caring for themselves and others is very imnportant to their well-being. While love is very important to the 9♣ person, it is also their struggle. And if they have children, that is oftentimes where the conflict comes into play. With the Q♥ being your Ruling card, your J♦ ‘essence’ is here to dive into that Q♥ energy. So, you are revealing/mirroring that to him. Depending on how you do so and where he is with that in his own life, it can create issues. (Are there any children involved?) And because you mentioned communication/boundaries issues – the J♦ person has as their Mercury card, the 4♥. Any 4 card creates boundaries and typically wants there to be a sense of stability and the 4♥ as a Mercury card creates the need to express love and emotions in a sensable way. The 9♣ has the 9♠ as their Mercury card – which is pretty much the opposite! Their thinking is so much of what torments them. I hope this helps some!
Thank you for the clarification. We do not have any children, I believe it is for the best. This all makes sense. We have grown apart it happens. It has been alot harder for him to accept me leaving but it is completely necessary for us both to grow and heal. We have been through alot of rough times together. ❤ I appreciate your work your amazing thank you again
BIG HUGS Jazmine! When descisions like this are made in order to grow and heal, as hard as it is, you both will gain what you need.
My Brother (4♦️, 6♣️) and I(Queen ♣️, 10♠️) have the combination card 3 of ♥️. This is my first karma. What does this relationship signify?
I am a female Gemini 2 ♦, my male partner 2❤, our daughters are K ♦ & 6 ♣. Together for 16 yrs since high school, a lot of ups and downs in realtionship. Was wondering if u had any thoughts.
Hi Jessica! Well, I could write a whole article on the connections! 😉 Your family is a great example of how most families are connected. You and your K♦ daughter are in your partner’s life path spread. The K♦ is Venus for the 2♥, you are Saturn to your Partner (which can create some challenges in a relationship!). You are Mars to your K♦ daughter – I see a lot of Mars connections between parent and child. I talk about this a bit in my blog post here. and you are the second karma card for your 6♣ daughter (and she is your first karma card!) The energy you all create as a family is the 10♦ – which is your Uranus card! And you & your partner together create the 4♦. Since I can’t go into a long drawn out explanation here, I’ll say that what jumped out at me are the strong cards in the diamonds suit. All of you have in your Life Path spread a strong card of raising your values and of building a financial life and having the resources you need. Have you explored that in any way?
I am a female aries April 1st 88 he is a Sagittarius dec 10th 88 all of our cards line up and Im a little confused. Im new to cardiology and loving it so far. Please help me understand.
Hi Bethany! You two have a mutual Mars connection. You both will feel either the intensity,passion, motivation or even anger with one another. There is probably a lot of chemistry between the two of you. Neither one of you have the other in your Life Path spreads, so that mutual Mars and also that he is vertical Mars to your Ruling card and vertical Venus from your birth card to his Ruling card. Besides those connections, this is almost an ‘opposites’ connection. Even though you are both Fire signs, him as an 8♣ and you as a 7♠ (You as an Aries, him as a Sag), it creates a situation where one of you is more outer focused, the other more inward/self focused. Is this a new relationship?
No not really. We have been together almost a year and a half exactly. We really are complete opposits except at the same time exactly the same. Its crazy. My moon sign is libra and ascending is Leo his moon is capricorn and ascending cancer. We have a lot of chemistry and its never a dull moment. A lot of emotions
Forgot to subscribe lol
Hello! Can you tell me the connection between 10 of diamonds (April 11) and 10 of clubs (September 14) in a romantic relationship?
Hi Meg! Wow, so many connections! This is another situation where there really is too much to put in a blog comment – but you two have a lot of Jupiter connections, so there is an energy for both of you to feel there are many benefits to being together. One connection that would be the ‘need to work on’ area, is that the Saturn card for the 10♣ is the Q♣, which is also the first karma card for the 10♦. Both the Saturn and first karma cards are where we have our challenges and things feel restricted or uncomfortable. Since you both have that Q♣ card and you are both 10’s – which both of those cards have a lot of strong, independent, masculine energy, you both need to develop your feminine/intutitive/receiving aspects. (I’m not saying ‘masculine/feminine’ as in looks, just energy). You might both be the type that forces things into place instead of letting it flow. 🙂
Hi, can you tell me what the connection is between me and someone i have met?
I am an 6♠️ (april 2nd) and he is a 7♣️ (oktober 15th)
As i can see he is Venus energy to me. But what about my energy towards him?
Would it be a one-way situation or are we compatible? Is there anything more you can tell about this connection?
Love, Rose
Hi Rose! Yes, you have several other connections. Under his Ruling card (Q♠), you are the Transformed Self card. I don’t get into these outer positions in my blog post, but our Transformed Self card represents the evolution of our soul. We came to go on a journey with a goal of how we can evolve and that goal for the Q♠ is the 6♠. When we meet/know people who are our Transformed Self card, it allows us to feel into the energy of where we are going (even if it isn’t at a conscious level). Also, his first karma card is your Ruling card (the 8♦), so here is another area where YOU are representing to him an energy he is working to achieve. With your Ruling card being his first karma card, there might be situations where he feels conflict or challenged by you. The 8♦ is your Mars card and 6♠ people can be motivated to make money, or they are always battling to have the money they think they need (this can play out in a variety of ways, too much to post about here) but, for the 7♣ person, having the 8♦ as their first karma card, they are learning to trust and not worry about having the money they need. They are so tapped into the other realms and when they trust in that and learn to have some type of spiritual foundation, then the money easily flows to them when they need it. This isn’t stuff that typically shows up when a couple first starts dating, but can be something that is an underlying issue down the road. Being aware of it is very helpful! 🙂
My wife is a 6 of diamonds (Gemini) and I am a queen of clubs (Aries). I am new to this and wanted some information on how our cards work in our marriage. What would you say?
Hi Ty! First off, the 6♦ is the Neptune card in the Spiritual spread for the Q♣. This indicates that in some other life, you had a connection to her that was either one of seeing it through rose-colored glasses/putting her on a pedestal or one of a very deep soul level love. That infuence is still there between you now. It can create a twin flame type feeling or even one where you don’t see her clearly or are confused by her. The other stand out connection is that your second karma card is the 10♦ – and it is also her Mars card. Most 6♦ folks are either extremely responsible with their money or really work at making money and for you with it being your second karma card, that feels very natural to you – it’s your fallback mode. You came in knowing how to assert yourself regarding money. You both have a “I can do it” (maybe even adding to that “all by myself”) sense about you. So, it is a common denominator for you. The question is – if so, how does that play out? 😉
My birthday is June 26, 1992 making my birthcard 4♣️ and there’s a guy I know who’s birthday is January 16, 1993 making his birthcard J♦️ I’m seeing our charts are connected in many ways but I don’t know what it all means can you help me?
Hi L! The main connection between you two is you have a mutual Mars connection. This can supply chemistry that you both feel or you motivate one another or it can even create a lot of aggression/anger. Your Mercury card (2♦) is his ruling card’s second karma card, so that is an area where you both have something in common. Your cards together creates the 2♥ energy, and with you both having the 2♦ as an energy that feels natural to you, the sense of always needing another might be strong?
Hi! I appreciate the time and insight You have given everybody in these comments so so much. Wonderful human!
I was wondering if you could please provide me to relief in the form of clarity for all of my complex thoughts and energies that have been rattling throughout me since a somebody has come into my life.
I am J♣️ (17th July 1999) and him 5♦️(10th July 1992). We have been in each others lives for less than a week, and have already established that we share a special connection. First contact was A♣️ Day and our first meeting was J❤️ day.
He appeared randomly and his presence in my life from entry to settlement is unique. Most unique, is how even with all of my types and experiences of special and intense connections (which I assumed I must have exhausted by the this point)… I have never shared and spoken the language of connection at this speed before. I already feel as though he is one of my soulmates (I don’t know much about distinctions ie. twin flames and whatnot but if you could indicate what you think based on my comment and the cards then that would be super insightful).
I cannot even categorise this connection as platonic or sexual or romantic, yet it looms as though it is as formidable as all of them. We are both in atypical states of shock regarding the unity we both feel, and can only muster out “everything happens for a reason”. I suppose this is also because the purpose of our connection does not seem obvious, we can’t navigate and comprehend as straightforward as we would if perhaps this was blatantly only a romantic attraction for example.
Everything happens for a reason. Could you please let me know what is behind this. Thanks so much <3
Hi Behtty! I wish you could hear me as I was reading this! Typing out “Awwwww” doesn’t even cover it! First, you are his Venus card! And, in the Spiritual spread, the 5♦ is the Neptune card for the J♣. So, there is a lot of LOVE between you! And, like you said, it isn’t in a box with a label -it can be a very high spiritual love from some other life where you knew each other and now, it is a connection of love, happiness and closeness. Your Ruling card is the Q♠ (which is also your moon card since you are a Cancer) and it is his Mercury card, so you both get each other in that energy as well as it is something very familair to you both. You both share similiar cards in your Life path spreads – so it is life you are both walking this path of exploration, testing the limits, tapping into other/higher realms and you both express creativity. I have no doubt you could create an amazing project/do work together that would be a huge benefit for all! So, regardless of what you decide to ‘label’ it…whether it becomes romantic or really, is BEYOND that (in a twinflames way), the positive things you could create together is off the chart! My one caution to be aware of is that your first karma card (the J♦ – which is also your Saturn card, so you came to do some heavy duty work with this energy) is his Neptune card. So, what you came to really work on and develop, is his area of possible illusions, confusion or something he would rather escape from!
Can you tell me what is the connection between Jack of Clubs (November 9) and King of Hearts (August 26)?
Hi Joy! First, the J♣ is the Cosmic Moon for the K♥ in the Spiritual spread, so in some other life/timeline, the J♣ was a mentor, support or assisted the K♥ person in life and that energy is still influencing you both now. It can create a closeness or a feeling to the K♥ that the J♣ is going to be there for them. Secondly, depending on who is the King, who is the Jack – there might be a sense of one ‘lording over the other.’ The K♥ person has a fierce way of expressing themselves, sometimes in a ‘it’s my way or no way’ manner and the J♣ doesn’t like to be constricted and has a very creative/non-tradtional approach to life. And another energetic situation is that the 2♣ Mars card for the J♣ is the first karma card for the K♥. The J♣ is motivated and passionate with discussions and learning and sharing ideas and has a very creative mind, where this is what the K♥ is actually learning to achieve. They need to go from thinking only one way to being open to communicate, collaborate and compromise. Those are the main things I’ll point out between these two cards. 🙂
Hi there, I love, love what you’ve done here. The explanations are amazing and the teachings are on point.
I have a question though, is there a difference between the card relationship in a pure spread and the earth spread. For example I’m a 7♣️ And in the pure spread I’m diagonal Mercury to a friend who’s 2♦️ But we don’t have any such in the earth spread. Thank you.
Hi Jade! Yes, there is a difference between connections in the Earth spread and the Spiritual spread. Connections in the Spiritual spread speak to a type of relationship you had with the other person in a past life (or I like to say, in other lives/timelines).
Many times you’ll see this in relationships – there isn’t a connection in the Earth spread, but there are in the Spiritual spread. You are together again with this person probably because you either need to resolve something from ‘another’ life, or it was what brought you back together again. The connection in the Spiritual spread between the 7♣ and the 2♦ is the 2♦ is the Pluto card for the 7♣. Without going into a lot of detail, there might still be an unresolved Pluto issue from a past for you regarding that 2♦ energy and this 2♦ person is in your life to help you with that. I just experienced that with a friend who is my Spiritual spread Pluto card. I had to do that inner work and once I did, our friendship was healthy again.
I am a 4 of Diamonds, and I recently ended my marriage to a 5 of Hearts. I’ve been seeing a King of Clubs for several months and feel VERY strongly towards him, but the relationship has had big ups and downs. I see here that I’m his Mars (which makes sense, given our conflicts) but it seems he’s not “in my cards” at all and that concerns me… I really do hope that there is a future here with him because I’ve never felt an attraction this strong to anyone ever before, but I’m wondering if it might not be meant to be…
Hi! I’m currently traveling and will be home tomorrow where I can properly answer this! Stay tuned!:)
Hi! I’m currently traveling and will be home tomorrow when I can properly answer this – stay tuned! 🙂
Hi Ashley,
Thank you for this. I have only recently come across cardology and have found this post to be really helpful with beginning to understand it.
I know this post was from years ago, but could you what it would mean to have a potential partner be your Results/ Rewards, Cosmic Lesson, Cosmic Moon and Transformation card, please? I’ve been struggling to find info on those placements, specifically.
Also, I’m his venus and mars, but not the other way around. If it helps, I am Apr 19th (2♦️) and he is May 9th (10♦️).
I was also wondering if the cosmic lesson could be linked to my karmic debts (Numerology)? Perhaps 16, specifically (although I have them all 😫)?
Have a blessed one.
Hi Elle! Just to clarify- the 10♦ is the Uranus card for the 2♦ and the 10♦ is the Mars card under your 6♦ Ruling card and the A♥ (his RC) is the Saturn card for your RC 6♦ and the Pluto card for your 2♦! You two have a mutual Mercury. In the Spiritual spread, the 10♦ is your Pluto card. To answer your question about the Result/Reward, Cosmic Lesson, Cosmic Moon and Transformed Self connections – in short:
If someone is our Result/Reward card, we can feel a desire or draw to them, because they represent a ‘reward’ or gift, however if we are just drawn to them (and it can become an obsession) without doing the Pluto work, it can result in a dysfunctional relationship.
If someone is our Cosmic Lesson, they are representing an aspect of you that is reflecting the divine, though, if someone is unaware that they are here reflecting the divine, the Cosmic Lesson person can have a ‘Saturn’ feel to them. It can be a relationship where it feels they are hard on you, or they keep challenging you. The relationship can feel limiting or like work, or even a thorn in your side!
If someone is your Cosmic Moon, they are a type of deeper support to you as they are helping you in your evolution (which is what the Transformed Self card is about). I’ve been drawn to certain musicians or had mentors who were my Cosmic Moon because they (or their work) helped me to grow. I have friends who knew someone who was their CosMoon card and the relationship was not good, or ended badly. They couldn’t understand why because that person was their CosMoon card. If the CosMoon person seems difficult, it might be because one is being triggered by them because they are suppressing or denying an aspect of themselves that is part of aiding their evolution and growth.
If someone is our Transformerd Self card, they represent the energy we are growing into. Life’s experiences change us and we evolve and our TS card shows us what we are evolving into. You want to understand the high side of these outer cards so that you don’t take the action of the other person personally or think they have to BE the high side of those cards. They are just pointing out the energy to you and obviously, not all will be living the high side of their card. 🙂 I hope that helps!
Hi Ashley,
That was very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
There is a lot of energetic back and forth it would seem, where we are concerned.
I really appreciate this because it means I’m able to understand just that little bit more.
Have a blessed one.
Hi Ashley! I am currently dating a 10♣ birth guy born April 24th, and I am a 5♦ birth girl born May 14th. We get along really well and I have had a prediction about us saying that he’s supposed to be the one for me. We have been dating for 3 months now and we get along really well. Do you think our connection is good and likely to last? I have seen that we might have a pluto connection among the other connections we have although I’m not sure how but our communication is really good and we connect really well. Any advice?
Hi Kassia! Yes, you have a Pluto connection in the Spiritual spread – in some past/other time together, you were Pluto to him. It might be an unresolved energetics for him from that time, but that influence is still there between the two of you now. There is also a mutual Mercury between you in the Spiritual spread. I’d say your connection has been influenced by a past together in some form. The Pluto connection would be the thing to watch out for so it doesn’t create conflict that is felt or labeled as something else. In other words, in realizing that it is there – and maybe wasn’t resolved for him in the past – it might trigger an intense situation from him on the topics of: financial instability, dealing with changes or seeing change as negative or even about being practical in going for his dreams. I’m not saying anything is bad or negative in the relationship – just a heads up on what might possibly pop up. 🙂 You, as a 5 card, like changes, movement and adventure, where he might be more set once he determines if something is going to be successful for him. Since you are both Tauruses, you have that more steady, grounded way of being resourceful! You both have very powerful minds, so don’t let being stubborn get in the way of how you communciate! 😉
Hi, I am very new to this and I am slowly figuring out how it all works. My question is simple ( silly??). I shall ask anyway!
I am Q clubs, 20 May (Taurus), person one is Ace of clubs 23 Sep (Virgo) person two is Jack of clubs (9 Nov). I have had two people come into my life this past year one I have entered into a romantic/sexual/friendship/long-distance relationship with person one they are my moon card and I am their mercury in the ‘mundane’ spread.
The other is a long-distance friend ( it would probably be romantic if I had not met the person above). In the spiritual spread, they are my moon card and I am their mercury card.
Both have helped me in a myriad of ways this year and I am so grateful for them. I wonder if you can tell me anything about the connections? I find the fact I am their mercury person in the two spreads incredibly interesting as the basis of our knowledge and progression of our relationships have been through written, verbal and video calls. All of which I believe falls under the mercury umbrella.
I dont have any specific questions but I would like to know we will always be in each other’s lives… though perhaps as they are supportive energy for me and I am ‘only’ mercury to them they may not be as keen to continue to be in my life.
Any thoughts or musings would be appreciated! Thankyou.
Hi Lee! I’ll start by saying – no question is a silly question! 😉
You do have more than just the Moon/Mercury connection with both people, however, I would muse that the J♣ person is a past/other timeline relationship (and the energetic influence is still there between you now) possibly because of an unresolved situation. Being your Moon card – which says, they supported, protected or were there for you in an important way in some other life, so there is this closeness between you now. In the Spiritual spread, the Transformed Self card for the J♣ is the 10♦ (in brief, in that life it was the card they were evolving into). The 10♦ card is your second karma card, meaning it is an energy you are good at, comfortable with and it is easy for you. As well, their Ruling card, the 2♣ has as it’s first karma card, the A♠ – which is your Jupiter card. This is another situation of something that they are learning how to be more of and is an energy that is easy for you – you might be assisting them in a deeper way to embrace and resolve those energies.
With the A♣, you are in their Life Path spread, you both have shared connections, so beyond the Moon/Mercury, you are both walking the same path – just experiencing the energy differently. As well, the A♣ is part of what is called the Mystical Family of Seven. The other cards in that group are the 7♦, J♥ and the 2♥ – all of which you have in your Life Path spread. I see a LOT of Q♣ & A♣ in one another’s life. I think they learn a lot from one another and tend to be in one anothers lives (maybe not always as lovers, but still there) a long time. I can’t predict your situation, but I can see why you have a relationship with both! I know this might’ve been confusing if you are very new to the cards, but your connections are much deeper than just Moon/Mercury. 🙂
Hi Ashley! Thank you so much for your response ( I am now ‘obsessed’ with learning more about this, and I have (sadly 😉 ) spent a LOT of time sorting all the people I know into ‘sun cards’ and ‘ruling cards’. And checking them out (all while not really understanding a thing! I shall have to buy books I think!) One thing I have noticed is that I do have many A of Clubs in my life and all are people I consider ‘beautiful souls’ and none I’d be interested in romantically. (I just found that distinction interesting considering). All of which have been in my life a very long time! This gives me ‘satisfaction’. As like all the other A of Clubs I know we ‘GET’ each other and I genuinely like them!
