A big part of Cardology is the Yearly Forecast. Besides having a Birth and Ruling card, you have a new spread of cards each year on your birthday, called a Yearly Forecast.
I love the term Forecast because, just alike a weather forecast, it reveals the energies (literally) at play for your year- setting the mood, the potentials, the pitfalls, the opportunities and the gifts you will have going on. And, just like with the weather, you can ignore the forecast and put on a tank top and shorts on a icy day and go freeze your patootie off – or, you can dress in your soft lounge clothes, plan a day by the fire and get some much needed R&R. YOU CHOOSE! ?
But, isn’t it great to know?!?
It makes planning so much easier!
Here we are in September. I think of this month as the planning month. It’s the start of Fall and we can feel the shift in the weather, the mood and of course with school starting back up, we have new backpacks, notebook, pens and books and that has me all giddy (even though I don’t have young kids at home anymore!)
In this post, I want to cover one of the cards we each have in our yearly forecast – our Long Range card.
What does it tell us? How can we use it to plan?
Your Forecast Long Range card speaks to the main energy throughout your year.
(In a Forecast, a “year” is one birthday to the next. It begins on your birthday and goes until your next birthday, so anytime I refer to your year, that is what I am referring to.)
This card influences the events, people and thoughts/feelings you’ll encounter, so it is a big part of the plan towards whatever goals you have.
It’s like being given a weather forecast for your year -like looking in the Farmer’s Almanac and seeing what the upcoming winter will be.
The Long Range card is neither good nor bad—but a resource to use as you see how it fits in with your challenges and opportunities
Even when it is a card that might be seen as “hard” (such as a 9 card), because it is a Long Range card, its place as the main theme for your year keeps it as a neutral energy that you can work with to enhance and understand your year.
Remember that all of us experience and are (in some way, at some point) EVERY card in the deck. Therefore, when you have certain cards in play in your forecast, it is highlighting the part of you that IS that card. It is putting the spotlight on that energy within you in the area of its position in the Forecast.
The Long Range card presents you with a theme for your year.
Seeing your Long Range card as the all encompassing umbrella for your year — affecting each period and the other cards in prominent positions — adds knowledge for you to use in your planning.
Will the theme of your year be active or still?
Will it be creative, mental or spiritual?
Will it be focused on your health, relationships or money?
As an example, if your main goal is to increase the profit of your business and your Long Range card is the Queen of Hearts (the card of the Mother, romance and sex) then how can that help you?
If you are a Mother, your motherly duties might take a front seat therefore changing how you go about your goal.
Or, you might encounter a relationship that brings romance into your life, making you realize that even though you were focused on making money, you were also desiring intimacy and your priorities changed.
Or, the Queen of Hearts showed you that while working to make more money, you need to take the time for personal TLC and to nurture yourself.
Keeping your Long Range card in the forefront of your mind each day and seeing how your events and thoughts/feelings relate to it and your goal act as a big help.
The cards in your forecast aren’t some random draw by a human – they are the patterns, cycles and blueprints of the path you chose to walk in this life. The big, higher YOU set up a matrix of energy so you could play out the purpose of your life at this time. It all fits together.
Your cards won’t be unmatched with your goals, rather they can shed light on the best approach to your goals because of WHO YOU ARE and what you chose to have going on at this time in your life.
Ashley says
Just to confirm, is this similar or same as tarot card reading or is this a completely different subject? I always think both are the same?
Ashley says
Hi Ashley! I have a blog post here that covers this topic: https://createtheleap.com/cardology-vs-tarot-vs-oracle-cards/
While Cardology can be used for divination (what Tarot cards are used for), it is more of a blueprint system revealing who you are and the life path you are living.
There is a system called Cartomancy, in which the cards are read similair to tarot cards.
Pip Pippo says
I have a question please. If a person you know has a birth card that is your long range card, then that person is part of the focus that year. Is this correct? I ask because a month and a half into my Mercury period this year, I met my biological mother whose birth card is my LR card. Thank you so much for all you do. Much gratitude and appreciation.
Ashley says
Hi Pip!
Yes, cards are also people and you’ll see them in your forecast. The energy of your LR card is the focus as well as the person…and sometimes that person is representing or bringing into your life that card’s energy. How exciting to have met her! Blessings to both of you!
Pip Pippo says
Thank you so much. All my new siblings (5) are all cards in my Mercury period as well. I love this stuff!! Am trying to learn it so I can give to others. Again thank you
Ashley says
Wow! How cool! You’re very welcome! Let me know if there is anyting specific you are trying to understand at the moment. 🙂
Pip says
Hi Ashley,
Hope you are having a nice weekend. Are you still offering courses on how to learn to do Cardiology?
Ashley says
Hi Pip! I am and will be offering a group online class sometime in August and I’ll email you the details! 🙂
Harriet says
How do you calculate or find your Long Range Card?
Ashley says
Hi Harriet! You need to have acccess to all the 90 Solar spread charts to find the Long Range cards of a specific Birth/Ruling card at a specific age.
