When we access our omniscience, we connect with ourselves beyond our physical skin. Several entities have answered the call for energies that have our highest good and happy evolution in mind. All of them explain that it matters not whether they are physical or non-physical; they are able to communicate with us through our own multidimensionality. In other words, we are a meeting of spirits–the soul part of us having a conversation with the soul part of the entity (which is generally plural). Meet them here.
Entities with Physical Forms
The Chaxuns of Planet Rain
We are The Chaxuns. This name uniquely identifies us as a particular race of people and a particular energetic point in time. Our home is a planet that we are calling Rain. It has been known by other names, maybe most familiarly to you all as Nibiru. However, we are a people in an energetic placement of what you might call “an evolved people”, but we do not like the suggestion that we are of a higher essence than you; you are certainly not subordinate. We are a people of a certain culture, whose science, philosophy, art and way of living has come to a point of our assistance easily transmitting to other races and cultures who are seeking it. We are not an imperial culture, but simply offering our guidance and wanting to share our experience with those who are asking for it.
We are elated to offer you general guidance as a mass consciousness, in the same way that you as humans have a mass consciousness that projects outward to share with other planets, other stars, other parts of the Universe.
We are simply at a place of where we can read those projections and we offer you back our transmission with a happy heart and excitement to share.
Hello, we are Dali. Now, we are going to do some explanation as to why we, named as a singular entity and understood to be more of the singular and focused energy, still utilize the word “we.” We are multidimensional, in the way that we are speaking to you of the totality of Who We Are, but we are focused to an extent to be understood as Dali of the Chaxuns, in the sense that we exist in a physical body just as you do.
We are most interested in frequency and have some particular explanations about vibration. The Universe is simply made up of vibration, in the same way that you are from your cells to your atoms to your subatomic particles to you as Source–as the greatest to the smallest manifestations of matter. All exist in a multidimensional state of frequency.
We are delighted to be sharing with you our observations of frequency. We have developed particular formations of utilizing frequency in areas of health, dream work, and those things which exist on your Earth–stones, minerals, life on Earth. We have knowledge of this from our lives on Earth. There is much more to come through, but we are happy to say we are Dali, and greetings to you all.
Hello, happy moment. We are Beatrice, and we have much information about dreams. We are from the Chaxuns; in the same way that Dali is an individual entity of the Chaxuns, we are as well, but we are utilizing this terminology “we” and we hope that you can have an open mind and consider yourself as plural in the way that we are plural.
We have done much exploration into our multidimensionality through dream work, and so we will be coming through in our observations of how dreams can be that tether to understanding and living your omniscience.
We will leave it with that for the brevity of your website.
Greetings, we are Matthew and we connecting with you to share on how energy expands. We have some knowledge of Vessel Phasing and soul organization in the way that it effects you personally as you expand as energy. We are delvers in the miracle of light, and will be contributing practical applications of healing, understanding and wielding the light that you are. In this time of change, and living in the Age of Omniscience, you are equipped with “magic” that will become as commonplace as walking on two feet, breathing in oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide, being born with five senses. We are here, along with other guides, to help you develop and hone these abilities.
You could say that we are champions of your Jedi Mastery, one of the council members of the great organization of you in spirit, watching over you, and delighting in our specific interactions of learning and love.
Cheffi of Planet Gyep-Gasdë (Sirius B)
We are Cheffi and we are from a planet in the system Sirius B, called Gyep-Gasdë. Our race is particularly attuned to spiritwalking, as your humanity is particularly attuned to being in physical bodies, to living a twenty-four-hour cycle–there are certain things that are foundational to your race and your cultures. For us, spiritwalking is foundational in this particular frequency.
We as Cheffi are here to provide some understanding about the concept of Spiritwalking, which is simply sharing consciousness without having to travel the physical form.