I can actually see how I might be helping the J of Clubs person, and the idea of a past life/ timeline relationship had occurred to me previously ( if not fleetingly) as the comfort level between us has been almost instant. One of those “I must have known you before” things. Though I do note I do tend to dump on them a bit and they do tend to insist on ‘being there’ for me which I assume is a leftover / playing out of the spiritual spreads connections? (Can both play out at the same time? Or is that a ‘past’ thing?)
You have given me much to think about! I have noted that all connections I have with those whose Birthcard is my mars card have had a VERY distinct and ‘mars’ like flavour to them.
Thank you again! I shall have to visit your shop once Xmas has been and gone! (If not sooner! haha).
Thank you Lee and yes, once we realize we can understand others better and why they are in our life through the cards, we want to gobble that up! 🙂 I’m glad the cards are exciting to you and you wish to learn more! T
For 2021 I’ll be specifically focusing on the card connections aspect of the cards. I do run a course about it, but I’ll also be pulling out parts of the course and making them smaller stand alone mini-courses one can do on their own. Stay tuned! (have you signed up for my ebook so you’re on my list?) I’m running into more and more Q♣’s who are stepping up and learning about the cards to use as an added modality to the work they already do or to use it soley to help assist others at this time. We are, as a collective, stepping into a new era and one that is about understanding our higher minds and you, as a Q♣, use that higher mind/intuition so naturally! It is so a part of how you function! 🙂 And as to your comment about both playing out (the Mercury and the Moon) yes, they both will do so.
Hi Ashley,
Sorry, it’s me again. Promise this’ll be the last one as I know responding takes time and energy. But I was wondering about a connection I have to an Ace ♦️ person, myself being the 2 ♦️. Our composite card is the 3♥️. I also (if reading it correctly) share a card, 5♥️ cosmic moon, which is there venus.
Our connection is new and is long distance. Them being based in a place I plan on visiting (not specifically for them mind you, they just happen to reside there), when it’s feasible to do so. The things I’ve seen regarding the 3♥️ Composite seem to be quite challenging, but mainly related to affairs, split attention and indecision. I’m wondering whether distance and work are associated with this card as well. Or if the associations and reasons for potential issues tend to be more (other) people based? Perhaps even connected to potential judgments from other people regarding the relationship? Are there any upsides to this composite card?
I would appreciate any insights you may be able to give.
Thank you and Happy Holidays.
Hi Elle!
Happy Holidays to you too!
There are a lot of misconceptions about the 3♥ card and it tends to make people nervous when they see it is involved. (I might do a blog post about it!) After years of watching how this card plays out, I don’t see it as a negative card in a relationship. Remember that each card has its high and low and yes, the low side of the card can be indecision in matters of the heart. But, here is how I see it and why it can play out that way.
When someone isn’t truly expressing how they feel, that expression is going to surface in other ways. And sometimes that can be in an affair or searching for someone who allows that person to express themselves.
The high side of that card is meeting new people and expressing yourself with ease and wanting to understand love, therefore having a variety of experiences in the area of relationships to better understand your desires and how you express your desires.
If I had a composite card of the 3♥ with someone (and it was a romantic relationship), I would see it as there being a lot of creative energy and that it would be important for us to express that. Also, it would be important to for us to make sure we are truly expressing how we feel and that there would be a lot of variety in all we do together – probably in trying out new things, meeting different types of people and creative activities. It would be important for us to talk about what we wanted in our relationship and what our heart is desiring. Obviously, for some people, this isn’t easy!
And of course, knowing how you as a 2♦ and them as an A♦ do express yourselves – is it easy or difficult?
I hope this helps some. 🙂
Hi Ashley,
Thank you so much for this. If you find the time, a post about the 3♥️ would be so helpful in dispelling the mainly negative understanding a lot of people have associated with the card.
Now you’ve put it like that, I absolutely see how this applies. I enjoy learning a lot about various subjects and people. But expressing feelings is more of a challenge for me. It’s something I have been consciously working on. And they are reserved to a degree, as well. But that is slowly changing with time ( as is normal I suppose).
The wanting to understand love part, rings true too, especially with my tendency to tackle things from a more logical standpoint.
Would the 5♥️ then be a lesson in how to tackle this for the both of us, such as ‘expanding feelings and opening the heart’ but in different ways because of where it’s positioned in our charts?
That was another question. I know. Apologies.
I appreciate you. I wouldn’t have been able to to understand the 3♥️ composite without your insight.
No need to apologize! That 5♥ will play out very differently for both of you. For the A♦, because it is their Venus card, they’re attracted to reliable and trust worthy relationships yet, they also like to explore and have adventures in their relationships. This can be just by being active, traveling, or having experiences that do open them up. However, how that plays out for some of them is on the low side, which is to be restless in their relationships and to fear rejection (even if there isn’t any rejection) or to be so needy that no one can really fulfill them. I know that sounds horrible, but that is the low side, and we all play both the high and the low of our cards! For you, because it is your Cosmic Moon, it is more about 5♥ people coming into your life to be an influence as our Cosmic Moon supports us on our journey to becoming our Transformed Self card. You might really be influenced by a certain author, musician, actor or teacher and discover they are a 5♥. This does include experiences. So, in what you asked: Will it help you to open and expand your heart? Yes. You need those types of energies (experiences/people) to support your soul’s evolution. So, that 5♥ is very different for both of you. Maybe another way to explain is that the A♦ has two three’s in their Life Path spread – the 3♣ and 3♠. They are here to be creative, to learn to play with and develop the creative energy in their life and that 5♥ Venus card helps them to explore – to not get stuck and to experience different types of love and things that makes them happy. As a 2♦, the 3♣ is your Transformed Self card. You are on a path to evolving towards being less ‘set’ or as you said ‘logical’ and to allow creativity/creative ideas and especially communicating creatively to expand who you are. This is why 5♥ people are a great influence for you. 🙂 So, yes, as far as that 5♥ helping both of you – it will just be a closer, more personal mode of operating for the A♦.
The A♦ is the Moon card for the 2♦ in the Spiritual spread, so there is probably an automatic closeness you both feel as in some other life, they were there to suport, nurture or take care of you and that energy is still there between you two. Maybe in this life, you both are exploring the creativity and expansiveness of your hearts, because even though we associate creativity with our minds, it is really through our hearts and feelings. 🙂 (I could talk all day about this! LOL)
Thank you for this. I love how you’ve broken this down for each person. It makes so much sense, especially when I consider that the a♦️ is a sun Scorpio with Capricorn Venus. There is definitely that air of responsibility and nurturing that I see and feel from them. It’s innate. But I can say that their fear of rejection is palpable. But it’s also something they’re aware of.
And I believe I find myself draw to people like them because I recognise, within them, strengths in areas where I lack. I know there is something (or several things) to learn from them.
It’s amazing as well because we both work in creative fields. This is where I tend to funnel my creative energy. But it would seem it needs to be channeled in other areas of my life too. Which connects quite nicely to messages within my natal chart. Allowing the expression of creativity to flow through heart and feelings ( without judgement) I think will be a life long endeavour. But it’s nice to know that others have and will enter my life to aid the process.
I absolutely understand why you can talk about this all day. It’s honestly so fascinating.
You’ve have been so helpful. I understand cardology that little bit more now because of you. So, thank you. ♥️
Hi Ashley,
So I have read over some of the materials you have so generously provided to work out connections and I wanted to clarify, just to make sure I’m getting this right. I hope you don’t mind.
So using the same person I spoke to you about last time, based on my 2♦️ and their (Scorpio) A♦️, the connections present in the Earth spread would be as follows:
My BC 2♦️ to their (Mars) RC 3 ♣️ = Mutual Venus
My RC 6♦️ to their BC A♦️ = Uranus (to me)
Their (Pluto) RC Q♠️ to my RC 6♦️ = Venus ( to them).
Ruling cards are read just like the Birth cards, if I’m not mistaken?
If that is correct, I have the basics, all thanks to you.
Hi again Elle! Yes, you got it! When we realize the different types of conenctions we have with another, it can help to make us aware of the various dynamics in the relationship. We’re all complex, relationships are complex, but it adds compassion and an opportunity for growth for both people to understand that each one is feeling differently in certain areas. 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful 2021!
Hi Ashley,
Okay, fantastic. I’ve used it to find my sibling relationships too and it makes so much sense.
Thank you again. Wishing you an abundant 2021, too. ☺️
Hello, I am a 10 of diamonds and my husband is a 5 of diaamonds. Would love to understand this all better. Thank you for your time!!
Hi Mackenzie! There are several connections between the 10♦ and the 5♦. One is that in the Spiritual spread, the 10♦ is the Saturn card for the 5♦. In some other lifetime, the relationship you experienced together was one where you were someone who might’ve been an authority figure, or helped him to be accountable or even was a challenge to him and that energetic influence is still there between the two of you now. In the Earth spread, the 5♦ card is the Cosmic Lesson card for the 10♦, so he is representing an aspect of you that reflects the Divine and is revealing to you an energy that is a ‘higher work’ for you to do here in this life. In both cases, you are assisting one another to better yourselves and that energy can feel restrictive or maybe even like you both are critical with one another. If you are both aware of this, it helps greatly to realize it isn’t negative or critical, but is there helping you both to hone, polish and be MORE! 🙂
Interesting!!! We are married and have been struggling for years. Many times of separation, talking about divorce (or threatening it); we have a 7 year old son (9 of clubs), and I recently found out I am expecting (due date 7/31/2021). I am very close to moving out with my parents and I feel like things won’t ever get better. Just wondering how I can apply this all, if or when to surrender when the other party has no interest in fixing things.
Hi again Mackenzie, I’m sorry to hear that it has been such a struggle. There are things I can elaborate on, but I’d rather not in a blog comment. If you’d like to chat about it, I have a mini session that is only $15. I understand how hard it is when only one side desires to change things. *hugs*
Oooo oooo oooo!!! I have a question…. Pick me pick me pleeeeeaaaase pick me!!! LOL!
This thread is years old and long in the tooth. Plus obesely full of information and guidance. To say its awesome would be an understatement.
My question is about a March 29 1983 7♣ luvly chocolate drop of a woman being smoothly and charmingly pursued by a December 8 1974 10♣ mannish man. If i am correct our composite is a 4♠.
If u wouldnt mind ms maam please give me some breakdown of our connections good and bad. Wut am i to do with this fine young tender and how do we live our best life. I feel like i cant let this one get away. I think she is that special kinda special!
Happy New Year Bradley! Ah, what an interesting connection! First, I have to say that to fully answer your question of: “How do we live our best life”, I would need to type out much more than in a blog comment. If you would truly love the indepth goodness, I would suggest a reading – even a 30 minute reading would be beneficial!
OK, for the basics – The first Karma card for the 7♣ is the 8♦, which is your Mercury card. So, what is very natural for you in how you think/communicate and process information is what is very unnatural and even somewhat challenging for her. That can be an area of difficulty and all the ways that can play out is what would take more than this comment has room for. In the Spiritual spread, the 10♣ is the Mars card for the 7♣, so in some other timeline/life, she experienced you either with passion, motivation, or possibly agression and that influence is still there between you. That can create chemistry now, but also maybe some underlying unresolved feelings of anger. Continuing with the karma cards, her second karma card, which is what comes easy and natural for her (the J♠) is your first karma card – that which isn’t easy for you or what you are working to develop. In that area, you can assist one another, but would need to be careful not to play out the low side fo that J♠ – which can be a nasty guy when playing out the low side. There is a mutual Jupiter between your Ruling card (A♣) and the 7♣ creating a mutual benefit/blessings energy in the relationship. You both are Fire signs and with you being a 10♣ (a very masculine/fiery energy), my caution phrase would be to be aware of your fiery, outgoing ways to not burn out her Uranus prominent energy. The 7♣ and J♣ (her Ruling card) are very Uranus and needs freedom, some non-traditional ways of BEing and is very tapped into other realms and feeds off of it. She needs to embrace that 8♦ and learn to be seen, shine and feel her power in building the world she desires – which is the gift the 7♣ gives to us all – because they straddle the seen and unseen worlds, when they step up and into that Sun spot, they deliver to us all the higher messages and ways of BEing to help us all break out of status quo and heal. If you are both aware of some of these main energies between you and use that 4♠ you create together to build a life of optimism, joy and satisfaction through steady work (and by not being stubborn or get stuck in work), I’d say it could be a very beautiful, expansion inducing partnering! 🙂
Hi i would like to understand this a bit more its still very new to me and kind of difficult to understand everything! I met someone last year around may we talked day and night instant connection and then we sort of stopped talking i miss him but i dont want to bother him i keep getting sings of him possibly missing me also but neither of us make the attempt of texting or calling eachother for some reason i feel we mirror eachother.. can you please help me understand if there even is a connection to hold on to or just let it go?! My card number is 9♣️ And i am an Aries sun calricorn moon, cancer rising and piescies venus.. he is a saggitarious sun (i only know his sun sign 😂😭) and his card number is 10❤️… i hope you can help me!!
Hi Ivette!
The 9♣ & 10♥ have a very unique connection! In both the Earth and Spiritual spread, these two cards are mutual Venus to one another! No wonder you had an instant connection! There are many connections between you two. If you feel that strongly, make the effort to contact him again! The 10♥ person is very independent, and they are attracted to those with a strong will-power. You might both be holding off when really you both want to continue to see where it goes. Let your Aries step up instead of your Cancer rising taking you back into the shell. 😉
Thank you sooo much i really appreaciate it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
hi! i am a 7 of ♦️ and my fiancé is a 6 of ♦️. can you give me more insight please. thank you (:
we are high school sweethearts and been together almost a decade!
Hi Laurie! Congrats! The main connection between you two is that in the Spiritual spread, he is Moon to you. Meaning, in some other timeline/life, he emotionally supported you or had a connection that was comforting, maybe even motherly and that influence is still between you now. Depending on both of your Ruling cards, you have other connections as well. His Mars card (the 9♣) is your first karma card. So, what he is motivaded by, or will take action on (unless he is suppressing it) is what you are learning to embrace and be more of in this life. He is revealing that to you. Take some time to understand that 9♣ card more as it can help you understand that aspect of your relationship. 🙂
Hi Ashley my cousin introduced me to your page. I was wondering if I can get some insight on my card number 5♦️(Scorpio) & this guy 7♦️(Aquarius)
Thank you ❤️
Hi Ceci and happy new year! The first connectin to note is that in the Spiritual spread, he is Venus to you. So, in some other lifetime, in whatever roles you two had together, he was someone you liked, was attracted to or saw as beautiful even! That si still there between you in this lifetime. So, you might feel those same things now. And because the 7♦ is part of the Mystical family of Seven and has as its ‘twin’, the 9♥, that creates a Venus feeling for him to you in the Life spread. So, there is automtically an easy, attraction for you both. The area that might prove challenging is that the first karma card for his Ruling card (which is the K♥) is the 2♣ – which is your Saturn card. You are both – I’ll use the word “learning” – to transform old, out-dated concepts/beliefs in order to uplevel it for social change and betterment through your intellectual pursuits and in how you communciate, instead of getting into heated debates or arguing with others. 5♦ folks have very strong minds and so how that plays out for you both depends on how he uses those Kings in his life! 😉
Hi Ashley,
Trying to understand the Spiritual Spread and the 2 numbers below each card on the Life Spread. Anyhoooow, Im a 8 Hearts (Aug 31, 1986) and he is a King of Hearts (July 28, 1987). Where are we goooing?
Hi Kristina and happy new year! You two are very powerful people and your relationships are key in your life! Your Ruling card (6♣) has a mutual Jupiter to the K♥, so there is in some way a feeling between you two that makes you like being around one another and see it as beneficial. In the Spiritual spread, the K♥ is the Saturn card for the 8♥ – so in some lifetime you shared, he was someone who was either an authoritarian figure, maybe a father or was key in you being more disciplined or he challenged you! That is still there between you now. Both the K♥ and the 8♥ person is working to understand their emotions, and how to use them to heal and create their life – instead of beng controlled by them or to manipulate others with them. I would say that is an important thing to understand about one another and see how that is playing out in your relationship. 🙂
I forgot to add: The smaller cards on the bottom of each card in the Life/Earth spread chart – basically, you have both the Spiritual spread and Life spread in one chart. The small cards that are on the bottom left are the cards of the Spiritual spread. 🙂
Thank you Ashley. Thank you so much. May I ask without explaining, what the connection is between that King of Hearts and a Six of Diamonds (2/19/1983)? Id love to compensate for your energy. <3
Hi again! The K♥ is vertical Mercury to the 6♦ and the Neptune card. For the 6♦, the K♥ is someone they ‘get’ on a mental level and like talking to. The 6♦ being the Neptune card for the K♥ makes the 6♦ person someone the K♥ either sees with rose-colored glasses, puts on a pedastal, feels a deep closeness to or is representing any fears or illusions the K♥ has. We usually really like those who are our Neptune card, but we can be disillusioned by them as well. ( I appreciate your willingness to compensate – I have a donation button in the sidebar. Thank you for your consideration!) 🙂
Hi, me again. I must add the King of Hearts mother is also a 6 of Diamonds- same as his ex… now Ive explained… 🙂
I’ve seen this happen before – a man is attracted to someone who is the same card as his mom when she is the Neptune card.
what an interesting subject, can you elaborate on connections between ace of spades (1 jul) and jack of hearts (28 aug). The Jack to Ace connections are pretty straight forward, what about Ace to Jack in this combination?
Hi Ann! The J♥ is IN the Life Path spread of the A♠ – so they share cards/connections, but will experience/feel them differently. both the A♠ and J♥ are here to really understand love and it is through relationships. With the J♥ being the Jupiter card for the A♠, the J♥ will represent and feel benefical and poisitive to the A♠. Together, they create the energy of the Q♠, so can do very powerful work together, but there needs to be a focus on the inner/deeper work to create what they want, otherwise things can feel like drudgery or both need to control things.
Hi there! I’ve always been interested in the cards of life but since my fathers passing on January 13th (ace of ♠️) I have become obsessed. My father was a Taurus and 2 of 💎 I am king of ❤ and a Virgo. He and I were very close and very similar in many many ways. Easily the closest most compatible person I’ve met thus far in my life. I delved into the cards and put my father and I life script next to each other and right away noticed something extraordinary.