Wadimus says
Hola 🖖🏽
What is the formula for predicting these Long Range Cards? I just spent an hour looking at past Quadrations and have no clue how they are measured~
Any help/ explanation is appreciated! 🤙🏽
Ashley says
Hi Wadimus! Do you have all the Grand Solar spread charts?
Wadimus says
Hola Ashley 6♣️, I am a 7♣️/5♦️🌀🌀🌀
Yes I am using age charts from this source:
I know from another website widget that my current yearly card is 6♠️, and that next year (age 32) should be 9♠️…
… buuut I have no clue how these are determined, it’s driving my Clubs brain crazy! If you have any advice it is appreciated 🙌🏽🤘🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Ashley says
Boy, do I know how much that minds need to KNOW! 😉 OK, knowing you have charts to look at helps! Go to Age 4 chart. This is how you find the LR card for ages 28 to 34 as each year covers 7 years starting with age 1 (which covers ages 7 to 13). Find your birth card (7♣). Starting with the next card to the left, that is the LR card for the age of 28 (the 3♠) – for age 29, Q♦ etc., when you get to the end of the row (6♠), go down and to far right and continue. So, for age 32, the 9♠, age 33 is the 7♦, age 34, the 4♣. Next 7 years will be on Age 5 chart. 🙂
Wadimus says
I seeee! Of course it’s all looped in from the opening scenes~
Thank you so much for your time and succinct explanation 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Looking forward to spreading this knowledge. This is totally my “astro thing,” it hits me to the core every time. 🔱
Ashley says
You’re very welcome! It is amazing and I agree! 🙂
Pip says
Thank you
Jardeh says
What is mother and daughter has the exact same birth card of K♠️, both born 1st Jan. How does this play out.
Ashley says
Hi Jardeh! That is a pretty intense situation! When a family member has the same birth cards, they are both really learning all the expressions of that card. They really get one another because they both share the same energetic makeup, but they are also a mirror to one another. In the case of mother/daughter, if there was anything mom suppressed or denied about being a K♠ – maybe feeling she couldn’t express that masculine energy, or she felt over responsible for everyone and everything, but the daughter did express that, then it can create projections or mom can be jealous or angry at the daughter – even if it seems for no reason.
When someone is a mirror for us, we can see what aspects of ourselves we have denied or are livng the low side of and make changes (as long as we don’t just get into conflict/drama and create a hard relationship). I think women who are Kings and female children who are Kings are coming in now to do some very needed work on helping the balance of male/female energies.
It might create a relationship that will be a lot of work, but can also create so much healing and benefits to many!
Kyli says
What if my own birth card or planetary ruling card is found in my long range. Does that mean that me, myself is what will be focused/important for that year? Or do I look at the card meaning in long range?
Ashley says
Hi Kyli!
It is pretty common to find that you have a lot of certain cards in your life as friends or family members. What is your birth card? Many times it is a card (or cards) that are part of your Life Path spread or you are part of theirs. You are on this journey to assisting one another in certain areas and the connection your cards have can reveal in what way!
Ashley says
Your birth card will never be the Long Range card under the forecast for your birth card, but we do sometimes have our Ruling card be the Long range card (or vice versa) for your yearly forecast. It doesn’t happen often and with some cards, it never does. But when it does, you are given an opportunity to really feel into the energy of your birth or ruling card. You are getting reflected back to you through experiences and situiations, YOU. Also, you need to use the meaning of that card as well. But it can give you a broader sense of the meaning of it as your Birth or ruling card when you get to experience it the whole year.
Kyli says
What does it mean when many people in my life are the A♠️? Both of my daughters are the A♠️, my husbands grandmother who raised him. My husbands best friend? They are all A♠️ birth cards but all different birthdays.
bella says
If I am in a relationship with someone and in the coming year I am, QHearts, the Long Range card for him ( and also the second mercury card for him, first is the 9 of diamonds). What might this mean? This year his cards in the long range are 8 of hearts and pluto in the 4 hearts.
Ashley says
Hi Bella! I want to make sure I’m understanding this, as the Q♥ and 8♥ never sit next to each other in the charts, so I was confused. You are a Q♥, yes? And he will have the Q♥ as his Long Range card coming up in his next birthday and currently, his Long range card is the 8♥? Can you clarify that before I answer? Thank you!
Zinger says
Hello! I wanted to ask a question please. I’m trying to figure out if something is significant or not in my report. In my report for this year my ex partners birth card 10 of ♥️ is in my Jupiter period alongside the 6 of ♥️ & their planetary ruling card 8 of ♠️ is in my Mars period alongside the 6 of♦️. Their planetary ruling card 8 of ♠️ is also my planetary displacement card for this year. For the next year, I don’t see any of their personal significators except that my planetary long range card for the year is Jack of ♥️ (which I read is a man of this suit in love) & my result card which is King of ♥️(Not sure if this applies to them). Could this mean by next year I could have nothing to do with them? I’m not sure if I’m interpreting this correctly. Thank you!
Ashley says
Hi Zinger! It is hard to comment on this when unable to look at the whole picture. This is why I don’t sell reports! I know they cover some basics, but a comnputer can’t put the whole story together. If I knew your age, I can look at the whole story. 🙂
Zinger says
Hi Ashley! May I ask a question?
