Within our playing cards is a system to allow us a better understanding of who we are authentically.
I truly believe that when we are in need and we ask for help, we always get an answer.
We’re suddenly drawn to something and it leads us down a path that happens to hold what we need.
Let’s face it – I was a weird kid. I was very shy and always felt that I was in the wrong place – that I didn’t belong.
Add to that was the fact that I grew up on the Navajo reservation and was the only blonde, white girl in my class at school.
I bugged my parents by telling them my dreams each morning and I would gather up all of my Dad’s theology/Bible study books and study. Picture a 6 year old sitting out under a tree with piles of thick bible books all around her.
I had this intense desire to gather information about deep stuff. I also suffered from intense anxiety and depression as a small child. I still have a suicide note from when I was seven.
I’m not telling you this so you’ll feel sorry for me. It is merely to set the scene for what was a very long, lonely journey at trying to figure out who I was and why I felt as I did.
There was a point in my life where I knew I needed to start a spiritual journey that was mine-not what my parents thought best, not what I was raised to do, not what society saw as best, but my own personal journey. Because of my depression, I was searching for anything to help me out of the very dark pit I lived in.
I won’t go into the long story of that journey, but one thing led to another and I began studying my dreams, then creative journaling, the Runes, then the Tarot.
I discovered that metaphysics was my passion. I devoured all the various topics and was the constant seeker.
Studying Astrology and Numerology let me get a glimpse into my soul stats and it helped a lot.
But I noticed that I was very drawn to the deck of regular playing cards. I wasn’t sure why I found them so intriguing (I’m talking about beyond playing fun card games). I actually saw each one as a person with certain traits.
Fast forward many years and I had an online friend who ‘read’ playing cards. It was my first introduction to the art of reading them in the same way someone would read the tarot.
I began to study them by corresponding them to the tarot.
I found my first book about how we each have a birth card and something opened up for me. My study of Astrology and Numerology came together in the system of the cards.
Suddenly, so much made sense. When I looked at my Birth card, the 6♣, and added that to my Life path number 11….I understood why I thought I was so weird!
I won’t bore you with the deets of the core of me, but it all made sense. I could own who I was and see that the very deep, hidden desire I’d had since childhood about being a spiritual teacher was indeed who I am.
Another push of the fast forward button and at another very dark time in my life, I sequestered myself and decided to draw a single card each day and see what message it had for me. This began my work with using the cards to tap into what was really going on at a deeper, spiritual level. I created my own system and exercises to understand what I needed to let go of, heal and change in order to get through the dark space I was in and to create the life I really wanted.
My study of the cards went deeper and I made discoveries about myself that opened new paths, brought new friends into my life, information and opportunities that helped me out of that dark space.
This was prior to learning that we each have a spread of cards that changes on each birthday and is part of a very in-depth ancient system that acts as a guide, a roadmap, a pattern of energies that helps us navigate each year and make the best of it.
I began a new study – I called it Soulmancing, then later discovered others who were Readers and Teachers and that there was even an Association for it and it is being called Cardology . In the system we have a Life Path spread, a Yearly Forecast and even daily cards to navigate, plan and reach our goals. It helped me to understand why certain things were happening, to no longer feel like a victim and to benefit from what was going on.
It changed my life.
It helped me to understand why certain relationships in my life were as they were, why I felt certain challenges and how I could make what seemed like a disaster into something helpful and rewarding.
It reduced my anxiety, gave me skills to combat confusing situations and allowed me to heal things I had been struggling with my whole life.
I no longer suffer from depression or anxiety and I’ve found my path, my purpose and I am genuinely happy!
Not a day goes by that I don’t refer to the cards in some way- by seeing what someone’s birth card is so I get a better understanding of them, to planning my next steps, or even as an inspirational prompt for my creative journaling.
They might seem so simple and insignificant since we all have used them at some point for games, but their history is fascinating and the layers and depth of wisdom within this system is truly amazing!
Within our playing cards is a system to allow us a better understanding of who we are authentically.
This is the key to changing your life and feeling that you’re on the right path and that it has meaning and purpose.
Change always begins from the inside. Living a life with meaning and fulfillment starts when you live as YOU – authentically.
I’m still weird. I love the woo-woo stuff. But now I know that I DO belong and my weirdness is not a curse; I know why I went through the dark times. It has led me here to work I love, to living in a place I love and to knowing how to see life with new eyes.
I don’t feel nearly as powerful as my cards suggest. :-/
HI Mark! I know this feeling very well…as I said in my post, I never felt powerful, or lucky, or abundant, yet my 6 of clubs life path is a VERY abundant one. It wasn’t util I studied and truly understood my life path (and what made it abundant) that allowed me to make the shifts I needed to make. Many times we are living the low side of our birth card ( I was with my 6 of clubs). We might be living from the projections of our parents or societal beliefs and not even living our card! We can talk about this in the free session if you’d like!
Hello Ashley, Where can I find my Pluto/Cosmic Reward Life Spread Card? Is there such a thing?
Hi Cathy!
Yes, you can see what your Pluto and Result (aka Cosmic Reward) cards are here on this page: https://createtheleap.com/birth-ruling-card-spreads/
This page has several charts on it to help you see your Birth card and it’s spread as well as how to discover what your Ruling card is!
Yes. Howerver we failed to connect the first two apointments. And I ame feeling overwhelmed and lost and abandoned. My self worth doesn’t even register on any type of level and I have no clue where to start. There is never enough time or so it seems. Would it be possable to test the “third time’s a charm” adage?
Oh my gosh , I loved reading about your journey and only just came across your page by chance ( I say that lightly ) after dreaming about a certain playing card I was given by a gypsy. I didn’t even know about the birth card and after reading mine I felt akin . I had many similar experiences to yours especially feeling like I didn’t fit in and was alien from an early age even though I was popular and had many friends . I totally love that part of me now , my uniqness ,my weirdness whatever you want to call it . You’re writing is beautiful and a joy to read and I will be looking further into the meaning of playing cards . Very fascinating you have opened my eyes and I greatly thank you for that .
Thank you for sharing that Trinity! I’m curious – what card were you given in the dream? And what is your birth card?
Are the cards ever wrong? I just did two readings for a couple and they’re wild. From your journey, do the cards ever give a chance at free will?
Thank you
Hi Karen! In my exprience and those who have used Cardology, the cards are eerily accurate! As far as free will – we always have free will! The cards reveal the energies at play in our life. We can either play out the low side or the high side of those energies. I look at it like this: Our higher self wants to play the higher side, and our free will is to play whatever side – and we typically pick the low side simply because ego operates out of fear and that steps into most of our choices. 🙂
It was as though I was reading words from my own journal. Instead of bibles they were books on suicide and drug overdose. Who wants to be normal. Not me! All the greats were, are and will be weird. Way to go.
God bless the light.
🤙🏾✌🏼🤚🏿Peace, ❤️ love and 🤩 joy
Worthy Women Warrior
Saved my Life
Hi Anna!
Thank you for sharing that! The more we all speak up and share what we experienced the more others will know it is OK and that path doesn’t have to be your only path or experience! Love back to you!
Thank you for sharing your story it meant so much to me. I am in a 7 year. My story is our story. I saw myself in your words. Thanks, again! Your average regular(pun intended) misfit chosen one. My master number is 22. I am a 5 ♦️
Thank you for your comment! I’m grateful that my story can resonate with others and hopefully help! You do know that the 6♣ is the Transformed Self card for the 5♦? 😉 I love 5♦ folks! You all came to shake us awake and show us how to flow our divine energy so it expands us!