His reads like this: 8 ♠️ 10 💎 4 ❤ 6 💎 8 ♣️ J ♠️ 2 💎
Mine reads like this:
6 💎 8 ♣️ J ♠️ 2 💎 4 ♣️ 6 ♥️ k 💎 k ❤
It appears to me his birthday card begins in my script and is in the exact order of his script from the beginning. As if half my script finishes the beginning of his. Maybe I’m reaching too hard or there is nothing significant here but I’m having trouble understanding it. Anyway you could shed some light on this? I hope this makes sense .
Hi Lauren! How we view this type of thing is that HE is IN your Life path spread and you both share cards, though you each experienced them differently. The 2♦ is your Jupiter card, so no surprise that you felt he was such a compatible, close person for you. When people are our Jupiter card, we feel blessings and benefits from them! His Ruling card is the 8♣, which is your Uranus card. If you continue on, you see what cards you both shared, but have as different planetary energy. Such as his Mercury card is your Saturn card, etc.
It would be interesting to see if he was in your forecast at the time of his death. It is so interesting to see family members in one another’s Life Path spread. We travel together as souls and in each life, we are there assisting one another in different ways. 🙂
Is there a way to find out the forecast on that date? Or too late? Thanks so much for helping me understand. Brought great comfort to me
Hi Lauren, I can see what was in his forecast and yours at the time of his death by knowing what age you are and what his was. If you don’t want to put that here, you can email me with them. 🙂
You are so awesome! On January 13th he was 65 (5/17/55)and I am 33 (8/26/87) Thank you so much
OK, I think this is so beautiful – hopefully I can explain it without the visuals (showing the charts).
So, on the day he transitioned, his card for that day was the the 6♣ (his second karma card) and that 6♣ was sitting in the K♥ spot on the Grand Solar spread (Earth spread). I always find it fascinating to see what the weekly Pluto card was for the person transitioning and for him it was the 8♥. (this card is powerful emotions,healing the emotions/heart and the power of love).
In your cards – for your current yearly forecast, at the time of his transition, you were in your Mars period and you had the 8♥ – the underlying spiritual spread card with that 8♥ is the 2♦. (Plus, didn’t know if you are aware that you just finished up a Rise to the Pinnacle cycle?)
And one more thing to note was that in the Spiritual spread, the A♠ is his Transformed self card and the K♦ (your Ruling card) was his Cosmic Moon card. 🙂
My condolences for your loss – but they are never gone – just BEing in a different way. *hugs*
Hi! I am a 9♦️ Pisces. My boyfriend is J♣️ Cancer. Our relationship was very easy in the beginning, however lately it has been getting increasingly difficult. We’ve been together over 10 years. I really want to get married one day and I’m feeling like he has a major fear of marriage. Any insights in our cards? Thanks for your help!
Hi Jen!
Firt, I want to say that obviously there can be a lot of reasons for what you are experiencing now in your relationship. Right now, specifically, the global energies are…well, tough and meant to break all of us down to living our authentic selves. This means a LOT of old wounds and traumas are coming up for people and we can no longer just ignore or suppress them.
That said – as for your cards.
You are of course his Mercury card, he is your Moon card and you share connections – though, each of your Life path cards are experienced and felt differently. Also, in the Spiritual spread, you are his Cosmic Moon – so it’s no wonder you two were drawn to each other!
I’ll point out a few things between your cards, but please know, this isn’t meant to stereotype either of you or to pinpoint all that could be going on.
First, the J♣ person is very much the rebel or non-traditonal type when it comes to love and relationships. They are here to show and teach all of us that the ‘typical/status quo’ ideas about love aren’t absolute truth and maybe we need to view it differently. Of course, how each J♣ person plays that out is unique to them. Some are very happily married – some are in long term relationships, but aren’t into the construct of ‘marriage’. Both of your birth cards are in the Uranus line, so you both need this space and sense of freedom and to not be confined or trapped with anything in life.
Secondly, the energy you create together is the 7♥. The low side of the 7♥ is to fear abandonment, or to project any insecure feelings about love to others or the ‘other’ in your life. The high side of the 7♥ is to love unconditonally, no expectations, allowing the other to be who they are…and of course to see one another as divine and innately of love. This isn’t an easy energy to BE as a couple unless there is a real understanding of how to tap into the high side.
Also, the 4♥ (the card of stability and a foundation of love/marraige) is the Uranus card for him and the Saturn card for you. There could be some underlying issues playing out where this card is concerned and maybe needs to be brought to awareness?
None of this is meant to be negative and the relationship can be a beautiful catalyst for both of you to take these things to a higher level.
I hope that helps some!
You can always go further and book a session to do so!
My birth card is a 7 of clubs and my boyfriend is a 7 of diamonds. It’s a very challenging relationship. I didn’t find any connection on the chart. Could you tell me more information about what these cards mean to each other?
Hi Alina! There is a lot that can be looked at with this situation, however, I can only cover a few things in this comment. First, the 7♦ is part of the Mystical Family of Seven and it’s ‘twin’ card is the 9♥ (the 7♦ and 9♥ only switch places with each other on the Earth spread) and the 9♥ is the Moon card for the 7♣. So, there is that energetic sense of the 7♦ person to be emotionally supportive or have a desire to protect or take care of the 7♣ person. The energy that is created when these two cards are together is the A♥. With both of you being 7’s and creating the energy of the A♥, there can be an issue of too much isolation or too much going inward, overly analyzing things or just not enough action being taken on anything in the relationship. 7’s are very inward and because it is a very spiritual card, 7 people can struggle with balancing their inner and outer worlds and feel their inner world is very intense. The A♥ energy can be the same – it is the constant search of who it is, very independent, and sometimes, selfish energy. They can really get this aspect of one another (especially if truly aware of how conncted they are to the ‘other realms’) and they can be amazing intiators for personal growth. One of the main things is for both of you to see where you might be feeling a sense of lack, or of no stability in your life and make sure that isn’t being projected onto the other – which can create issues in the relationship. I hope this helps some? Lots could be covered with this, but as I said, hard to do so in a blog comment. 🙂
Right when I read the beginning of your response ” ok this is beautiful ” my heart filled with love! I am still trying to work through the cards and understanding the planetary system. Is there a way I can purchase a more thorough explanation? I feel like I understood the bases of it but not 100%. Also.. I am highly intrigued to know what it means that i finished a rise to my pinnacle cycle? You mentioned “at the time of his transition, you were in your Mars period and you had the 8♥ – the underlying spiritual spread card with that 8♥ is the 2♦” could you explain the significance in that? His departure lead me to the beginning of my spiritual journey. And it’s been such a beautiful experience! The faith created from my loss was a beautiful exchange… that’s the only way I know how to explain it. What a gift! I will be signing up for classes on here soon too! Thanks for everything. He is not gone because I see him in everything now ♦️♥️
Hi again Lauren! The Rise to the Pinnacle cycle is a 6 year period that we all go through (several times in our lives) where when we start it, we have reached the top of ‘who we are up to that point’…we then experience certain things each year after that which can feel like life has pulled the rug out from under you – but it is preparing you to go off in a new direction. Sounds like his passing was a catalyst for you! In regards to your Mars period and the 8♥ with the underlying spiritual spread card of the 2♦ – again it’s harder to explain this without showing you the chart – but in your yearly forecast, that 8♥ in your Mars period (and that 8♥ was your ‘motivation’ for your year) is sitting in the spot where the 2♦ sits on the Spiritual spread. So, it indicates that on a soul level, that 8♥ energy that was your motivation/desire/action for the year was being influenced and supported by the 2♦. And cards are people. I see that as your dad being that support – from a non-physical place. 🙂
And because you are at the end of your Rise to the Pinnacle – you are off on a new journey in your life!
I’m curious to know why my daughter and my cards read so similarly.
I’m a 5 of ♣️ and she’s 3 ♦️ It looks like this
9♠️9♣️j♥️5♣️7♦️7♥️A♠️3♦️ it seems as if when her card is in my line it then follows the same? Her birthday is 5/16 and mine is 9/19. Thank you!
Hi Steve! So, because you’re a 5♣, it makes her your Mercury card and she is IN your Life Path spread. You have what I call shared connections. Meaning, you both have (most) of the same cards, but you experience them differently. Your Venus card (the A♠) is her Mercury card…etc. And as a Virgo, your Ruling card is the 3♦, so in your parent /child situation, you are mirrors for one another. 🙂 I have a blog post here that touches on the topic. I hope this helps!
Hello Ashley,
I am a Leo (Aug 11 1998) and he is a Virgo (Sept 21 1994) I checked our Life Spread and he is my transformation card (3 ♣️) I did not come up in his spread anywhere else I believe. Although, we are “diagonal” to each other on the chart for Venus? We are no longer in each other lives and was just curious as to why we crossed paths. *Our composite card is also (5 of Spades)
Thank you Ashley
Hi Ty! The 2♦ and the 3♣ have an interesting dynamic together and that is that (as you mentioned) the 3♣ is the Transformed Self card for the 2♦ and on the Spiritual spread, the 2♦ is the Transformed Self card for the 3♣! Without a conversation to touch on more of how the relationship went, I’d say that there might’ve been something you both needed to understand or accomplish regarding that. I don’t know what timeframe/year you were together but for you in your 21st year, you had as your Long Range card (energetic theme of the year), the 5♠. It might be that being together was that 5♠ energy you were experiencing for the year. The “5” energy isn’t one the 2♦ person is very comfortable with, but the 2♦ person gets to experience a lot of that energy in their 21st year. And at age 20, the 3♣ was your Saturn card. (for your Yearly Forecast) So, again, without a conversation, hard to pinpoint anything specific, but many times people come into our lives to help us (or them) feel and experience a certain energy or to assist in our journey. 🙂 I hope that helps!
Hi .. I am not quite sure how to read this spread although information was given . I’m in a pickle after doing multiple research I feel the connection I have with someone is indeed a twin flame / soulmate connection. But recently I’ve went on seven reflections relationship in progress chart now I’ve found that when I enter his birthday n mine n both our names the numbers aren’t changing …now I’m wondering if it means that this connection would be stagnant n not grow anyways his birthday is April 30 1995 4 clubs ruler card is jack spades his karma card is five clubs and karma cousin six hearts mine are December 9 2000 birth card 9 clubs ruler card king diamonds karma card queen hearts and karma cousin 6 diamonds not sure what that means could you help me
Hi Jade! So, first off, he is your Uranus card. That is the main, basic connection (you have many because his cards are in your Life Path spread). With a Uranus connection, he reflects to you the rebel in you, or how you might feel ‘weird’ in life or where in life you will need to shake things up and change. This can create a great relationship, as long as you aren’t supressing those aspects of yourself. (you will want to look deeper into what the 4♣ is about). You also have a mutual Mercury connection, meaning you both get each other in how you think and communicate, which is highlighted as you both have Mercury in Taurus!
In the Spiritual spread, you are his Saturn card. In some other life/timeline, you might’ve been an authority figure to him, or someone who helped him be more disciplined or responsible, etc. That energetic influence is still there between you two now. (That can create him feeling you are trying to control him or being too strict or hard…it’s something to watch out for as it is still between you and can be resolved) Because you have so many connections, you are definitely learning from one another (and all those various ways is too much to post about here). I don’t see it as stagnant at all! There are so many types of connections and how they effect a relationship and are used to grow and benefit from them. To me, that is what a soulmate/twinflame is – someone who we grow with and from (it’s not always easy!) You two are definitely in that position. 🙂
Thanks Ashley , you just validated most of my feelings on and about my connection but is it ok for me to ask just one more thing could you please explain this reading for me please this should be a progress in relationship I took from seven reflections and I am not quite understanding it. It is based on this same connection. I thought true the chart was repeating the cards that it was because our connection is stagnant.
Birth Cards
9 Club 4 club
Communication Field both:
King of diamonds
The Card of business owner. Financial power, success in money matters. Love of money and power. Strong sense of values. Might be difficulties with power and money.
What power does it give you?
Me: 9 Heart
Universal love, divorce, endings in relationship, emotional disappointment. On a high level can be the financial wish came true.
Him: 4 heart
Marriage, satisfaction in love and friendship, happy home, responsibility for family or friends, phone calls.
What keeps your together Both
king of heart
Emotional power and power over other´s hearts, power of love. On a low level: desire to be loved, desire to control others, personal charm, magnetism. Marriage, father card.
Weaknesses you experience
Me: 9 diamond
Financial losses, completion of some kind. Bankruptcy. Long-term investments.
Him: 4 diamond
High sense of values, patriotism, financial success, satisfaction and contentment. Hard work, responsibility. Handling financial matters.
The Essence of Conflict both
KIng of heart
Emotional power and power over other´s hearts, power of love. On a low level: desire to be loved, desire to control others, personal charm, magnetism. Marriage, father card.
What should you give away to resolve a conflict
Me: 9 diamond
Financial losses, completion of some kind. Bankruptcy. Long-term investments.
Him: 4 diamond
High sense of values, patriotism, financial success, satisfaction and contentment. Hard work, responsibility. Handling financial matters.
Original purpose of this relationship (you will find it if you stay together) both
KIng of heart
Emotional power and power over other´s hearts, power of love. On a low level: desire to be loved, desire to control others, personal charm, magnetism. Marriage, father card.
How an achived purpose will help you
Me: 9 diamond
Financial losses, completion of some kind. Bankruptcy. Long-term investments.
Him: 4 diamond
High sense of values, patriotism, financial success, satisfaction and contentment. Hard work, responsibility. Handling financial matters.
Final Result (if you stay together) both
King of heart
Emotional power and power over other´s hearts, power of love. On a low level: desire to be loved, desire to control others, personal charm, magnetism. Marriage, father card.
Hi Jade, I really can’t speak to this for several reasons: 1- I know how the calculations were done, but I don’t agree with the point of each one. As an example, that Communication Field card is (to me) not about communication. It is the energetic dynamic you two create together. It has it’s low side and high side and you two (together) can play out the high or the low. We all have a choice in how we handle and react to the energy we create with another. Same goes for each area- I don’t agree with what verbiage is used to say what it means.
2- The card information given is mainly negative and very mundane. The cards hold so much amazing wisdom for our growth and potential. I know a computer generated ‘report’ can only cover/use so many words, but I find it a disservice to use such negative meanings for folks who are new to this system. It can make what might otherwise be a very rewarding relationship seem horrible. As an example, the 5♥ is not just about divorce – far from it. (that card isn’t in your composites, just using that as an example). Relationships are complex and while we can gain valuable information about another through the cards, from that must be the desire to grow and accept one another and understand the challenges as not just a blanket negative thing. So much more can be talked about in that you two create the K♦. But, that is just me and how I use and counsel with the cards. 🙂
Thank you, Ashley
I did more additional research for the past few days with synastry chart and I realise that his Neptune is conjunct to my South Node which is Capricorn and is located in the 5th house while my Jupiter 9th Taurus and moon 9th Taurus is conjunct to his South Node in the 8th which is Taurus. I am not too in what way does this affect the connection I have with him even after researching. Now I’m kinda questioning if this is a Twin flame/Soulmate connection or just a Karmic Soulmate. The other person is dealing with a Karmic Soulmate I presume her birthday is Nov. 9, 1998 birth card 2 clubs and his is April 30,1995 four of clubs.
Hi Jade! I appreciate youor questions, though astrological synastry is not my forte and without looking at the whole picture, it’s difficult to appropriately comment. I wasn’t sure who you were referring to when you said the other person (2♣)? Synastry and card composites along with the astrology can be very helpful and when working with a client, if that is needed, I include that. But, again,with limited info and on a blog comment, I don’t want to give out wrong information. I hope you understand! 🙂
Hi Ashley, I’m a July 2nd bday (K♦️/K♥️) and he’s March 4 (6♠️ /Q♣️).
Would love to hear your take on our union.
Thank you,
Hi Sveta! Your cards have many connections, but I’ll comment on just a few here. First off, you two have what is called a ‘Mutual Jupiter’ between your birth cards. This means you both feel it and it can be a positive connection enabling you both to expand on areas in your life and it feels like a beneficial connection. You also have a Mutual Mercury in the Spiritual spread as well as him being your Uranus card. This creates an influence from some other timeline where he represented to you your rebellious nature or helped you make changes in your life and that influence is still there with you two. You two are definitely assisting one another this time around, to step out of your comfot zones and grow into something more in your lives. The main thing is to let each other do that and not let your own fears of stepping out of your comfort zone stop the other or make them feel bad! 🙂
Thank you love
Ashley, thank you so much. This validates so much of what I’ve been feeling. I do feel like we’ve “been here before” and been very happy. Your insight is fascinating, thank you!
Hi Ashely! I’m a 5 of diamonds ( sept 6) and a few years ago I reconnected with a former colleague ( 2 of spades June 2nd) following an intense spiritual experience that revealed a vision of us from what I now understand was a past life.
After 7 months of talking and flirting 24/7, I confessed my feelings for him and he said they were unrequited, despite contradictory behavior. I looked at our card connections and they seem very one-sided and mostly spiritual for him. Can a relationship with such energy ever survive? I feel the universe played a cruel trick on my heart. Although I am healing, the situation still haunts me because he was a friend, and now we aren’t on speaking terms.
Hi Nicole! My heart goes out to you in having these intense feelings that didn’t go anywhere. I can comment on a few things, but there might’ve also been things going on in his forecast at the time that could reveal more. Anyway, as you might know, the 5♦ has the 2♠ as it’s Cosmic Lesson card in both the Earth and Spiritual spread, so you meeting him and growing a friendship/communciation could be that you were drawn to that energy as it is something that is part of you at a higher level and something you need to express in your life. If you step out of the feelings of you two being more than friends and just looked at the energy he reflected back to you, it might be easier to take as a gift, not a cruel joke. I know, easier said, than done! Looking at your composite cards – you two together created the energy of the 7♣ – which is your Moon card. What you received/felt from that is the Q♠ – your Mercury (and Ruling) card. What he felt was the 9♥. Just from this information and nothing else, I would say that he provided you with a mirror that revealed more of you to you... And while it hurt your heart to not have it be a long term thing, it really was a gift. The ego was hurt, but, at a deeper level, you gained something that you needed. I know these things can be hard, but maybe this perspective can help you see it as a gift and to be grateful, take what you loved about him and see it in you…and embrace that, love that and thank him for that time in your life. He wasn’t a long term gift physically, but he was spiritually. 🙂 *hugs!*
Hi Ashley, I’m a Scorpio 11/07/1988 K♣️ (Ruling card 4♦️/Mars and Pluto Q❤️) currently dating a Leo K♣️ (Ruling card K♣️) (August 13,1994). His moon in astrology is Scorpio which conjuncts my Sun in Scorpio (within 2-3 orbs). We have multiple double whammies in astrology. Which I predominantly study. Our composite card is the K♠️, which is both our moon cards (considering that we have the same spread). We additionally are both Life path 8s and 3/5 projectors in human design. I can definitely relate to the mirror quality within the relationship. Being strong personalities as well as K♣️, we definitely have had our share of ego clashes and power struggles. However, I feel that the K♠️ Always softens us back to union. We initially briefly crossed paths on a K♠️ Day (He remembers ) but, didn’t interact until a few years later. He has interacted with members of my family during different times of his life also prior to meeting me (unaware that we were all related). Fast forward, ever since we’ve met we’ve been together like magnets.. I know that we both have a 2♠️ as our Jupiter and North Node (Negative) Card 2♠️. Many times I feel that the purpose is expansion as well as learning to work/partner with one another while working through fears. However, what is the unique connection with K♠️. I know that the card has been associated with God. What may it represent for us?