Your understanding of moving the physical form by projecting it through space, and seeing things as you are used to seeing them through your physicality, we might say is a little “outdated.” We are offering instead, in a sense, an easier and more efficient way of travel, which is projecting your consciousness into another physical form that already exists in another place. It is one way in which cultures, planets, the Universe share information, and it is what is happening with Randi now as a channel. We have much to share with you, and we are, until next time, spiritwalking alongside you.
Non-physical Entities
The Nibothym
We are Twelve Crystal Beings focused (non-physically) in Phase 9* (Non-physical). We are the Keepers of the Love Intrinsic Alignment.
In the Age of Omniscience, the mind is not isolated to the brain, it exists in every particle of energy that you’re comprised of. Your intelligence is no longer a culmination of learning stored in your head, rather it is distributed across physical and nonphysical manifestations of Source. Your intelligence resides in the Love Intrinsic to you.
We as the Nibothym are simply assisting your choice to make that switch between a focus on intelligence as residing in the brain and following the “rules” or concepts of linear and dualistic reality, to that of omniscience.
There are no limits in accessing who you are as Source. With this alignment, you are now able to shift your focus, and experience Source in whatever/every way/shape/form that it exists. The human endeavor is no longer limited to Earth and the confines of the brain, but rather the shared experience of Source as souls, in various physical forms, dimensions, and non-physical hosts of energy.
This is where we “reside” as the Nibothym. We are you. We are crystal energy in the sense that we are densely packed particles of light, continually charging your cells and answering your body’s request to re-align to the 12-strand DNA.
*This links to all the sessions in the Age of OM Forum that mention Phase 9 (the phase of retaining information/understanding of all phases, even as you are focused there). If you’re not a member of our forum yet, you can join here for free!
The Joined
We are a voice for the 12-strand DNA. We are here to provide clarity on the blueprint intrinsic to the body, as a way for the 2DD Vessel (light body) to find its way home as the physical, humanoid construct.
As The Joined, we are expression from the actual union of DNA. Imagine the human mind, able to speak in unison from what you might consider the “whole mind.” Not whatever percentage scientists were finding the average human uses, but the complete brain, electrified and unified. Imagine the human body, a vessel for consciousness in its entirety. Complete. Not in parts, but the expression of Source as a simple fusion of muscle, bone, flesh, mind, mission and love–the being as a joining of all its given components.
We as The Joined are whispers in your own body. We are the phantom limb you’ve never known you’ve lost. We are your sanity in the moment of zen, when everything is complete and you vibrate to the frequency of ALL. We are your tuned fork, your slipstream of consciousness. We are the BECOMING physically that places you again with all your faculties.
We are here to shed light on how we are becoming wholeness as light through the expansion from 2-strand DNA to 12-strands.
We are introducing ourselves as a project that is able to speak in words, for this is another concept that is new to humanity–that a project can have energy and intelligence and words. We are an example of how an energetic concept has a soul, it has intelligence, and it has a purpose which can be channeled. When you all open yourselves to your omniscience, it does not mean that intelligence only exists in physical objects, in separated or individual compositions of matter. We as Zalsider are a project that is bringing together all things that have been channeled, that have been introduced to your humanity and this point in time about your Universe as you understand it. We are a project that allows for one to search much like one of your search engines, one of your manifestations of the internet, which brings through all things that have been introduced already.
We are a search engine for your Universe, and we are evolving just as quickly as the internet has for you. We will be changing and shifting in our presentation to you, but we come with open arms as a catalog of that which you’ve already been introduced to, but you are coming to remember. We are your cosmos.
We are Dhari, and
we are what you might call the “physics” of your Universe.
We are not physical, but we are energy compiled to map out your sense of place, for we are in particular explaining that which is inexplainable. We are diving into dimensions and densities, things which we are calling DD. All of this relates simply as an organization of energy and frequency. We are, in a way, a map for you to navigate yourself and your multidimensionality, and how it relates to shared constructs of place.