Ashley says
Of course!
Ashley says
Ashley says
Hi again! I’m replying to your question here and deleting your bday info so that isn’t online. OK, so looking at the whole picture, to me it looks more like an opportunity to have some closure/healing or resolve something with him? If it ended in a hurtful/negative way, there might be an opportunity to make some peace with it instead of it being this heavy weight you carry for a long time. You have a lot of ‘setting things right’ energy at play with your feelings and even with finances if any of that involved him. Both of your Pluto cards have to do with your own self-love and healing that can lead you to feeling more in control, and stable with what you want. A card that keeps showing up is the 10♣. It is an assertive, lots-on-the-mind card and I wonder if it is creating anxiety, mental battles or thoughts that are keeping you feeling uneasy about your situation? Are you afraid of losing him for good, or glad it is over? You are in his forecast too.
Zinger says
Thank you Ashley for deleting the info, I realized after that I wouldn’t be able to myself. Wow, you are spot on! I walked away from the situation because I was hurt & he did lie, but also out of pride/spite. Later I realized it would have been healthier for me to express myself & my boundaries & move on/forward rather than to suppress my emotions out of pride & force myself forward. I’ve definitely been working on the self-love & pouring into myself aspect since this situation has occurred. He actually recently told me he wanted to work on it again, but wants it to be different this time around as we both felt like our relationship was stagnate in the past due to distance even though the love was definitely there. I feel like he has his own internal conflicts & distractions as well. There was at least a decade put into this relationship, so I guess I am afraid of losing him for good.
Zinger says
Also is it possible that if you diverge from your life path with someone, then another person can step in a take on that same role as in experiencing events that would have occurred with you in a similar or same timeline? Thank you!
Ashley says
Hi again! I’m replying to your question here and deleting your bday info so that isn’t online. OK, so looking at the whole picture, to me it looks more like an opportunity to have some closure/healing or resolve something with him? If it ended in a hurtful/negative way, there might be an opportunity to make some peace with it instead of it being this heavy weight you carry for a long time. You have a lot of ‘setting things right’ energy at play with your feelings and even with finances if any of that involved him. Both of your Pluto cards have to do with your own self-love and healing that can lead you to feeling more in control, and stable with what you want. A card that keeps showing up is the 10♣. It is an assertive, lots-on-the-mind card and I wonder if it is creating anxiety, mental battles or thoughts that are keeping you feeling uneasy about your situation? Are you afraid of losing him for good, or glad it is over?
Randi Janelle says
Hi Zinger! I’m Randi, Ashley’s daughter and she asked me to take a look at your question. I have some experience and understanding of lifelines (my term for what we experience as our “singular” life) and timelines (all the “divergent” paths that our alternate/parallel selves experience instead of “us”). If I’m understanding your question correctly, then yes, I have seen this happen a lot. For example, I had a huge lesson to learn and I had a number of female “teachers” come into my life to help me learn it. With each one I was launching into a deeply rooted codependent pattern of trying to rescue, fix, or change them. Even as I would part ways with these women, another one come along and I would find myself reliving the same pattern until I got it and realized I (underline I!) was the one who had to change to stop the pattern. I do believe this will happen to others as I step away from a relationship; if they don’t learn the lesson that our soul contract provides, then someone else will show up in their life to give them another opportunity to learn it (and the same goes for me!). Was this what you were asking?
Zinger says
Thank you Randi! I get it, until a person learns the lesson they were supposed to they will continue to experience the same circumstances with other people. I’m not sure, but I was assuming that this would apply to specific events as well, such as births, etc. I’m just now starting to study this & it’s so interesting!
Randi Janelle says
Indeed, I agree! So interesting! I believe it does apply to specific events as well. For example, my best friends have a child (born on my birthday!) and I feel a really deep twin-flame connection to her. I checked in and saw that she is my child in alternate timelines. I believe every probability exists, and often in our alternate timelines. She of course has different DNA and environmental and familial support to her soul’s journey being a child of my friends vs. my child. She may even have a different birth card, which changes our relationship and underlying lessons for each other. But in this lifeline, we are close and I get to relate to her as an aunt. Our soul contract varies depending on that precious and precise decision of when to be born. But I don’t think that we would be so close if I wasn’t already so deeply connected to her in another timeline. In a sense–we are living out all probabilities in one way or another. What makes it fun, is realizing that can we connect to that alternate when we need to teach-learn a specific experience. For example, as I don’t have children, she is in my life as a child to love, but when I desire that feeling of progeny, I can tune/feel into her as my child. And that mother version of me receives my sense of freedom and casual mothering/”aunthood” from our conscious or subconscious connection. I believe we only get those cross-connections with alternate timelines and lives when we have something to teach and learn from each other–to enrich and empower our experience. Thank you for your question, Zinger! I always love talking about this topic and it seems to be a barely-opening window of thought and a whole untapped realm of connections and understandings when it comes to the cards! 💖
Zinger says
Ashley thank you so much for your insight! It’s good to know that there’s a positive opportunity, because I was trying to decide if it was worth the time and effort. 💗