Hi Bianca! wowzers – two K♣ together! And it sounds like you two are navigating that well! I always say that when a couple create the K♠ together, they are a ‘Power couple’…and can use that to make such amazing changes in the world! It can also go terribly wrong as in making one of them very much an egotistical bully. So, your 2♠ first karma card (and that you two are both K♣)…this is so much about that Uranian expansion, brotherhood, helping people CONNECT, not feel seperation, energy. The key for you both with such powerful energy is to not let that 8♠ second karma card take you to the bully place. When you two work through fears together, it ripples out and has an effect on others. You can be powerful role models!(no pressure there…lol) But, seriously, congrats on being aware of this and using it for the betterment of your community!
Oh okay, that makes more sense. We can talk more during the reading. Thank you!
What is your take on using the synastry chart and composition chart?
Could you respond to my previous comment may 27, 2021 6:02 pm?
I have heard the cosmic reward card can tell us a lot about our career path or expression in life. Though I am confused what is the CR card for an 8Clubs? Thank you.
Hi Lily! The CR card for the 8♣ is the 5♥.
Thanks Ashley! And do you believe there is validity to this, being an influence to one’s expression in life ( career, etc) ?
I’ll share how I view the CR card – it goes hand in hand with the Pluto card, as it is the result or reward we see when we do the Pluto work. When we don’t do the Pluto work, or we keep avoiding the Pluto stuff that keeps trying to get our attention, we tend to be drawn to or go for our reward card. This card shows us where we can see benefits, blessings and ‘rewards’ at a higher level in our lives, but for some, it can take on a pull we feel we must have – on a material level – so we go for it. We might be attracted to someone who is our CR card, or desire to have that (what the card is about) in our lives. I’ve never used it to talk about someone’s career, but what I have seen (in my own life and others) is that when one does do the Pluto work, the Reward card shows up and is a big part of the career/work they end up doing. This might not be the best example (as I don’t know all the details of P!nk’s life!) but, this example is what came to mind. She is a 3♦ and her Pluto card is the 2♥. If you know any of her story, you know about her relationships and specifically, the on/off with her hubby. But, she did the work, she was in therapy and she got back togetether with him and they have a good relationship. Her CR card is the K♥. The high side of that card is to fully understand and master the power of love and emotions. It is passionate thinking or communicating, it makes decisions quickly and acts decisively on those decisions and speaks honestly and straight forward. The K♥ speaks to us about how if we have more mastery over how our mind works to create the emotional responses we have, then we can take responsibility and master the mechanical emotional patterns that don’t serve us and we can connect to a HIGHER aspect of our emotional selves. P!nk went from her rebel side (5♠ in Jupiter) to this leader/master in showing us through her music/creativity how to love and what to do with our feelings about certain things. So, to answser your question, in part, yes, the CR card can speak to that, but I don’t feel it is that cut and dried. If she had ignored the ‘work’ she needed to do regarding her relationships, she might’ve been drawn to the lower aspect of the K♥, which is wanting to debate everything, or being abusive and tyrantical with those you love and needing to feel all the attention and sense of power with those you love. She might’ve been drawn to using her music career to grab that power. I hope that helps (somewhat!) explain my take on that card. Again, there are nuances and aspects of it that make sense when you see it with the Pluto card. 🙂
So if my cr card is a 5heart and my pluto is a Qdiamond, is it if I get my extravaganzas under control ( in all areas of life) and then the flexibility of 5 hearts can manifest more in my life..
Hey can you help me, whats the compatibility between a 4 if diamonds and a 2 of clubs a libra and a Aquarius ?
Hi Greg! The composite card for the 4♦ and the 2♣ is the 6♠, which is the Jupiter card for the 4♦ and is the Pluto card for the 2♣. The 6♠ as an energy you two create together can feel fated, or that what happens when you are together is destiny. It is an energy that is helping you see that you can learn and grow from the situations and experiences you have together. It also enhances that 6♠ you both have in your Life Path spread. 🙂
Can you explain more please (sorry) but when you see learn lessons and grow from the situations, do you mean together as in a relationship or after a harsh break up ?
Hi Greg, that really depends on the people in the relationship. Some realize what was learned and gained from the situations, and others not until after the relationship is over.
Hi Ashley-
Can you tell me if there’s any connection between individuals with these birthdays 7/20, 8/25.
Hi MS! Both of these cards are in the Mystical Family of Seven- and all the cards in those 7 cards are very connected and tend to do things together or be in relationships together. In the Spiritual spread, the 8♣ is the Neptune card for the A♣, so that energetic connection is also there between these two cards. In some other life, the 8♣ person was felt and seen by the A♣ person in a Neptune way – maybe put on a pedestal, seen through rose-colored glasses, had a relationship with delusions or shared a deep spiritual love and that is there between them still in this life.
Hi! First, I want to say thank you for this article that helped me understand how to read the planetary connections in relationship.
I also want to ask you, what do you think about relationship between 8♣️ (04/26) and 9♣️(09/15)? I’m 8♣️ and I don’t know if our relationship is something like a mirror (for now, it’s just an acquaintance, we are not lovers) but I’m sure that he’s been a very strict life teacher for me… but nevertheless, I am grateful to him for all the lessons I received from him.
Hi V! The main thing I’d point out is that in the Spiritual spread, you are his Moon card. Many times that can be what brings two people together. In some other life, you might’ve taken care of who he was, or was an emotional supporter to him. That connection is still between you now. As well, the 8♣ person is the Reward card for the 9♣. And, there is a draw for the 9♣ person to the 8♣. Are you referring to strict life teacher in the ‘past’ sense?
I feel like in this life he’s a strict teacher for me, shows me in a ruthless, although unconscious way, what needs to be improved in my character.
I am grateful to you for these lessons, but nonetheless they are very difficult for me…
Hi Ashley ! I am a sun Scorpio moon Cancer 8❤️ and he is a sun Virgo moon Taurus Q❤️. So many energies deliciously converging. I study the love cards a bit, yet would love your insight on why our pull together is so strong ?
Hi Deborah! You probaly already see this if you’ve looked at the Love cards material, but he is not only your Ruling card, but your Mars card! And with both of you being hearts, you both operate from that emotional, dreamy, imaginative (Neptune) space and with the 10♣ as your Jupiter card and it as his Ruling card, there is a highly sexual energy in that card. As well, in the Spiritul spread, the Q♥ is Jupiter to the 8♥, so there is some past or other life connection still between you and in the other life, he was a blessing or benefit to you. 🙂
How would that translate into having a committed relationship. Does the energy flow just from me or does he reciprocate, or channel energy towards me ? Also how do you factor the sun sign or moon sign card ? Would love a session with you.
Hi again Deborah! Apologies for a late reply – tropical storm Fred had our electricity/internet coming and going! So, in answer to your question, becasue HE is part of your Life Path spread, he is reflecting to you, the energy of your Q♥ Mars card. When someone is in our Life Path spread, they can be showing us the low side or high side of a card. Him as your Mars card can be what creates passion and sexual energy between you two – but the Q♥ specfically is felt by you only. You two have many ‘shared connections’ because then his Mercury card is your Jupiter card, etc., so it creates a lot of layers of dynamics between you two. This is also where the Moon card comes in, as his Moon card (the 6♠) is your Venus card. Breaking down these shared connections and seeing how they are being played out can give a lot of insight to the relationship!
Would love to explain more in a session with you! Thank you for your kind donation. 🙂 Here is the website page to book a reading – I go by time – any topic:
You’re incredible, I appreciate the time and effort you take to write your responses to us all, thank you. I’d love to know if there’s any connection between 8♣️ (7/20) and 2♣️ (8/24) birthdays.
Hi M! The connections on the Earth spread between the 8♣ and 2 is through the ruling cards -vertical Mars between the K♣ ruling card and the J♠ ruling card. However, in the Spiritual spread, the 8♣ is Uranus for the 2♣. There was some past/other life where the 8♣ person might’ve been a good friend, someone who helped the 2♣ person break free, expand who they were or was inspiring to the 2♣. This influence is still there between you now to some degree and might be what drew you together. The energy created by the 8♣ & 2♣ is the 10♦ – which is the Life Path spread Jupiter card for the 8♣, so a very familiar, good and beneficial energy for the 8♣. Both cards are highly intelligent and very much ‘in their heads’, so something to watch for would be the issue of arguments or getting too caught up in a perspective that doesn’t allow the other to have their own opinion or beliefs. 🙂
I have some questions just for a brief gist. What if someone is your Pluto card? For example Queen of Club their partner is their Pluto card Jack of Heart. Also, what does it mean if your karma card 3 of hearts is someone’s read card (4 of diamond) and your sun card is their moon card. Is there any connection to any of this?
Hi! Any insight on a K♥️ (Virgo him) and 5 ♦️ (Pisces/Aquarius cusp me).
I see he’s my Pluto I think but he has no relationship to me? So does that indicate a one sided relationship?
Hi Elizabeth! First, you two have a mutual Mars connection in the Spiritual spread. That indicates an energy between you both that is from some past life, and is still there influencing you two now. Mutual Mars can indicate there was intense chemistry, you motivated one another or even had intense anger! Many times that type of connection can be what brings two ppl together. Also in the Spiritual spread, his Ruling card (K♦) is your Pluto card. With both of those (Mars & Pluto) being very intense energies, it might be you two came back together to resolve that intensity (if it was negative?). In the Earth spread, you have shared connections, one I’ll point out that can be tough. His first karma card (what he is working to embrace and use in this life – 2♣) is your Saturn card. Our Saturn card can be what we really have to work at in our life, it can be where we feel challenged or restricted. With that 2♣ card being a somewhat difficult one for both of you, it can be the area where you two will need to pay the most attention and that card is about discussions, but can be arguments or contradictions in how you communicate. There are a few other shared connections as well. It’s not a one-sided connection at all…can’t assume anyhthing w/o talking to you, but looks to me like there are things you two are assiting one another with! 🙂
Hi Ashley!
I love your website, I’ve spent two days mapping out my family, friends and previous romantic relationships. Thank you so much for all the great info!
I am queen of hearts (libra) and my dad is Jack of hearts (scorpio), my brother King of hearts (Leo), my grandmother Queen of hearts (scorpio). And my mom is 6 of spades (my moon). My sister is 4 diamonds so we are all in each other cards. I just wanted to share because I thought it was interesting! (I am a therapist)
My question anyhow is related to dating (surprise, surprise). My friend loves Cardology and told me the best match for me would be either King of Hearts or Jack of hearts, she thinks that “royal” energy would best match mine. But when I look at people in my past and my previous relationships, anyone whom I ever dated or had a crush on are actually diamonds. Either 9 of diamonds or 6 or 5 of diamonds, some 4, A and K of diamonds too. And often leos! Especially the 9 of diamonds (Leo) left a mark even it ended over 10 years ago. Is there a reason I am attracted to diamonds? Is there a certain card that is “the perfect match” as a long-term serious partner for Queen of hearts? Or should I just stay on the safe route of.. diamonds?
Hi Johanna! Wow, how interesting to have the royal hearts all in the family like that! My dad’s side of the family is that way, but with the club royals!
So, for your best match question. First, every Cardologer will have a different answer to this, as we all have a different perspective on the topic of ‘best match’!
That said, how I view it is this: A person needs to be clear on what they WANT from a partnership. We all just think, I want love! But, a long term partnership is so much more than that, and each person has what they want. That can be to raise a family, build something financially, have adventures, grow and evolve as a person, create the careers they want, etc. And, probably an assortemnt of things!
Anyway, what you want is a partner that matches that. Two people together creates an energy (a card) and that can be used.
For example, you and the 9♦ = 8♠.(Power, determination and strength, but can also be a controlling, bully ebergy.)
Your Ruling card (the 8♦) is Moon to the 9♦. The 5♦ is vertical Venus to you…I won’t go through each one you mentioned, but the theme of the diamonds might be important for you because of your 8♦ Ruling card.
Back to my point – let’s say, you did seek another royal heart card (such as the K♥) Q♥+K♥=Q♣ which is your Uranus card. That is a lot of intense energy and might create what you want – or not!
Yes, the Q♥ is Moon to the K♥, but you also have to ask…do I want to be the one who does all the emotional supporting?
There is so much to the relationship aspect of using the cards, and of course, not easy to spell it all out in a blog comment! 😉
I hope that all makes sense? LOL
The thing is to ask yourself what you are wanting – long term – beyond just the gooey love feelings and go from there. 🙂
Hi! I’m a libra sun 8♣️ 10/14 and he’s pisces sun J♣️ 02/27. What do you think of this connection? Is it really that bad? There was a big fascination between us but this love was born under a bad sign…
Hi A! I’m not sure why you said the love was born under a bad sign? The 8♣ and J♣ creates the 6♠ energy…which can be a difficult energy to navigate (depends on the people involved). In the Spiritual spread, the J♣ is Mars to the 8♣, so in some other timeline/life, he might’ve been someone who you had conflict with, angered you, or there was even intense chemistry and that is what brought you together again? Maybe to take anything negative and resolve it? The other thing is, you as an 8♣ has a more fixed idea of what you want/like and with your Venus card being the 4♠, maybe even liking reltionships to be more traditional? The J♣ is pretty much the opposite – they are literally here to live and show the rules of love that need to be broken and changed. They live outside the box when it comes to love and relationships. Was there a conflict in that regard?
Hi! I am a 6♣️ and I am mentally “entangled” with a 3♣️. I ran away from the connection for years until finally he cut the cord and I no longer feel the energetic connection like I did for so long. I feel like we have unfinished business and I would like to know why I held on so long energetically to someone that I had no physical contact with. I used to feel delusional until I learned about destiny cards. Now that it feels like he may have moved on (or I don’t feel his energy anymore) I would like to understand the connection and surrender. This has been agonizing because at times I feel like he’s the one that got away and other times I feel like he was placed in my life to force me to look at karmic debts that I need to clear in this lifetime so that I can be liberated.
Hi Sandi! In the Spiritual spread, the 6♣ is Mars for the 3♣…and in the Earth spread, there is a Mutual Venus connection. In some cases, this can be a situation where in some past life together, you, as the 6♣, either angered the 3♣, or the 3♣ felt intense chemistry, sexual heat or possibly the 3♣ was motivated by you. If it was sexual, then, now in this life, with those cards being mutually Venus (meaning, you both feel a loving, easy attraction to one another), it can confuse that “in the background” Mars intensity that is still there between you. The 6♣+3♣ creates the 9♦- that energy, when played on the low side is to fear losing the things you value – to be overly attached. On the high side, when these two cards come together, it can be a great situation for creating higher and more global/humanitarian goals, or to set out ahead of everyone and know what is needed to create a positive global result. The 6♣ receives from this connection, the 2♥. So, you alone, have this sense of a very close connection and probably see it through rose-colored glasses- or that you have to have it.
All of this to say, the 6♣ and 3♣ can be great friends, but when it is an intimate relationship, the past stuff needs to be looked at (in whatever way you find comfortable, such as past life work) or as what happened, the connection is cut, the past let go of, but for you, that includes removing the ‘closeness’ or must have energy towards them and place it on yourself. Check in with your intuition and see if that past was resolved in you both coming together and now it is time for you to place that ‘love’ you still feel on YOU.
I hope that helps!
Oh wow! Thank you so much. This is much-needed confirmation. Blessings to you.
Hello love your article but I need help on breaking down my chart as well❤️❤️ 2/13/92 confused on what cosmic lesson card means and transformation card is… really all of them lol but my guy is 11/01/93 we been together 10 years are daughter name is passion❤️
Hi Tierra! I wasn’t sure what your specfic question was regarding the two of you – you are his Neptune card. 🙂 It sounds like you have a good relationship and love your daughter’s name! I do have a Card Connections course where what each planet/postion means is covered indepth. It is too much to explain it all here. Or, of you are wanting to understand your LPS as a Q♦ better, I also have a mini course that covers that. You can get that here.
Hello Ashley,
My birthday is August 11, 1998 and his birthday is December 6, 1995. I am curious to know your take on this connection. I feel as though he is my karmic partner because the connection overall is tumultuous.
Thank you & happy holidays ✨
Hi Ty! My apologies for such a late reply – I had a 2 week vacation for the holidays and am just now getting back to work! 🙂
So, the 2♦ & the Q♣ has a Mutual Venus (Even with his Ruling card, the A♠), which might be where the original attraction/connection was felt. Also, in the Spiritual spread, the 2♦ is the Mars card for the Q♣, so there are definitely connections that would create chemistry and attraction.
The tumultuous issues might be from the verious Ace energies in this relationship. His Ruling card is the A♠, his Moon card is the A♣ and you two together create the A♥. This can play out as too much independence, or selfish (even masculine) energy. And you, as a 2♦, have a lot of masculine energy in your Life Path spread. Did it feel that neither of you wanted to compromise or there was not enough give?
In a deeper way, your are the Transformed Self card for his Ruling card, so yes, there were things you were assisting him with (without even knowing it!), but without a conversation, is hard for me to cover all the reasons why it might’ve been challenging. I hope that helps!
Hello, any thoughts on a cancer Q♣️ BC, PRC A♣️ with a Aquarius 10 ♠️ BC, 5♠️ PRC? Is there any long term possibilities r mainly short term? Also, I think our composite card is a 9 ♣️ How does that look for either of us? Thanks in advance for any info u can provide
Hi Taylor! The 10♠ is the Mercury card for the Q♣ (thus, the Q♣ is the Moon card for the 10♠), so a close connection and probabaly a sense of comfort right at the beginning. Those cards also have a mutual Jupiter in the Spiritual spread, so again, there is a positive energy still there from some other life together. With your two cards creating the 9♣, both the Q♣ and the 10♠ have that card in their Life Path spread, but it is felt differently for both. The 9♣ is the Reward card for the Q♣, so it is felt as something the Q♣ would like to have. For the 10♠, the 9♣ is its Pluto card, so a very different energy and can be felt as challenging or triggering. A mixed bag indeed! I can’t say if it is long term as it could be both difficult and beneficial, it really depends on how aware both are to what is going on.
Hi! So I have been in a 10yr on & off relationship where we have different birthdays but we are both 4 of clubs me a Libra him Gemini our composite is 8 of diamonds it seems never ending I
Would love to know any insight you have for us thank you so much <3
Hi Kari!