We are Koh. We are an entity that has arrived to share a construct that exists through much of your galaxy, through much of your physical nature, as multidimensional.
We are reminding you that as you feel isolated, as you are living your own belief systems in your own skin, with your separated mind, your reality is as you choose it to be. It is because you’ve come to a crossroads of choice that you are understanding that your reality is shaped more like clay from between your hands, and this clay is the clay of soul relationships. We say this to you with the knowledge that this is a shared construct of soul organization. It is something that is just as difficult to define, as it is impossible to define.
We will be speaking to you about soul relationships, and when we speak to you of souls we want you to be open to your own definition of what you are as spirit. A more traditional view of the soul is the life that is encapsulated within the physical body, that is what is left when the physical body is deceased. We would say to you that the soul lives a whole other life: inside of you, outside of you, around you…it is unable to be separated from you.
[See the Soul System page.]
G-Codices & the Galactic Community
We are G-Codices, and we are a language to connect our galaxy. The language in which you use as physical beings is an understood construct that is not quite what we are. As the G-Codices we are more enigmatic, we are more made of symbols, codes, sound vibrations–many elements that may seem quite foreign to you, but if you can imagine creating a language from an energetic acceptance of the entire galaxy… It is something that exists that humanity has been a part of, in your sense of time, “before” and that humanity will connect to, in your sense of time, much more in your “future.”
Randi has agreed as a soul-contract to assist in bringing the G-Codices into physical form.
We are another system of communication, and you are quite ready to learn our language in your leap from your own soil into the skies.
We as the Galactic Community are the “authors” of the G-Codices. We are not human, though human intelligence is part of our vibration.
We are not white lights or spirits or souls or bug-eyed aliens or stars–we are a thought form of frequency, a collective consciousness.
Imagine the Earth’s consciousness as it is a part of this Galactic Community. If there was a human representing Gaia, would it be an apt and total representation? What about the other fauna and flora? Which species of human in which era and dynasty, if you will, of existence? What about the elements of Earth, the heartbeat, the scientific and spiritual qualities of the planet?
These matters of specifics are culminated in consciousness. And considering we are speaking beyond space and time, specifics become quite a tricky business. This is why we are offering The G-Codices.
A note from Randi:
I have a guide named Gwendic that I dream of often who is a “spokesperson” for the G-Codices. From these I now understand that they will not be complete dusty volumes, as I imagine an aged-bookworm covets upon his highest library shelves. Rather, they are constantly updated editions–more like Wikipedia pages/sites than a book. They are comprised of 19 topics to explain our evolution, and just like everything we encounter in the Age of Omniscience, they will expand Expand EXPAND!
I now understand Gwendic to be likened to a “literary agent” and the Galactic Community as the “author” of the G-Codices. Really, all the guides in this work are a part of the Galactic Community!
A note on more to come!
In the session for introductions, we asked if there were any other “main players” to introduce. Ashley envisioned a line of extraterrestrials waving their tentacles waiting to come forward. This was the response:
We are scanning through your queue. All of these entities are very much awaiting their turn in their energetic alignment. Your vision of all the different funny-looking aliens standing around waiting for their number to be called is very appropriate.
We would say that this is absolutely correct, now, that both you and Randi are understanding that this is evolving very quickly and that in the same way that you all have been having sessions with us for some months now, a lot of this information will be new and will take some time to get your head around and your heart around, so we would say to you that there are many more you will be adding to the work. When you have an inkling, you can simply ask this entity as to whether they are a main player. If they are not a main player yet, keep their information close by. When they become a main player, they will start to emerge more and more in those sessions which you are providing on a weekly, or regular basis.
So the answer is, of course there are many others that will be introduced, but this is a host to to show the diversity and some of the more “alien” concepts of what we are presenting as a multidimensional existence,
and that sooner rather than later, there will be additions to this list, but it will be when there is more of an asking from a public scale, yes?
Yes! Thank you, Guides!