What was a major turning point in your life that assisted in your leap? What transpired that helped you on your spiritual journey?
I had the opportunity this past week to go back to a place where it all began for me. I want to share that story with you.
The thing that stood out for me in going back was how far I’ve come. It was like visiting the college you graduated from. You see your old professors and everything is going along as it was when you went there – but you are different. You took that experience and knowledge and you formed your life.
In my twenties, I made a choice to seek my spiritual path. Not the path I was raised on or expected to follow, but my own.
Then things began happening.
To keep this from being a novel, I’ll list the next few events:
- I began studying my dreams and went looking for any book I could on dream work. (I mainly studied Carl Jung at that point)
- At some point in the study of my dreams, I came across the magazine that the Association for Research and Enlightenment put out called Venture Inward. This is the Edgar Cayce Foundation in VA Beach, VA. I had no idea who Edgar Cayce was, but the dream work from a spiritual perspective intrigued me.
One day when taking my kids to the Library in Albuquerque, I was slowly walking down the aisles as my kids were playing in the children’s area. At one point, a book literally fell off a shelf and landed at my feet. It was called There is a River – The Story of Edgar Cayce. I checked it out and read the entire book that night.
- That book was exactly what I needed to bridge that gap I felt between my traditional upbringing and the new more metaphysical things I was learning. I was so intrigued by his story and by what the A.R.E was doing and what Edgar Cayce taught from his readings, that I subscribed to Venture Inward.
- I discovered more and more through their magazine. I found an Edgar Cayce study group in Albuquerque and studied the readings. I knew that I wanted to learn more and be a teacher of metaphysics someday. (I had no idea I’d have a daughter who channeled!)
- I would spend each day daydreaming about living near the A.R.E and being able to study there. My new spiritual path was exciting and I was changing and growing, but I was trying to do it all alone and I was craving peers and teachers. I kept all of this to myself. I sure as heck couldn’t say to my hubby, “Let’s move to Virginia!”
The A.R.E in Virginia Beach, VA
( I had never been further east than Louisiana.)
One day hubby came home from work and announced that he had lost his job. We both did the usual freak out thing…Albuquerque wasn’t exactly the best place to find a good job and we had three small children to take care of.
We did the usual hunt-for-work thing for a few months to no avail. Then one evening I got a phone call from a close friend who lived in Utah. She said her hubby was driving to VA and asked if he could spend the night with us?
I said of course he could!
He arrived and we picked his brain about why he was going to VA. He told us a new power plant had been built and he was going for a job interview there.
We asked how he knew about the job and he told us the name of the guy who told him about the job.
Well, the guy was my hubby’s long lost best friend! We had lost track of him and his wife over the years (this was pre-internet).
We called him up and after catching up asked about this power plant. He filled us in on the details of the small town and the power plant.
When they hung up, I said to my hubby – we are moving there in 2 weeks.
We owned a home, had no money to move on and there was absolutely NO guarantee that hubby could get a job at the plant. We had never been to VA, and we had no idea what it was like there!
But, we did it. We packed up and left in 2 weeks’ time – sight unseen, no home to move into and no money.
But it all worked out, every little step along the way.
AND – the town this plant was in? An hour inland from VA beach.
I immediately began going to the A.R.E and practically lived in their extensive Library. (The largest metaphysical library in the world!)
That continued my spiritual studies in such a rich and exciting way.
That was in 1991.
Alternative health, Astrology, Numerology and Divination were my primary topics, but I immersed myself in many and had years of being able to uplevel my life. I ended my clinical depression, got healthy and in shape and taught my kids to follow their bliss.
When I discovered what the playing cards were really all about, I knew that was the topic/tool I was meant to share and teach. All I had learned on my journey had prepared me for what I do now.
While we were at the A.R.E. this past week, we listened to a lecture on Reincarnation.
What stood out for me was how much the speaker talked about how we, as souls, come to Earth for the experiences and growth we get here.
The number “5” is the number of man, the number associated with earth. It represents the five senses. We come here to evolve and grow as souls. (Which allows Source to evolve as well!)
Someone in the audience asked why would we want to come here and live over and over when we could just be in the spirit realms?
It is because this is such an excellent school! I could go on and on about what the number 5 represents. Look at an apple, how many seeds does it have when you cut it in half? Five. Even the numerology of America is a “5” (7+4+1776 = 5)
The birthday of our Federal Government is also a “5” (3+4+1789= 5).
And Edgar Cayce was a 5 of Diamonds!
The Five is about change and requires action. Change has been a HUGE buzzword lately – for me personally and for society as we are moving though such an intense time in history. (more on that topic when I begin my posts about America’s forecast for this year via the cards).
But, I bring it up here because that was what stood out for me the most in going back to the A.R.E.
I had changed. I had grown. I had evolved.
The A.R.E. was my school and the tool that helped me change and build my foundation. I grew into learning from my omniscience and by using the tool that resonated with me the most (the cards).
My oldest daughter (Randi) was just in elementary school when we would go there is now channeling. My youngest daughter works with autistic kids – but in a way that sees them not as defective, but as special beings with a message for us, for they are here to live through a different lens.
My son has created a creative community in Santa Cruz and produces music with musicians who have a vital message to share regarding how we treat one another and how important our connection is to our planet.
We sat in the gardens there (it was the kids favorite place when they would go with me) and we did a channeled session. All three of us owe a lot to the A.R.E.
We can look back and see the incredible journey that led us to where we are now.
And best yet, we know that we still have a LOT more ahead on our journey!!