Relationships betwween those with same birth card can have it’s challenges as you are mirrors to one another! With the 4♣ card being a very intense mental card, and sometimes stubborness, a LOT of compromises is in order! You said, “It seems never ending”…what specifically were you referring to?
In regards to the on & off for ten years & counting just wondering if the 8 of diamonds for us shows possibilities of a solid connection thanks Ashley!
Hi again! (I’ve been sick, so just now catching up here!) So, yes, you together creates the 8♦, another very powerful energy to go with your 4♣. It’s a lot of masculine energy and balance is key for both of you. What you each receive from the energy you create together is the Q♠, which is also a powerful energy! Your birth card, the 8♦, the Q♠…they are all a “no bullshit, forceful, intense” energies, which can make getting things done easy….no wishy washiness I assume! But, does that intensity burn you both out? Or, is there a need for some calm and softness?
Hello Ashley
I often think of this man I knew only online 4 clubs and myself ace of heart, what would the primary with all possible energies play between us..
Looking forward,
Thanks Ashley..
Hi Corinne! The A♥ and 4♣ have a mutual Venus in the Spiritual spread and that can indicate that in some other lifetime, you both had an easy, loving relationship or there was a mutual liking of one another. That influence is still there for you both now and can be what creates the intial coming together.
The A♥ is the Reward card for the 4♣. This can create a natural draw for the 4♣ to the A♥. He was probably learning alot from your connection. You two create the energy of the 5♣, which is his first karma card…something he is learning to embrace. (which means instead of being very set or stuck in his thinking and way of communicating, he is learnign to be more open-minded).
Thank you so very much Ashley.
Would you please expand on.
“You two create the energy of the 5♣, which is his first karma card…and what does this 5 ♣, as his karma card include for both of us ?
Not sure I grasp this well..
Also, how is the reward card drawing someone, in this case him, is the reward card always about drawing someone or does it have other qualities?
If the influence of a loving relationship is as you say still there, and since he is not currently in my life, can I expect him to show up anytime, is the influence lending itself for a return,
Thank you for the joy and hope you create with these interactions.
Thank you so very much Ashley.
Would you please expand on.
“You two create the energy of the 5♣, which is his first karma card…and what does this 5 ♣, as his karma card include for both of us ?
Not sure I grasp this well..
Also, how is the reward card drawing someone, in this case him, is the reward card always about drawing someone or does it have other qualities?
If the influence of a loving relationship is as you say still there, and since he is not currently in my life, can I expect him to show up anytime, is the influence lending itself for a return,
Thank you for the joy and hope you create with these interactions.
Hi again! I’m going to email you!
I am a 6 ♣️. I have dated a 9♣️ 8/17. My longest relationship was s A♠️ And 5♠️. Both relationships didn’t workout I felt drained in both. My question when it comes to relationship I lost hope. Not sure whom my soulmate is or a good person I should deal with.
Hi Samantha! I’m going to do a blog post on this very topic, so will let you know when it is up! Too much to talk about in a blog comment. But, for you and a 9♣, that card is your Mars card in the Spiritual spread, so that might be what drew you to him. There was some intensity or passion between you two in some other life you had together and that is still there between you now. As far as you and an A♠ – that is your Transformed Self card…you are evolving towards that card – but to it’s high side. The A♠ you dated might’ve been playing the low side of that card and I can see how that would be draining. The 5♠ energy for an 6♣ is so very different…much more intensity. You two create the J♥ when together, which feels natural for the 5♠ person, but can create an energy of non-committment, or just not serious about the relationship.
Hi Ashley! First and foremost I just want to thank you for all the thoughtful responses you’ve given over the years to comments on this post. I was wondering if you could provide some insight, I’m a 6♣️ and PRC 8❤️, he is a 9♣️ and PRC K❤️. I’ve known him for almost a year since May 2021. We spoke for 3 months at the beginning non-stop and it was wonderful and I felt so seen and heard until he ghosted me in August. He reached out again and we met for the first time and it was pure magnetism. A week later he said that the situation wasn’t for him. I reached back out to him in February and it turns out that we just misunderstood each other but still cared very deeply… until he got cold feet again. I’d felt like I made peace with this situation and that it wouldn’t bother me anymore but I’ve been dreaming about him and unable to stop thinking about him. And I know he still cares and thinks about me. I can’t tell if this is karmic or if this relationship will lead to anything but I feel silly for my attraction to him given everything I know. Do you have any insight on how I can move forward with this? I do believe his PRC is my Venus card for this year (I’m 23).
Hi Dafina! Thank you for your sweet ‘Thank you’! 🙂 And hey to another 6♣/8♥! So, there are a few things I can comment on without having a conversation with you.
In the Spiritual spread, the 9♣ is the Mars card for the 6♣, so in some other timeline/life, you two had a Mars type connection – which can mean chemistry, or passion and it can be what brings two people together in this current life as that influence is still there between you. It can be that we need to resolve something from that life/timeline, or we are just coming back together again (maybe you do so each lifetime!). Both his 9♣ and K♥ were your vertical cards last year under your 8♥.
As well, the 6♣ and the K♥ have a mutual Jupiter connection…meaning, you both feel a mutual benefit from being together.
If we look at the energy you two create together, it is the 2♠, which is your 8♥’s Moon card, so a 9♣ person feels comforting to you. You actually ‘receive’ from being with a 9♣, the energy of your ruling card – the 8♥!
What he feels is the J♥, ironically, his Moon card!
So, I can see why (and hope you can too) there was a pull to know each other.
And like you said, his K♥ is there in your forecast now.
So, don’t feel silly for feeling as you do!
As far as the back and forth, hard to say for him (without knowing his age to look at his forecast).
The vertical card with the K♥ as your Venus is the 7♠.
Since you’re dreaming about him, and the K♥ is your Venus card, think about what he is symbolizing to you (as that K♥ energy).
How did he handle his emotions? Was he passionate about expressing what he loved or did he use passionate arguing to express himself?
These are some of the traits of the K♥, so see if there is something he ‘brought to your awareness’ that is around those topics.
I would even say, are you desiring something and you’re NOT expressing that desire with passion and intensity?
Are you feeling distrust in someone or something that you are wanting?
Again, hard to ask all the questions without a conversation…but see if this brings anything up for you! I hope this helps! 🙂
So i studied and found that the woman i am dating my birth card 6 of clubs is her results rewards card. Meanwhile she is a 9 of diamonds and her cosmic moon Queen of hearts happens to be my Venus card. Her cosmic lesson is my Mercury Card 6 of spades, her transformation card 10 of clubs is my Mars card. Can you help me understand what is happening here?
Hi Kelly! What this is is you two have shared connections – meaning, as you said, your birth card is her Reward card (and I see this a lot with couples, as we are drawn to the energy of our Reward card), your Venus card is her Cos Moon card, etc.
It is too much to explain what each thing means, but when two people have the same cards (but in different placements) it can create a situation of one might be easy for you, but hard for her (or vice versa). It takes studying each one, what is creates for the person and then how it is effecting the relationship. This is part of what we cover in my Card Connections course.
But, the original connection through the Reward card is as I said,very common. The difficulty with those types of connections is if she has not worked through the transformation of her Pluto card (the 8♥), then she is only seeking the ‘reward’ of the 6♣…and not fully incorporating that energy in her life. It can feel like intense attraction, but then the Reward card person becomes the target of projection for the others person’s issues. I hope this helps! It is too much to cover here, but if you want to talk about it, we can do so in a reading. 🙂
Hello, my name is Samantha 4 ♥️ Scorpio I’m with my fiancé been together for 8 years 2 💎 Libra. I was wondering if you could tell me about our relationship struggles and successes we have 2 children 1 Capricorn 10💎 and a Scorpio 3💎.. maybe you can tell me about my children as well? Thank you 😊
Hi Samantha! All that you are asking for would be best provided through a reading – as it is a lot! But for a 4♥ and a 2♦, you have a mutual Jupiter connection in the Earth spread and a mutual Mars connection on the Spiritual spread. The Jupiter connection indicates you both feel one another is a blessing and a benefit to have in your life. The Mars connection in the Spiritual spread might be why you came together as you had either passion, chemistry or a relationship where you motivated one another in some past life and that connection is still there between you now.
The energy you two create together is the 6♦, which is his Mars card, so for him, it feels natural and he might be the one who always takes the lead on things? With you being the 4♥/8♥ and having a family of diamonds, do you sometimes feel your feelings aren’t considered?
Hello! I am new to this, but I am an Ace of Spades while my boyfriend is a 7 of hearts! I noticed that we literally have all of the same cards, except my birth card (Ace of Spades) is his positive karma card and his birth card (which is still in my deck) is my negative karma card. Our cards are right after each other horizontally but I have no idea what this means. I know we are mercury to each other, which is true as we communicate very well. Are we final soulmates? Twin flame soulmates? We are in a serious relationship and I want to know more. I have never experienced this much alignment from a lover.
P.S – I am a Gemini (June 3rd) and he is a Libra (September 30)
Please if you can give me an in-depth meaning, I am genuinely confused and intrigued and feel you are the right professional to tell me.
Hi! Yes, you are walking the same path and you share the cards of your Life Path spread! It would take too much to try and go over all of that here in a comment – but I have seen many couples that are the A♠ and 7♥! There are a few things that can create roadblocks – but again, too much to explain in a comment. We can cover this in a reading if you’d like!
Hi Ashley! I loved this article.
What’s your insight on a connection between a 10 of clubs (10/14) and a king of clubs (12/05)?
Hi Brianna! So, the first thing is that in the Spiritual spread, the K♣ is the Mars card for the 10♣ – meaning there is a past (or other life) connection where the K♣ person either motivated, angered or was a source of passion/chemistry for the 10♣ and that influcence is still there between them. The two of them create the 10♠, which is the Uranus card for the 10♣, so for the 10♣, the relationship can feel exciting, maybe a little unusual, but that Mars heat is there. For the K♣ person, the 10♣ is their Reward card and it is common for us all to be drawn to those who are our Reward card. It can be a surface attraction though as our Reward card is meant to be in our life once we’ve done our Pluto work, so bypassing the Pluto and going for the Reward can end in disappointment. Interestingly, the K♣ person receives the 10♣ energy in this connection, so again, it can feel attractive or like a pull-to-it kinda thing. As well, there is a lot of powerful energy in both of these cards and the issue can be who leads? Can both BE the power they are and not need to suppress the other? It’s not to say it can’t work, but those are some of the main energies between those two cards. I hope that helps!
I’m a Ace of Diamond, My male friend I’m his Positive Karma card to 2 of Diamond? How does this affect Our friendship or should it be a Union?
Hi Celeste! So, the 2♦ being your First Karmas card means it is a way of being that feels unnatural for you – depending on your age, it might be something you are still rejecting to some degree (the Ace is very independent and that 2♦ is very much about ‘the other’ or working with someone or thinking they have to pick between one thing or another (instead of incorporating all they love together). Anyway, having a relationship with a person of your first karma card can be difficult, but it is showing you what you need to learn to embrace in your life. If it feels anoying or you feel put off, ask yourself where in your life you are trying to just go it alone and not allow others to be there for you?
This isn’t about it being a good or not good relationship. Does that make sense?
Hi! I am Very New To This && Very Intrigued 😁 with Cardology However iWould Like To Know What Was The Purpose For My Connection w My Ex Trying to See if It Pairs w Some Readings ( tarot ) iHad Before Regarding This Connection
He’s a 10 of ♣️ ( Gemini 06/20 )
I’m a 7 of ♠️ ( Pisces 03/03 )
Funny iDid Feel iWas Seeing Him Through Rose Lenses .. iReally Couldn’t Pair Up Any Thing w None of Our Spread Cards.
Thanks For Your Time ✨
Hi Angela! So, for the 7♠ (you), the 10♣ is your Cosmic Moon card. He represents soomeone (as well as the energy) that is in your life to help you on your journey of evolving (becoming the 8♦). He is supporting your journey- especially in providing ideas, knowledge, fire energy and creativity. Also, you two together creates the 4♣. This can play out as helping one another have a stable sense of their beliefs and acting on them -so you might be a catalyst for one another in ‘getting your head straight’ so to speak, as well, there can be some stubborness and head butting on things as well. 🙂
Hi Ashley!
I am 6 of diamonds and he is a 10 of diamonds. It’s super intense for me and our communication style are totally different. He feels like the one for me. Can you give me some clarity with the purpose please?
Thank you!
Hi! I can see why it feels initense for you as he is your Mars card! So, he (and the energy of what the 10♦ is about – which is optimism, expansion, and financial success) is what you are receiving from him. It can be intense passion, chemistry and sometimes anger, but it motivates you. Your communication is more grounded, consistent and realistic, where his might be more strong, will-full, or intense. The energy you two create together is the 3♣…which will also affect your communications as that energy is very creative but can be scattered. That 3♣ is his Uranus card, so his creative ideas/thoughts are where he steps out of the traditional norms or allows him freedom and for you, it is your Result card, so you are drawn to it. He is teaching you a lot about aspects of who you are and together you are both playing with creative ways of perceiving things and taking action on that creativity. Where and how does creativity come into your relationship?
Thanks for the response! He and I are both musicians! Wow
Thanks for the response! He and I are both musicians! Wow that makes so much sense. It seems that we cannot get common ground. I feel and always felt we a a big purpose to fulfill in this life but maybe I should focus on business and not romance.
We are both musicians. We are having trouble with the communication aspect and have not had the opportunity to create anything together yet. Do you have any suggestions on how to overcome this?
Hello Ashley I love love love your site!! I’m am Ace of Clubs (5/31/1990) and my potential partner is 10 of clubs (3/26/1986). What type of energy do our cards have romantically or is it one more of a friendship? I’m still learning so I know I’m her Jupiter but she’s not in my life spread. I’m looking for clarity on how this all could play out even how to approach it pivot if need be. Thank you in advance. Blessings to you 💕
Hi Nina! So, a few of the connections that you have besides you being her Jupiter card is in the Spiritual spread, the 10♣ is the Result card for the A♣. So, in some other timeline/past life, she was someone you were drawn to and maybe even obsessed over or felt you must posess. (in whatever gender/relationship you both were at that time). That energetic influence is still there between you now and can be what drew you to her.
Her Ruling card is your Moon card (so you feel nurtured or cared for by her) and of course with your cards being in her Life Path spread, you are reflecting back to her aspects of who she is!
You two together create the J♦ – a very creative, dynamic energy (which is very much part of who you both are as individuals).
You both have a lot of masculine energy and both of you are bascially walking a similiar path in life as you share many of the same cards.
I can see why you were drawn to one another!
I would say that with as much creativity and connections you two share, the advice would be to make sure each person is allowed their expression and ways of moving all that masculine energy without it suppressing the other. You are definitely teachers for one another!
It would be hard to write out all the ways it could play out here, so if you do want to talk about that, I give readings and that would be the best way to discuss it. Hope that helps! 🙂
Thank you, the past lifetime comment you made is crazy (in a good way) we first met in college and when I saw her I literally remember thinking “I know her, I gotta have her some day” omgggg lol I’ll be in touch as soon as I’m able. Thank you again for your sharing your knowledge 💕
Heehee!! Yep! So cool when we can see WHY we are so drawn to someone and feel we already know them! 🙂
Hi Ashley
I am a leo 8/10 3 of diamond and he is a sag 11/28 5 hearts.. we have 3 jupiter connections in our life and spiritual spread as well as 2 saturn connections in our spiritual and life spread. He is mars to me where the conflicts tend to rise 🙂 what are some of the common trends (strengths and weaknesses) and areas of growth for this compatibilities thank you!
Hi Tamia! So, along with all the Jupiter connections (not sure how you are seeing Saturn connections?), several other connections I’ll point out is that in the Spiritual spread, under his Ruling card, you are his Reward card. Many times we are very drawn to someone of our Reward card. It can feel like an obsession, or desire we just must have and it draws couples together. That was an other/past life conenction you two had (in whatever gender/role at the time) and that influence is still there between you now.
The other big one is that your composite card (the energy you two create together) is the 8♦, which in the Spiritual spread, is your Saturn card (was that one of the Saturn connections you mentioned?) and for him, under his Ruling card, the 8♦ is his first karma card. This can trigger some uncomfortable things because it is a situation where you both are being made aware (energetically) of areas you need to develop, be more responsible in and it can feel challenging. So, look more into the 8♦.
Also, (lots of karmic stuff with you two!) Your Moon card (5♣) is his second karma card. There is the easy energy for you both…to explore different ways of thinking, to be open to changing how you think and believe. The drawback of that though, is that for him, he needs to learn to lean into his first karma card (4♦), which is more about being consistent, creative, and practical with what he is building in his life. (the downfall of the 5♣ as a second karma card is to be too wishy-washy and going along with too many changes and not enough stability) And that 4♦ is your Spiritual spread Mercury, so you are probably helping him with that because it is something you are good at.
And vice versa…YOUR first karma card (6♥) is his Mercury card in the Spiritual spread!
So…I wonder…with you two assiting each other in so many areas, is that creating that Mars like conflict? When we are with someone who is assisting us…even if it isn’t an outright conscious thing, we still can feel like it is always a battle…like we can’t do anything right or we have to assert ourself. Does that make sense?
Hi Ashley !
Thank you so much for the information! .. I did a love report with our cards and I was able to see our 7 top connections I believe it is 7 and I saw our saturn connections not really knowing what that meant lol but you hit the nail on the head we experience a lot of friction especially in communication it is our challenge area and that is indeed the mars connection and knowing we have so many spiritual connections is what holds us together knowing we can learn and grow from each other and it is such a good magnetic relationship but the mars is heavvvyyy LOL he feels like we don’t have to talk everyday all day and I am like but i need that lol we both have to be willing to learn from each other and we both feel like we have to assert ourselves whewww .. we are really 2 people who genuinely love each other but figuring out how to love each other in our unique love language and finding our rhythm is the challenge I am going to look deeper into the cards you shared especially trying to find better ways to communicate THANK YOU!!
Also is karmic stuff good ? Lol and sorry it’s not 7 connections it’s our 10 energetic connections I got from our love report 😊
Hi! I know the word karma means different things to different people and it can seem like a scary word! So many associate it with some kind of punishment. But, that is not what it is all about (thank goodness!) Basically, karma is balancing what has been (for lifetimes or currently) what is out of balance. So, karmic connections with another person isn’t scary or bad…it can feel challenging because we might not like changing our ways or perceptions, but it is ALWAYS to help us move forward! 🙂
Hi Ashley, I’m not sure if my comment posted but is a queen of hearts compatible with a 6 of diamonds ?
I responded this morning – do you not see it?
Hello Ashley, I hope you are doing amazing! I have a quick question: My birth card is a 7♦️, and my daughter’s birth card is a 5♣️ which means that I (7♦️) am her Planetary ruler and also her Jupiter. I understand that due to me being her Jupiter I will bring her financial and spiritual insight and abundance, but what does it mean for her and/or our relationship with me(7♦️) also being her Planetary ruler card?
Hi Dominique! Apologies for such a late reply to this! When we represent someone’s Ruling card, we can be assisting them with understanding the area/energy they came to ‘play’ in. She is the essence of the 5♣ and with the 5♣ energy, she is diving into the areas of life that are about the 7♦…so, having faith in her abundance and financial prosperity,even experiencing financial challenges so she can have a deeper understanding of what true prosperity is and learning to release fears around money…and even what it is to fulfilling her dreams without an attachment to material possessions. So, you act as a navigational point for her in these areas. It doesn’t mean you have to be ‘pefect’ as a 7♦ 😉 but at deeper levels than what we consciously recognize, we pick up on and grow from being exposed to the energy/ways of someone who is our Ruling card. Does that make sense?
First I want to question why the 6♣️ are always being duped and left in the dark by other ♣️ Folks 😂
I come to ask, what is the connection between a 6♣️ Taurus and 6♣️ Gemini? I met a guy and he was so familiar but our communication was almost non existent. When we were around each other’s we’d just there. No talking. I used to think I was crazy because I felt like I could feel his thoughts without even noticing. I could feel his doubt which made me mirror that same doubt. From there, I started question my sanity, thinking I was delusional. I started telling him that he felt familiar but he never mentioned feeling the same. He kind of cut me off and for months after, I felt turmoil even though my life was going the way I wanted. I started self exploration which led me to cardology. I just want more insight on a relationship between 2 6♣️. Was this on my path to make me better?
Hi! Are you the Gemini or the Taurus? Several things going on here: First off, the Mercury card for the 6♣ is the 6♠, which you both have. This is the card that reveals the energy of how we communicate. That 6♠ as a Mercury card creates that ability to know the other person’s thoughts and energy…and is what makes it feel crazy! For whomever is the Gemini, that 6♠ is also the Ruling card, so that 6♠ energy of “confusion on how they are unique” (that is one of the characteristics of the 6♠) is highlighted with the Gemini 6♣ person. The Taurus 6♣ has the Q♥ as the Ruling card, which leads it to wanting more of the sensual, romantic, sexy interactions. Now, along with that, is the playing out of the low side – if the 6♠ energy (which is how you both communciate – and can feel weird) was pointed out as a child to be too weird, or adults couldn’t understand you, or the 6♣ grew up lost in their own imagination/fantasy world, they can suppress their innate ability to read the non-verbal energy and that can give them a need to either not communicate, to hide away or to even act out due to the frustration of that feeling!
The other thing is that when two 6♣’s come together, it creates the energy of the Q♦. This is an energy that 6♣’s aren’t neccesarily comfortable with as it is the opposite of their sensitive, imaginative, creating balance and harmony ways. (Q♦ is more traditional, methodical and disciplined)
I’m a 6♣ and both of my best friends in High school were 6♣. I think we did well together because we could feel weird together! haha!
So, all that you were feeling is very normal and was possibly enhanced by him not knowing or understanding that aspect of himself. I know for me as a 6♣, it took me into my 40’s to really learn to communicate!
Regarding your question as ‘was this on my path to make me better?’ I think that we always are given opportunities to see/know/understand ourselves (and life!) more with our relationships. If you are the Gemini, you were sensing the non-verbal communication abilities you innately have. If you are the Taurus, you were understanding the sensual aspect of who you are. 6♣ people are very in tune with the deeper/mystical/imaginal realms but also get very lost in delusions! So when two come together, it really depends on how aware they are, how OK they are with that aspect of themselves and whether or not they are suppressing that part of them as to how the relationship plays out.
I hope that helps! 🙂
I am the Gemini. He was the Taurus. I even described myself to him as weird when we first met. I didn’t quite understand why I described myself as being that way. There was a moment where he was not around me and was in a mental crisis and I sent him a message that said “I’m not sure what you’re going through but just know I’m here for you however I can be” He was scared because I was so on point and I didn’t know anything about him. Im used to being the advisor to my friends but when I was around him, it was me who needed guidance and that’s not to say his life was no better than mines but I felt a way about him that I can’t say I’ve ever felt. I felt safe and understood but he never said he understood me. It must be how all my friends feel around me. Like they have to constantly challenge themselves but don’t feel judged. From his energy, in a short time, I learned to be more sensitive and nurturing. As a Gemini, this was very hard for me giving my upbringing. I’m a natural hard body. I have a bite that hurt but rarely do I ever bite.
Thank you. I am on the path now to being more aware of my spiritual side. And I am looking to take classes on Cardology. I will be looking more into your website.
Hi Ashley! I recently discovered Cardology and am dropping down the rabbit hole. Thanks for the detailed and easy-to-understand explanations on your site.
I am an 8♣ (Virgo, female) looking to understand my dynamic with a 4♦ (Virgo, male). There seems to be something more to this relationship, yet we do not appear in each other’s spreads as you have described above. Is there something I am missing? This dynamic has been driving me crazy for most of this year, with the gnawing question, “what is this?!”
We have a very bonded friendship and understand one another intuitively and deeply. There are many coincidences between us – parallels in our childhood experiences, mysteriously having ties to the same locations, etc. And we help each other a lot, very “partnered,” though unofficially. We are naturally drawn to and feel very safe with one another. Though in certain phases we have been physically intimate in an affectionate way (sleeping together in the same bed, close/cuddling), we have never “gone there” romantically/sexually, though I have certainly felt pulled to that many times, myself. (I do not know how he feels on this.) Sometimes our dynamic brings the film “My Girl” to mind – that pure childhood love not romantically realized. We are both artists (him with painting/sculpting, me with writing, conceptual and performative arts) and are very dedicated to our work and life paths. We both have the history of giving all to a relationship and have been more in the mode of casual encounters and relationships with lots of freedom, us both coming out of serious partnerships that ended 1-2 years ago. I believe there is some fear from both of us that if we were to “go there,” we could not do so lightly (fear of losing the self).
It’s not that I want this relationship to necessarily be any one thing – I just want some understanding that gives peace of mind. Without that, there is a sensation of not quite knowing how to move around it.
P.S. I have also had another 4♦ in my life this past year (Scorpio, male) – very different, but for both of us, a similar feeling of somehow being karmically tied and of being “partners” to one another through certain phases, very aware of each other’s needs, supportive emotionally (also challenging at times – pushing growth buttons), and helping each other out. I also had a phase with this one when I was plagued with the question of what in the world is this thing between us. Geez Louise, what is going on with these 4♦s this past year?!
Hi Amanda! Apologies for such a late reply – have been celebrating birthdays and our family Christmas for past week.
So, first off, the 4♦ is in your Spiritual Path spread. (I haven’t done a blog post on these connections) and that is usually where you can see why certain cards keep coming into your life and why there is this ‘knowing’ between you and them.
In your Spiritual path spread, the 4♦ is your Reward/Result card. This spread is from the Spiritual spread, and you find your spread the same way as the Life Path spread, but it refers more to the energetic influences, gifts, experiences, skills, etc. that are still with you, but from your other lives/timelines.
And if someone is your Reward/Result card, that can indicate that in some other life you were drawn to each other. Even in our Life Path spread, someone who is our Reward/Result card can feel like something we are obsessed with, someone we need or desire in our life. What that card represents is the Reward that comes to us from doing our Pluto work. But many tmes I see this playing out with couples who feel drawn to one another, yet don’t really feel the need to BE a couple. (or becoming a couple ends up in complications that can’t be resolved)
The other connection from that spread is that your Ruling card (6♦) is the Venus card for the 4♦, so there is another easy bonding connection that can create a sense of closeness in this life.
What your cards create together is the Q♠ (that is the Cosmic Lesson card of his 2♠ Ruling card) in the Spiritual spread, so here is again an energy that he is familiar with, yet probably not on a conscious level.
What you receive from your energetic connection is the 7♣ -another Spiritual spread connection as that is your Spiritual Path spread Moon card! That explains that supportive emotional bond you feel. What the 4♦ receives from it is the 3♦, His Moon card in the Spiritual spread!
So, when one keeps pulling in card connections from their Spiritual path spread, my thoughts on it are that: You might still have something to play out or resolve with them…(or what that card represents )though, in your case, those connections aren’t challenging, so might be more of a familiar/supportive connection that allows you both to feel comfort/or just familiar!
Or, also can be that with you as an 8♣ – you folks who are part of the Mystical Family of Seven – you came in with a very specific soul contract and maybe you need that ‘familiar’ contact to either remind or encourage you on that goal. I wonder if you checked in (via meditation, through Shamanic Journeying or asking through your dreams) and asked if you need to know something from the 4♦ energy that will help you in this life if that would help clear this? I hope this helps!
What are your thoughts on a 10♠️ man & a Q♣️ woman?
Hi Jada! As you might already know, on the Earth spread, the Q♣ sits next to the 10♠ – this makes the Q♣ the Moon for the 10♠ and for the Q♣, the 10♠ is the Mercury card. In most cases, the female being the Moon energy is common – she is the emotional support and caregiver (which is the case with the Q♣ being the Moon card here). However, the Q♣ as the caregiver, nurturer really depends on how she plays her Q♣ energy. While the Q♣ can be very ‘mothering’ to those she loves, her energy can be intense, as she is decisive, straight forward and sometimes comnpetitive. Her ‘mothering’ can be more controlling and smothering. If he doesn’t have Mother issues (due to his own mother being very intense/controlling) if might feel very comfortable for him. Also, the Q♣ and 10♠ energy together creates the 9♣. Because these two cards sit next to each other, they have the same Life Path spread, just one card off from each other and the 9♣ is in their Life Path spread. It is the Reward card for the Q♣, making this relationship appealing and maybe even with a sense of “I must have.” For the 10♠, the 9♣ is the Pluto card, so it can feel challenging, or be a trigger for any unresolved trauma. If there is the awareness of this and honest communication about triggers or even being able to communicate about HOW any emotional support/nurturing is affecting the other, this can be a very beneficial relationship. 🙂
Hi Ashley,
I find Cardology fascinating and just heard of it on a Podcast from Katy Perry. My birthdate is April 21st so looks like I am a King of Clubs while my longterm husband of 30 plus years is an Ace of Spades born January 13th. We are currently going through Divorce proceedings and I can’t help but wonder if we were really compatible in the first place and that perhaps this might be something to consider in any future romantic relationships? I appreciate your thoughts and feedback xoShannon
Hi Shannon! Which podcast was Katy talking about the cards? I’d love to listen to it! I know she has been studying them for years, grateful that she talks about them!
So, about your question of the card connections with you and your husband. There are a lot of shared connections, but I’ll speak to a few things (as it would be too much to go over in a comment post). The energy you two create together is the A♣. This card isn’t in either of your Life Path spreads, but one thing is that because he is an Ace and you two create an Ace energy, that can create several things.
First, Aces do have self-centric energy and can be very independent. The A♠ person doesn’t have an easy life path and depending on how things play out, can go into escapism, addiction or a life of secrecy or a lot of fears. (I’m highlighting the negative here – there are amazing qualities as well!) That A♣ energy between a couple can create co-dependency, and situations where matters of the heart are dealt with through the mind, or a jumping between all romance, or handling everything with intense “logic.” The A♣ energy also likes to jump from new exciting thing to the next…can create great learning/exploration opportiunities for a couple, but can also create not taking enough time on one thing to create stability. So, the question of compatability is more about how you both reacted to that as well as the other connections. In the cards, you can go the next step and see what each person receives energetically. You receive the A♠! He receives the 2♥, which is the twin card of the A♣. What an interesting dynamic! I wonder if the relationship felt too intense or too selfish to you? The cards are such a great help in allowing a couple to be aware of their innate ways of relating and both understanding the energy created together and how that is affecting the relationship. I hope that helps some, there is more in your connections, but again, hard to speak to all of it here. 🙂
Hello, can you give me insight on a 10♣️ and J♣️ relationship can it work out long term? Also what is the best path destiny and purpose for J♣️ that leads to financial freedom and stability.
Hi Samantha! Regarding the 10♣ & J♣ relationship. Here are a few things to consider: In the Spiritual spread, the 10♣ is Moon to the J♣. So, in some other lifetime, there was a relationship in which the 10♣ was the caregiver, nurturer, a motherly figure or emotional support for the J♣. That energy is still there with these two now, so it can create a sense of closeness or the J♣ person feels supported by the 10♣ person.
These two cards together create the energy of the 8♠. This is not a card in either Life Path spread, so not a situation of understanding some aspect of each person better. The 8♠ is the card of Will-power and can be a bully, or very driven with intense focus on achieving goals.
The 10♣ is an intense energy, physically strong, but can be driven by too much going on mentally (maybe creating anxiety), where the J♣ is driven by thinking outside the box and going against the grain. These two together can be a powerhouse as long as they don’t let the mental energy that is strong take them into mental battles and usingf that 8♠ energy to bully one another.
Now, your other question regarding destiny, purpose and financial freedom is kinda loaded, yes? 😉 Not something that can be answered in a do steps 1,2 & 3…
One thing I’ll say is the J♣ will fare best when going against social norms and using their creative mind to better others via something that inspires them even when it might be considered non-traditonal, weird or too progressive (they are here to BE innovative and progressive and stir things up!) 🙂
Hi! I was curious about the connection between myself and my boyfriend and it doesn’t seem we’re close in any direction on this chart 🤣 which confuses me (but maybe I’m just missing something?) because we have such a deep love and strong bond and friendship. I’m a 5 of diamonds and he’s a 9 of diamonds. What does this mean for us in the long term? Thanks!!
Hi Katie! The 5♦ and 9♦ do indeed have a special connection! First of all, the 9♦ is your Mars card in your Life Path spread. So, that can create a Mars energy of how you interact with him, which can be chemistry, he can motivate you, help you take action , or even anger you, but that is usually a good thing! Also, the 9♦ is the first karma card for the 5♦. There are a few cards who have their karma cards within their Life Path spread and the 5♦ is one of them! So, any 9♦ is helping you to step into what you are here to step into in how you react to things. The 9♦ is about learnng to let things flow and when it seems you’ve lost things you valued and/or money, that it comes back to you. You don’t have to fear the losses. You two probably also help each other learn new things and keep things interesting in that way. 🙂
Hi Ashley.
My essence is a 3 of spades, with a attitude of 7 of clubs, mind 10 diamonds,
moon 3 of clubs,
purpose 5 hearts. …
My sister is a 3 clubs,
mind 10 hearts,
moon 5 hearts,
purpose Q diamond,
attitude 3 of spades. …..
My mom is a 4 diamond, mind Q clubs…….
The guy I like is a Q club,
Mind is a 5 hearts
attitude 7 of spades,
purpose 5 diamonds.
The guy he worked with is a 5 diamond,
moon 7 of clubs,
purpose 3 of spades ….
Can you explain to me the connections….
Hi Christopher! I emailed you with a few questions. 🙂
Hi Ashley,
Thank you for your insights, I’ve been navigating thru the comments to better understand. Can you explain the connection between (Aquarius) A diamond and (Scorpio, LIb and Sag) 3 diamonds, They seem to pop in and out of my life. Will they benefit my Reward/ Karmic cards as I am having difficulties in relationships finance and a career path.
Thank you in advance,
Hi Ella!
So, a few of the connections between you and the 3♦: The Second Karma card of the 3♦ is the Q♦, which is your Mercury card. That Q♦ for the 3♦ is an easy/natural energy and because it is your Mercury card, can create a sense of you understanding and getting them.
In the Spiritual Spread, the 3♦ is the Venus card for the A♦, so, you have that influence still in your life where any 3♦ person can feel as if you have an easy/loving connection with them. The Scorpio 3♦ has the 7♦ as their Ruling card and that is the Uranus card for the A♦ in the Spiritual spread, so another connection that feels familiar to you.
The A♦+3♦ creates the 4♥, which under your Ruling card (7♣) is the Reward card. That is yet another connection that feels good to you. We are often drawn to or feel we must know/have those who are our Reward card.
So, as for your questions, will they benefit your Reward/Karmic cards? Your Reward card is the J♣, so it isn’t about that. Your First Karma card (the one that is harder and feels uncomfortable) is the Moon card for the 3♦ in the Spiritual spread, so I see them coming into your life as more of an opportunity for you to embrace your First Karma card and understand it more and because 3♦ people feel easy for you, it is helpful for them to be in your life. Depending on what age you are, at age 26, the A♦/7♣ person has a very important connection with the 3♦ person because the 3♦ is their Environment card and the 7♣ is displacing the 3♦ and that year, the 3♦ is the Jupiter card!
This is a year when the A♦/7♣ can tune into higher realms, receive downloads and inspiration regarding creative ways to make money and maybe even utilizing technology/science or just receiving out of the norm ideas for manifesting what you want.
I know all of this might be confusing, and trying to cover relationships/career and finances in a reply isn’t possible.
I’d be happy to talk more with you in a reading!
Greetings Ashley! I am so happy I came across your site. For years knew I was an 8♦ but could never really understand it the way I studied astrology, numerology, etc. If you have time, I am an 8♦/Q♠ and my beloved is A♣/2♥. Your explanation lead me to realize he’s Mars and even Venus to me but I don’t appear to be more than maybe Mercury to him? I guess I feel he matters more to me although for more than 10 years he continues to feel drawn to me. We are not together but no matter who comes and goes in both of our lives we always confess we are the one we cannot fully forget or separate from. If you can see any other aspects that might be helpful for me to understand. Thank you for your time, it would be most appreciated.
Hi Diana! I am assuming you meant your Ruling card is the K♠? While, yes the A♣ is within your Life Path spread (as you said, making him Mars & Venus to you), there are a few other connections for you two.
One is that he is part of the Mystical Family of Seven cards, and so is your K♠ Ruling card. These seven cards are very drawn to one another and when together, can create/manifest some amazing things! I feel those of the Mystical Family of Seven are here for very specific purposes and they come together to either support oen another, or to achieve these specific ‘missions.’
Secondly, cards together create a card (energy). You and an A♣ together creates the 9♠ – which is his Cosmic Moon card. Our Cosmic Moon card is like a guiding/supportive energy that is there for us on our journey and he is receiving that through you. You two have another connection from the Spiritual spread. The 2♥ and 8♦ have a Mutual Jupiter connection, so you both feel a positive and beneficial energy that is still there between you now, but originates from some benefical relationship you had in some other lifetime together. It’s not really that you are the only one who feels it, there are just layers of connections that you both feel and are beneficial to you both! 🙂
Thank you so much Ashley for taking the time to research and respond. I think I have you incorrect info. My birthday is 3/15 so I think my planetary card is actually 3♦. His 9/23.
Oh Ashley thank you so much for responding. I think I have you the wrong planetary ruling card. My birthday is 3/15 so it’s not a K♠. I believe it’s 3♦?
I’m praying to get an answer .. the person I’m seeing.. his birth card is my Pluto card. 3 ♠️. My birth card is 10❤️…He is not new to me he was my first lover 20 years ago when we were young. Im just getting deep into Cardology this is driving my curiosity and what’s he’s supposed to mean to me in my Life. We reunited last year.
HI Sam! Apologies for a late reply to you – my website wasn’t sending me notifications of blog comments and I am just now seeing this!
A close relationship with someone who is our Pluto card is so we can do the trasnformation work of Pluto – in this case, as a 10♥, your desires or need to control or fears around creative expression, moving creative energy through you and learning to plan and be responsible so you can use your creative gifts for success is going to be triggered through this person. They can inspire you to do the Pluto work, or just feel challenging because they are representing this energy in your life. I would assume that you and what you do with your creative gifts is different now than it was 20 years ago, so, how is this relationship different now than it was?
Hi I just saw this thank you ..I had to look for this my creative gifts are exactly the same and it’s tied into my business it’s been challenging I haven’t given up I keep going learning and growing. He is a creative entrepreneur as well and a very organized , planned individual. . I just got into my gifts 20 years ago. What’s different about the relationship is that we are really getting to know each other on a deeper level now. I’ve learned so much about him I had no clue about years ago. He’s still the same workaholic he was 20 years go. His birth card is 3 ♠️ I just wonder if he’s supposed to be here for the long term. He definitely challenges me the more I get to know him the more I understand. Thanks so much
Hello Ashley,
I would love some insight on a recent connection. My birthday is August 11th and his is February 24th. I don’t see any connection in the Life/Earth Spread, I followed the steps you outlined in the article. I find it odd because I’ve never met anyone like him before, the feeling was very intense and familiar. I am very curious . Thank you!
HI Maya! Same apologies to you as the others who have posted over the last few months – I wasn’t getting notified of any comments!
OK, so you are a 2♦ and he is an A♦. The main connection is in the Spiritual spread! (which I don’t cover in my blog) What this means is that in the Spiritual spread he is your Moon card (you have a Spiritual spread just like you have a Life path spread) and this shows that in some other lifetime together (and that doesn’t neccesarily mean male/female romance)who he was was very supportive, nurturing or had a mothering energy to you and that influence is still there between you now. I had this with an ex as he was my Moon in the Spiritual spread and our relationship allowed me to heal emotional trauma because he emotionally supported me – that energy was still there between us.
The other important connection for you two is that his first karma card is YOU (2♦) and he is your second karma card. Yes, that can be confusing, so a simplified explanation is: YOU are assiting him with learning to step into the energy of cooperation/collaboration and union to build and create the finances/reality he wants (versus doing it all alone) and HE is an energy you innately have ease with (doing it alone and knowing what you want). That is a brief explanation, but with that ‘past’ supportive energy between you two and you assisitng one another in building the life you want, it can be a very beneficial relationship! 🙂
Hello! I’m a 2♦️ & I’m really trying to figure out my connection/soul contract to 8♦️. However 8♦️ is not in my life spread. I’ve dated two different people with the same birthday 7/7. They were both very strong connections. My bday is 2/23.
Hi February! While the 8♦ isn’t in your Life Path spread, it is in your Spiritual spread. For the 2♦, the 8♦ is the Uranus card. Your Spiritual path spread speaks to influences from your past/other lives that are still in your life (playing out in the background in some ways) and shows up as people or gifts you can tap into. With 8♦’s coming into your life, there is something with that ‘past’ energy that is wanting your attention. Maybe things were unresolved with that and they are showing up to help you resolve it.
Ask yourself questions life: Am I always worried about money? Are my primary goals and motivations mainly financial? How do I feel about the belief that what I need resources wise will come along (even if unexpectedly) when I need it?
Those people are representing financial power to you. Of course how that is in their life is something for you to look at – but this is something to help you in that area. 🙂
Hi Ashley! I just discovered your website! I love reading your responses to everyone.
I’m wondering if you can tell me how you calculate a composite card and if you could tell me what the relationship/composite card might be between me and my beautiful new grandson who is a 9♣️/Jack❤️. I’m a 2♦️J♠️.
My daughter and mother to my grandson is a 4♠️8♠️.
Thank you so much!
Hi Helen!
I can’t get into the ‘how’ here in a blog comment – but the energy you and your grandson create is the J♠ – your Ruling card! You are his Neptune card. How beautiful!
That J♠ is his Pluto card, so your relationship can be a way for him to tap into and sense the Pluto transformational work he came to do. Even at a subtle ‘energy’ level, you are assiting him with that. 🙂 Your daughter is your Jupiter and Neptune cards.
What HE receives from your connection is the 7♣ -the card of Spiritual knowledge and the impression I received was his Grandmother being a source of communication that is positive and from a deeper place. 🙂 That 7♣ is the first karma card of your Ruling card (J♠) so it is an energy you have been learning to lean into in your life.
What YOU receive is the K♣ , which is again, a responsible sharer/communicator of truth and higher awareness.
The J♠ energy is a courageous rebel that disrupts the status quo with ‘spiritual and life’ experiences that come along. I sense you and your grandson have some important ‘energetic’ work to do! 😉
Thank you so much Ashley! I so appreciate your in-depth response. It’s all so fascinating! ❤️
Hi! What do you think about man Queen of Hearts (08/27) + me 8 of Clubes (04/26)? I know I’m his karmic reward but I’m not sure about our composite card which is 7 of Diamonds which is card of faith. Also in “final result of this relationship” it’s 9 of Diamonds card which is “bankruptcy card”. What is your observation?
Yes, you are the Reward card in the Spiritual spread, which can indicate something from a past (other lives) connection was never resolved – there was possibly an obsession or ‘desire to have’ energy between you and that is influencing your relatinship now.
I’m not sure where your information came from, but I’m going to reply in the manner that I look at connections.
Yes, together you create the 7♦ – which can be a beautiful energy between a couple IF there isn’t a constant fear over money issues. The 7♦ is all about true happiness and the knowing that you are supported by the Divine (for your needs), but when a cpl is in constant stress over money and never truly going for what makes them happy (because of money fears) then it is a relationship that can be very hard.
(8♣ can be very responsible with money or fixated on that responsibility and a Q♥ can be obsessed with having as much as possible!)
From the connection, HE receives the 6♠, which is his Moon card, so it feels comforting to him, though he might always look to you as his support.
YOU receive the 2♥ – which can make the relationship feel good and very lovey-dovey – or you have rose-colored glasses on about the reality of the relationship, maybe putting him on a pedestal and not truly seeing everything.
As an 8♣/4♠, your first Karma card for your 4♠ is the 10♣, his Ruling card. So, there can be triggers in the relationship because it is helping you with that karma card. (getting into that would need a conversation)
As for the 9♦ – it isn’t only a bankruptcy card – much more to it than that! 😉
Wow, thank you for your comment, I didn’t expect such quick response! Amazing response as always. Regards ❤
I find it interesting when you talked about the birth and the ruling card that destiny cards have. And I got interested when you said that the former would tell us the kind of person we are. I would love to find people who are experienced and knowledgeable about those things to get a reading from them. It would probably help me understand myself better in some ways, because I have certain struggles regarding my way of life.
Hi Millie! You can book a reading with me anytime here: I’d love to help you find what you are looking for with your cards! 🙂
Hiiii! Im a 2 of clubs and he’s a 8 of Diamond. I am sag (Dec 16) and he is Virgo (sep 3) I don’t see any connections with our cards.
My daughter is king of hearts which I also do not see any connections within the spread. Can you help me understand this?
What’s my karma also?
Thank you!
HI! The 8♦ is your Cosmic Moon card and his Ruling card (the K♠) is your Transformed Self card. So, his cards are in your Life Path spread. As well, in the Spiritual path spread, your Ruling card (4♦) has the 8♦ as it’s Jupiter card.
Your first Karma card is the A♠ and your second Karma card is the K♥ (your daughter!)
A Cosmic Moon connection is someone and an energy that is supportive of your journey – they can be helpful and nurturing.
And your daughter as your second karma card – our second karma card is an energy that we feel good with, we know well and can be our default mode of operating (so she feels familair and you understand her energy). 🙂
Hi Ashley,
My name is Krystal. I’m a Jack of Diamonds (Leo) and it probably doesn’t surprise you that i’ve been single for 9 years. I’m 38 and am aware i am going to have karmic Lessons this year.
I’ve met 2 men One is 34, Virgo Jack of clubs PRC 9 of diamonds and Aries Queen of Diamonds PRC 3 spade. 37 years of age.
The Queen of diamonds is more suited, but im more sexually drawn to the Jack of clubs, we’ve both decided to be friends and ive been on a date with QoDiomands, but I just dont feel it’s the end with the Jack.
the Jack isnt right for me, he needs to become a King personality and grow spiritually and that int my role, he feels toxic. Maybe thats the lesson to remind me how far i’ve come and where i dont want to go. Jack of clubs also has a few women on the go, which wouldnt surprise you either, hehe! He has King Hearts and Queen of clubs, which are more suited, but he’s drawn to me, because he cant have me i feel. We recognise we are not compatible and decided to be friends. We’ve been together in the past, i feel it, he thinks i’m craazy and thinking it’s best to be friends in this lifetime. Everyone tells me he’s know good. I agree but it doesnt feel right to end it.
Please Help haha 🙂
Hi Krystal! Oh my! Heehee…ok, so looking at your composite cards you and the J♣ creates the 9♥ – not an easy energy for a couple. You receive the 7♠ from the connection, which is your Reward card in your Spiritual spread.
Anytime you receive that energy in a connection, it feels familiar to you. In some other lifetime, that energy was something you might’ve been obsessed with, or desired and that influence is still in your life now. Possibly because that is the ‘karma’ you are resolving. Your Pluto card in your Spiritual spread is the 6♠ and that card is (as you know) very prominent in your year. As a Pluto card, it was the transformation you needed, and maybe the power/desire you sought. That card’s energy can be part of your current self as a gift (power and ability to use higher guidance/wisdom and psychic gifts to create changes in your larger reality/world and gives you sensitivity and compassion for others). IF that 6♠ was never ‘transformed’ in your past/other lives (instead it was used to procrastinate, didn’t trust intuition or even couldn’t handle experiences that were mystical/life changing),then you would’ve gone after/felt the obsession with wanting the 7♠.
So, because you receive the 7♠ from the connection with the J♣, it might be that influence from the past playing out again – when what you are needing to do is understand the 6♠ part of you and doing any healing around that. (If you want to explore that further, we can in a reading!)
What he receives from the connection is the 7♦ – which is HIS Reward card in the Spiritual spread! So, he is also experiencing this past influence by being with you.
Also, he has the J♦ as his current forecast Mars card (attraction) as it is with the 2♥ and the J♦ is the Environment card for his 9♦. (You are an energy that is beneficial to him) PLUS, the J♦ is his Venus card in his Spiritual spread.
SO…can you see all the ways in which you would be drawn to one another – yet, it probabaly isn’t because it’s a great match, but because it is helping YOU understand parts of you better and there was an energy of attraction for him. I hope that helps! 🙂
Hello ❤️
I’m a queen of diamonds and my bf of 11 years is a 6 of diamonds.. he is no where in my spread unless I flip my results card backwards which is a 9 of diamonds… we have a daughter totally forget her card but 6/20/2018 .. we are both Gemini moons with a Gemini daughter… I am in his life spread under Neptune and yes he is always trying to change me lol he honestly feels I would not be the person I am today without him which is true but sometimes I lose myself and friendships I would love and value your opinion on this relationship through the cards❤️
Hi! So you two do have connections (just not in the basic ways I talk about on my blog). First, the energy created by the 6♦ & Q♦ is the 5♣. This energy for a couple can be about being open and willing to explore topics, learn different things and make changes, however, it can also create experiences that keep you from setting a solid foundation in what you believe in and want as a couple. It can bring about a wishy-washy energy for you both. Like – where do we stand?
You are probably better with that energy than he is. Q♦’s have a lot of dynamic/changing/movement/creativity energy naturally, while the 6♦ is more about stable/strength/all in order and going for the best. I wonder if in you saying he is trying to change you, it is that he is seeking more stable situations, and might be suppressing your innate ability to change and maybe your restlessness?
What you receive from the connection is the 4♥, so within your life journey of not always easy/dynamic movement, your connection brings you a sense of home & family?
What he receives is the J♠ – which is more of a rebel energy. It can feel like things are always happening that catch him off guard, which might feel frustrating to him.
Also, in the Spiritual spread, you are Uranus to him. This can mean that you had some connection in another/past life where you were an influence that helped to change him, or inspire him or even create chaos in his life and that influence is still there between you, playing out in the background.
Another connection you two share is that his second karma card (an energy he is good at) is the 3♠ (makes 6♦ very gifted at creative endeavors) and the 3♠ is your Mars card – so you both share that creative side and that is what can be the common denominator in your relationship.
You have a very structured mind that can be methodical and practical, whereas his can be more “going big” or the complete opposite of lots of unrealistic expectations. So, as with many relatinships, you can help balance each other out, but that takes both of you seeing that and working to do that.
Q♦’s need to feel emotionally free and even to be able to explore and try out different things – is that where you feel you are being held back?
Exactly!! How can I change his jack of spades opinion of me this has been hard to do and I’m about to give up .. it’s hard dealing with someone u know who thinks very little of u.. which is half my fault for being so honest about things I’ve done before I met him which was at 18:19 years of age .. it seems he still judges me from past mistakes and loves to point out all my flaws even though we’re now 30/31
You should never feel you can’t be honest and if you do, are judged…that will never create a healthy relationship. You mentioned you were Gemini moons, what are your Sun signs? And is he 1 year older than you? Asking as I am looking at your forecasts when you met…
Yes I am an Aquarius sun sign and he is a Scorpio sun sign .. I am 2/13/92 he is 11/01/93
Thank you – if it’s OK, I’m going to email you to continue the conversation?
Yes sure !
Hi Ashley,
I’m so glad I found your website. I have been in a couple of Saturn relationships this past year, and was wondering if they are hopeless for success?
I’m a Leo Two of Clubs. One woman who I’m involved with (Leo Ten of Hearts) is a dear friend, but I am Saturn to her in our first planetary connection. We also have no moon connections. Is long-term romance impossible? Robert Lee Camp’s books make it seem so.
Thanks for your insight.
Hi M!
So, that Saturn connection is only in the Spiritual spread. In the Earth spread, you two have a Mutual Venus connection. And the energy (card) you two create together is the Q♣. (this can create intensity in how you communicate – it
s a no wishy-washy, get-it-done-this-way-now! type of connection, but also maybe some mothering/control energy. You receive the energy (card) of the A♠, which is your first karma card. Depending on your age (and I say that because as we get older, we are more likely to be embracing our first karma card more), you might be understanding that A♠ because of your connection to her. Our first karma card can feel foreign, or difficult, but it is what we are learning to step into more and use. Because of your A♠ first karma card, you will experience or learn more about a deeper spirituality, or do more inner work or just be more comfortable with the mystical or even paranormal experiences.
What she receives from the connection is the 9♦. The 9♦ isn’t part of her Life path or Spiritual spread, so for her, there might be fears of financial loss, or that things are too unstable. This can play out in numerous ways so hard to speak to that without a conversation.
Now, that Spiritual spread Saturn connection can be that in some other life/time, you two had a “Saturn” type connection…which might’ve been one of you was an authority over the other, one of you restricted the other or karma between you that needed to be balanced and whatever that was then, is an influence still between you now.
It can trigger things, and that can even feel like: “where is this coming from?”
But that mutual Venus connection creates a loving bond, or the sense that you feel close to them.
So, long-term romance? Yes…with the awareness that what I wrote above is also playing out and can create conflict, but that is helping you. And navigating that is also best for a conversation. 🙂
I hope that helps!
Hi Ashley,
Would you be able to say if this could work if i start dating this guy?
I am a gemini 3of ♦️June 14 and he is pisces 8 of ♠️ March 2nd. He is 7 years younger than me but seems to be mature. I wiuld appreciate your feedback. I read book about our connections but I would love your input. Thank you so much for all the work you do!
Hi! Before I get into the energy of the connection, I have to say this – depending on what your current forecast is (as well as his) coming together to date might be more than just ‘to date’…sometimes we meet people for specific reasons at a specific time in our life. 🙂
Ok, that said…
First thing is that in the Spiritual spread, your Ruling card (A♠) has the 8♠ as it’s Neptune card. In some other life/timeline, he was Neptune energy to you and it is still there influencing you two now. For you, it can mean seeing him through rose-colored glasses, being idealistic about the situation or even fears that aren’t really there.
Then there is the card you two share- the Q♦.
It is your second karma card (what comes naturally and easily for you) and that card is his Mars card. That gives you both a common thing – he is motivated by having nice things as well as thinking things through in a timely, or responsible way (or the opposite, because we can play our cards in the high way or the low way!) and that also comes easy for you.
Then, if we see what you two create together, it is the J♣. That is his Cosmic Moon card, so is beneficial for him . The J♣ is also his Jupiter card for his Ruling card (9♥) so again, very good feeling and beneficial.
For you, that card isn’t in your Life path spread, but for a couple, the J♣ can ignite a more ‘free’ type of relationship, fun, and even weird, or unusual experiences!
You receive from that energy the A♥ – which can feel progressive, or fresh & new.
He receives the 6♣ – which is a card in his Life Path spread. It is his second karma card – so an energy he is familair with.
All of this is positive!
Two things I’ll point out that might be a factor is that you both have Aces as your Mercury card (how you think and communicate) which can make communication very self-centric.
8♠’s are very strong-willed, independent and like things a certain way and can fear abandonment.
3♦’s tend to be more free-spirited, but can also fear betrayal or feelings that they aren’t loved enough.
These are just things to consider and keep in mind if triggers come up. (and those can alsways be worked on if both are willing!)
8♠’s can be more mature at a younger age for sure!
You both have 5’s as your Jupiter card, so adventures, trying new things and exploration can help you both feel good! And you both are very creative!
Will it work? I can’t say, but keeping these things in mind might help you if things come up and overall, as long as you aren’t feeling controlled, I’d say it can be very positive!
Love all your knowledge! I’m curious on the relationship and communication of the 5spade and 2clubs.
Hi Brit!
These two cards together create the energy of the 7♥. This can be tough for a relationship simply because the 7♥ (on the low side) can bring up abandonment/betrayal fears. However, on the high side can be a beautiful, “you do you, I do me and we accept what that is for each other” energy.
The 5♠ receives the Q♠ energy, and in the Spiritual spread, the Q♠ is the Neptune card for the 5♠. For the 5♠ person, their Q♠ in Neptune- if that was never realized on the high side – can trigger issues of fears of out of the box thinking, or just not understanding their internal world and making all decisions based on the outer world/rules.
Interestingly, what it creates for the 2♣ is the 9♣, which is also their Spiritual spread Neptune card! In the same way, if that was never realized on the high side, it can bring in issues of not seeing clearly how limiting beliefs are affecting the relationship. There might even be a sense of having to be fully responsible for the relationship to the point of not considering their own needs. Being overly responsible or taking on the idea that unless they do whatever it takes (even to their own detriment) the other person will leave them.
Since both cards are getting this Spiritual spread Neptune influence, it can be an opportunity to heal those issues or they come into play in negative ways.
Lastly, these two cards have very different communication styles! The 5♠ is less serious, maybe using jokes/satire or dismissive in things they don’t want to address (also very creative and playful) whereas the 2♣ person is very mentally inclined and likes to go deep and talk through things and is very intuitive, so picks up on the other persons motives and feelings.
This is very basic and ruling cards can come into play with this, but I hope this helps!
Hi lovely! Just found this blog. I love it so much. Thank you for sharing all of this amazing knowledge! I have a question about a relationship between a 2 of spades woman (me) & a queen of clubs man. Is this worth a shot for both of us?
Hi Iskah! The connections you two have are: In the Earth spread, the Q♣ is vertical Uranus for the 2♠. So, you feel the energy of exciting, surprising, maybe even shocking or disruptive energy from him. It can also be situations that allow you to get out of your comfort zone on things.
In the Spiritual spread, there is a mutual Henus connection, so in some other timeline, whoever you two were, you had a mutual easy, loving connection and is probbaly what drew you together now.
he is also your Cosmic Lesson card. He is reflecting to you the ‘higher’ aspects of who you are as a spark of the divine.
The energy you two create together is the A♣ – his Moon card, so to him, it can feel supportive, or nurturing.
The A♣ for you is your Reward card – so that can also feel good!
However, what you receive from the connection is the 3♥ – your Pluto card! When we receive the energy of our Pluto card in a relationship, it can be very beneficial in helping us see, work with or do the shadow work, but unless you can see it that way, it will feel triggering and maybe even as attacks. The 3♥ as your Pluto card is wanting you to look at any trauma, wounds or toxicity around creative self-expression – how you communicate your true feelings and heart.
What he receives is the K♦ – depending on what his ruling card is, thae K♦ might be part of his Life Path spread, but the energy of that card is very decisive, can be blunt, fiery and passionate with what it wants, so that could be a positive thing for him (depending on if that card is part of his Life path spread) or bring in an overbearing energy.
You two have a lot of positive connections and also some tough ones, but relationships are such a big part of growth opportunities if we use the challenges to grow and understand ourselves better!
How do you feel about it?
Thanks so much! Wow. To be honest I’m a little scared about 3 of hearts being my pluto in this connection because I read online that 3 of hearts can be a cheater card. In regards to the triggering & shadow work I have to face I already have been faced with it within our connection. But I’m just scared to move further into it because I definitely don’t want to be cheated on if that’s included in package deal. 😩
Also in regards to his planetary ruler, it’s my cosmic moon card which is the 10 of spades. The king of diamond energy is something I noticed too, but I like it because something about it just gives me the feels. He’s very special to me.
Please don’t be afraid of that 3♥ or think it is ONLY about cheating! Another person ‘in the middle of a relationship’ is only a tiny possible meaning of that card!
The 3♥ as a Pluto card means many things (and I have an upcoming workshop to dive into our Pluto cards!) but see it as creative self expression – expressing what is on your heart-how you feel (and that can be done in creative outlets). As a Pluto card, there can be trauma, wounds and shadow work around that topic. Please take away the idea of ‘cheating’ so it doesn’t become a false belief that influences this relationship. 🙂
Hi im a J◇ & my partner 8♤. I noticed we’re vertical venus to each other I think. Does that mean we have venus energy towards each other? Loved your info btw.
Hi Tara! Yes, the connection between the J♦ and the 8♠ is a mutual Venus, so you both feel that Venus energy towards one another. This typically tends to be loving, easy, a good friendship – but there is also the flip side (low side) and sometimes can create jealousy. 🙂
My boyfriends birthcard is J of clubs and mine is 6 of spades. I have not found any soul contract connection between us. Are we doomed?
My bday is march 4th and his is May 21st.
Hi Gretchen!
Actually, you do have connections! I didn’t go beyond Pluto/Reward cards in my blog post. In your case, your 6♠ card is his Cosmic Moon. You represent to him, a guide, and supportive energy for his life. And since he is a Gemini, his Ruling card is the 9♦, so your 6♠ is also his Cosmic Lesson card. Both the Cosmic Moon & Cosmic Lesson are ‘higher’ more spiritual development cards. You represent, to him, his ‘higher awareness’ work so to speak. So, for him, the 6♠ as ‘higher awareness’ work, it relates to being open to the unseen, to getting the downloads and working with more mystical things (whatever that is for him).
And another connection (which you wouldn’t know from my post) is that your Ruling card, the Q♣, is his Mercury card in the Spiritual Path spread. So, in some timeline/past life, you were Mercury to him – meaning, he related to how you thought and communciated and that influence is still there between you!
So, not doomed!
The energy you two create together is the 4♣ – now that might create some stubborness in how you two communciate, or as a couple you take on way more than you can accomplish, or you just think really BIG and are set in your decisions! 😉
Thanks for replying Ashley!! This was very helpful, though when I read what we do as a couple like being stubborn or taking decisions that are too big for us, I wonder whether that makes us actually unrealistic together. Also mercury is very intellectual but when it comes to love or marriage, does it actually help the foundation to be strong? Ive read a lot that karmic relationships don’t last much. And sometimes I wonder whether we are being unrealistic by thinking we could get married. I was told before by astrology that I owed my boyfriend something that once I repaid we would break up.
Are there any other cards helping our spread?
So, in response to this, I’m going to express more of what I believe with regard to what makes a relationship strong. (And you don’t have to agree with me!)
Being able to communicate, understanding your communication style and your triggers/ wounds around ‘relationship’ is a huge part of a successful relationship. What do you both want in a relationship? We’ve all been so brainwashed with the idealism of romance and passion and the ‘perfect’ partner that we overlook the growth that can come from navigating conflict, learning to communicate in a healthy way and allowing each person to be who they are.
Every couple/relationship doesn’t have to have the same goals in what they want in their relationship. Understanding that first, I feel, is key to then understanding the type of person you are a good match with.
Our Mercury cards let us know how we process, think and communicate and basically, the energy we grew up with, which influences how we perceive life.
Your Mercury card is the Q♥ – his is the 9♦.
Very different!
You create when together, a strong mental energy…basically, a strong, action oriented, “nothing will stand in our way” energy. Does that serve the goals and desires you have for wanting a relationship?
In using the cards, it takes a conversation to see all the potentials and possible challenges and to also know exactly what you are after in being in a relationship.
There is not one card or one ‘connection’ that says, here, this…is the perfect one for you because each connection is bringing something into your life that can allow for beauty, enjoyment, growth, expansion and or just simply passion!
My last marraige was to my Cosmic Lesson. It was beautiful, challenging, heart-breaking and I learned SO MUCH! Yes, those types of connections can bring us back together to finally resolve or complete our journey together. And then they are over and we move on.
It’s all about perspective, yes? 😉
If you would like to look at this more indepth, we can in a reading. This isn’t something we can make generalizations about. 🙂
Hi Ashley! How funny is it that today is a 6♣️ day and I’ve visited your page twice! lol. anywho.. I am a K♦️ and my son is the 10♦️- I would like to know more about our relationship from both the spiritual and life spread aspects. Also, I am curious to know which person (card) would be a good fit for me? Or what years to look out for marriage? My son’s father is a 7♦️ and we never made it to the alter b/c I knew in my heart of hearts it would not be a blessed marriage. Hoping it’s not too late b/c I’ve learned that I want another child but refuse to bring them into the world out of wedlock. Thank you in advance
Hi Haya!
So, the relationship between you and your son – he is the Reward card of your Life Path spread. Our Reward card is the gift that comes into our life because we’ve looked at our Pluto wounds and shadows and have done the transformation work. When a person is the card of our Reward, they are reflecting to us that gift. If we’re ignoring that Pluto work, that person’s energy can feel like something we are wanting or seeking in life. Many times I see couples dating where one is the Reward card of the other and they feel pulled to the person who is the Reward card.
When it is our child, it can be a soul contract situation to assist the parent in their Pluto work. I do have an indepth Pluto class coming up if you need to understand more of what that is for you and your Pluto card.
In the Spiritual spread, you are his Mars card. So, in some other timeline/life, you were someone who was Mars energy to him – either through motivation, or intense conflict or agressive energy or even passion. Remember that you probbaly didn’t have the same gender/role that you two have now. But that energy is still there between you now.
The K♦ + 10♦ = 10♣ So, the energy you two create together is the 10♣. SO much masculine, powerful energy between you two! A LOT of Mars energy really.
How does that intensity play out for you two? Is it in how you communicate or in other areas?
What you receive from the relationship energy is the 10♥ – which is your Pluto card!
And what he receives is the 7♥.
He is definitely a big part of your Pluto work in this life – of transmuting your disempowered self into your innate power.
That 7♥ that he receives can be hard sometimes,because it can feel (to him) either very loving or that it is always challenging and conditonal, but it is helping him to see a higher aspect of love that isn’t based on conditons and performances.
This is an intense relationship for sure!
As for your other questions, I really can’t answer then without birthday info and a conversation with you. We can definitely discuss them in a reading.
I hope this helps and I’d love to discuss it more with you in a reading!
I think the 10♣️ shows up in our commutation for sure. Also, he loves recording himself and has a desire to be on YouTube or social media in some way. Sometimes it feels like he thinks he is the boss/ parent but there is mutual respect and he knows who the real boss is lol. What I find most interesting is that I have always told my son there is nothing that he could do to make me not love and support him. When he gets upset with me, I always remind him that he’ll get over it and I don’t mind him being upset. Unconditional/ unwavering love is a theme from me to him. There are many other 7❤️ themes too but I don’t wish to put all of our business out there. Lastly, he is my 10❤️ for sure. I lost all of my immediate family in a car accident when I was young and he is my only consistent family now. That is probably why I will always be there for him no matter what. There is absolutely nothing he could do to make me not love and support him. I also feel more confident in public with him and he teaches me how to be more expressive and open with others. Also, yes I would love to attend your upcoming Pluto class! I may book a reading at some point as well. Thank you!
Hi Ashley! I’ve been enjoying this comment thread! You are so knowledgeable and helpful. Can you tell me what direction my relationship will go with my significant other? He is the Two of Spades (Jan. 12) and I’m the Queen of Clubs (Oct. 10). (I was born at midnight, but due to Daylight Savings, I’m the Queen of Clubs). I’ve never felt this way about any man I’ve met in my life. We’ve been experiencing a lot of ups and downs due to external influences (ex: family and money problems), but I still love him and hope we can still get married in the future like he and I talked about.
Hi Yas!
You two have a lot of connections!
First, from your birth card to his birth card, you are his Cosmic Lesson. Under his Rulingc card, you are his Saturn. Both Saturn and Cosmic Lesson has a similiar energy – you represent something he is here to learn, to master, to challenge him. This can create things in the relationship that can feel hard, or (to him) restrictive. Your Ruling card is his Transformed Self card. All of that lets you know that you came into his life as a way for him to understand that energy so he can step into it more.
In the Spiritual spread, you two have a mutual Venus connection. I see that a lot as what draws two people together. In some other life/past, you two had a loving, fun, or easy connection and that influence is still there between you two.
When you look at your composite energy, 2♠+Q♣=A♣ which is your LPS Moon card and is his LPS Reward card – another connection that makes the relationship feel good and that it is meant to be.
What you receive from the relationship is the K♦, which is your Cosmic Moon under your Ruling card. Another feel good connection for you.
What he receives is the 3♥ – this is his Pluto card!
So, in a nutshell, there are connections that create a sense of comfort and desire for you.
However, things might feel more challenging for him. It’s not a bad thing, he is learning more about who he is through you, but when we are in a relationship with someone who is our Saturn, Pluto or Cosmic Lesson, things can feel tough at times!
As far as external influences creating difficulties, these can be pinpointed and dealt with by looking at your currrent forecasts and even the connections you each have with the family members or others creating issues. These things are best looked at in a Reading to get to what is really going on and how to deal with it. But for the direction of the relationship, knowing that your energy is one he is learning from and so it can feel difficult at times can help with understanding what is going on below the surface. I hope that helps! 🙂
Hi Ashley,
Thanks for the article! May I clarify “My 6♣ birth card is not in her Birth card spread.” does it mean if the person’s card is not in the next 8, then that person is not in the spread? For example, if two people were 01/13 (A♠ / 9♣) and 1/14 (K♦ / 8♣), since K♦ is the 9th card from A♠, does it mean both are not in each other’s spread? both are Capricorns with Saturn ruler. Many Many Thanks!
Hi! I need to update my blog post (written very long ago!) We have 16 cards total in our Life Path spread, but I only wrote about going to Pluto. In your connection of the A♠ to the K♦, the K♦ is the Reward card for the A♠ (the 9th card is the Reward card).
Hi Ashley, it’s amazing how you are still actively responding to everyone after so many years, you are truly appreciated for your dedication 😊. My birth card is a Q♣️ & my bf is a 6♦️, but I could not find any connection between us using the chart, does this mean we have no connection?
Hi! You have several connections (not talked about in my blog post). One is that in the Spiritual spread, the 6♦ is Neptune for the Q♣. So, in some other life/timeline, you two had a Neptune connection and it is still there between you two now. So you might see him with rose-colored glasses, or he is confusing to you sometimes, or he is a dreamy, idealistic energy for you.
The other connection is that you both have the 10♦ card – for you it is your second karma card (what comes easily and naturally for you) and for him it is his Mars card. This can create a common energy you both are good at and can bond over. 🙂
Hi Ashley! I recently learned some information about my birth card & I’m hoping you can pls clarify for me. I am a 9 of ♠️ (1/5), however recently I was told that because I was born after midnight before sunrise then my birth card would actually correlate to the day before which would be (1/4) a 10 of ♠️, is this correct?
Also I went over my yearly report for this year & next. Someone I’ve dated’s birth card was my result card for this year, 10 of ♥️. Their birthdate is 9/27. In my report for the upcoming year they are my long range card, but show up as a Jack of ♥️ in my birth card spread. In my planetary ruling card spread they show up again as their planetary ruling card 8 of ♠️ for both my long range & pluto card. Does this mean that the person will be playing a role in my life next year? Thank you!
Hi Lei!
I’m just now getting to my blog comments due to being in Hurricane Helene and finally able to get back to work here!
So, what I do with birthdays such as yours is, I always go by the day of your birth (the 5th – 9♠) but you will see a lot of the 10♠ characteristics in your life. I do readings to look at the differences to see which one fits you most.
With the question about the 10♥ – first, your 29th year is the start of an important 6 year cycle you’ll be going through. The first year of it can bring a sense of needing to change major things in your life – endings or just a sense of “I want something different”…as well, we always have the K♠ as our Venus card and you have the 2♥ as your Jupiter card. Saying that to say…what do YOU want in the relationship part of your life? It’s a great time to really tune in and go for that!
I do not adhere to the idea that your 10♥ guy is showing up under that J♥ Long Range card. However, for your 7 yr cycle (ages 28-34) you are displacing the 5♠ (lots of changes/movement in your life, which when combined with that 6 yr cycle can bring in the energy of dealing with/clearing out/meeting and having the people & experiences that are assisting some big change in your life.) And that 5♠ spot is the Spiritual home of the 10♥. As well, his RC is the LR card for age 30 (under your RC) and age 32 under your 9♠.
And for age 30, the 8♠ is your Pluto card under your RC.
So, while this is just my thoughts via a blog comment (more could be talked about in a reading) I’d say that 8♠ energy is very important for you to feel and understand as it IS your RC’s Pluto card. He is assisting you in that.
The 10♥ is your Cosmic Moon and your Uranus card.
And you two together creates the 6♥ – your Jupiter card and your Moon card. There is a lot you are learning about yourself with him! Ask yourself what he is showing you about who you are, what is appealing and what might be triggering. 🙂
Hi, I am a 6♦️ and my bf is a J❤️. I noticed we have a mars distance on the spiritual spread. Our relationship is very passionate and so far ive been helping him discover paths to reach his goals. Hes a great provider. Very loving. Is there anything that makes this relationship work?
Hi Teri!
My apologies for a late reply – I was in Hurricane Helene that decimated our area and it has taken me a while to get back to work!
So, beyone that vertical Mars in the Spiritual spread, you are his Cosmic Moon in his Life Path spread. Helping him to reach his goals is very Cosmic Moon!
The card/energy you create together is the 4♠, which is a very consistent, stabilizing energy (just gotta make sure you add in some spark – which sounds like it is there!- to keep it from being too mundane.)
You receive the 10♣ from your connection, which is very firey, but also brings lots of ideas, communciation and motivation. He receives the 2♥ 🙂 which is his Mars card, so for him, it IS his passion and that desire for union and love.
Hi so I’m pretty new to all of this. I came across your website and I want to thank you for all the information you have shared. I’m trying to learn the system however I feel pulled in so many ways as to what should I study first. I do have a question I am 38 and mom a K❤️(11/20) and I have a strong pull to a 7♣️(07/21) we met 5 or 6 years ago and fell out for about 3 years and found each other again things aren’t perfect as we still have a lot of personal issues to pan out however I can’t help but to feel as if he’s almost part of me if that makes since. I was wondering if you could tell me if we have a special connection or if I’m just hoping for something that is going to be worth it after a few really bad relationships. I plan on getting a reading soon just would like some insight until then please and thank you!!
Hi Crystal! So, first off, you two have a past-life/other timelines connection. In the Spiritual spread, the 7♣ is your Neptune card and under your Ruling card, the 7♣ is your Mars card.
And for him, under his Ruling card, you are his Jupiter! These planetary connections can reconnect us with a sense that something very special is there, and that Mars connection can add chemistry or a sexual spark.
The energy you two create together is the 4♠ – which feels content and stable and that was your Long Range card for age 32. (Long Range meaning the energetic ‘theme’ for your year was about stability and contentment in your life.) Him showing up around that time might’ve been an energy that was helping you feel that, or help to bring that into your life. (Is he younger than you?)
At age 33, the 7♣ was your Moon card. And now, at 38, the 7♣ is in your yearly forecast, as part of a year of seeking within to see what you want and desire in a relationship or to start new in your life.
With that Neptune influence from the past, it can create seeing things with rose-colored glasses, however it’s a year of some big shifts in your life that can be about you opening to more of what you sense is more of your purpose – or taking you in a direction that is more aligned to who you are and he might be part of what is taking you deeper into understanding that. You have a powerful, transformative year going on right now and I’d love to talk with you more about it! 🙂