Today you’re going to learn what the Six of Hearts reveals to us about relationships and karma.
You’ll also learn how the seemingly awful things that happen to us (that we might call bad karma) are really not about punishment, but are there as an opportunity to change an erroneous belief.
How do you feel about the word karma?
Today’s post is on the Six of Hearts card. I’ve struggled a bit with the 6 cards as they represent the “karma” cards. I’ve adjusted my belief about karma quite a bit over the past few years.
I don’t believe karma is a form of punishment for past actions. It’s more about the reconciling of an assigned belief from our past – or from one of our multitude of lives being lived simultaneously. (ooohhhh…shall we open Pandora’s box?!?)
Yes, I believe we live in a multi-dimensional universe. We aren’t living in a linear fashion because time is a man-made convenience. All of our lives are being lived simultaneously.
Let’s say that in one of your lives (or in earlier days of the life you are presently aware of), you were betrayed and abandoned. You decided at that point that you weren’t worthy of being loved and that no one could be trusted with your heart.
You assigned a belief about yourself and others at that point.
Because you decided that is how it would be, then you drew to you the same event, over, and over. It reinforced that belief and you decided that was how it was. Period.
Karma is then the opportunity to change the erroneous belief that has you feeling and living those negative, dark-night-of-the-soul, situations. It is these events that create our fears, anger, depression or anxieties and we carry them with us until we confront them and change them.
This is also why the 6 cards are the peace and harmony cards.
I questioned this for some time. How could the karma cards also be the peace and harmony cards? It seemed confusing to me until I fully understood that karma isn’t punishment. It isn’t some bad deed that you deserve because you were bad. (Though, we do love to look at it that way when we want another person who has hurt us to get hurt back! Right?)
Karma is a bitch we love to say…
It is a bitch…to live with the fears and anxieties.
But, you can’t change the fears unless you realize the fears, understand that said fears are what is causing you to experience them over…and over. A belief induced fear becomes part of your vibration- sending out that signal, pulling back to you all that matches it.
The Six of Hearts is responsibility in our relationships.
All of the sixes make us take responsibility.
This is another key thing with karma. It is up to us to change how things are in our life. We have complete control, but we have to take that responsibility.
One of the ways we must do that is by realizing that no one is doing things to us – we are experiencing them because of a belief we assigned at some point. Changing that belief changes how people will treat us and the types of people constantly in our life.
When the six of hearts shows up in our yearly forecast, it gives us the opportunity to look at our relationships – at the people in our lives and how we feel about them, interact with them and how we treat them.
- Is it how we want it to be?
- Is there something we keep attracting because of some belief we have?
- Are we being responsible and creating the type of relationships we want – or are we just blaming people for our difficulties?
It brings us the opportunity to create peace and harmony through our own inner changes.
If the Six of Hearts is your Birth card, you are the Peacemaker. You are aware of the law of love and you strive to maintain harmony and stability in your love life and family/home. Sixes don’t like a lot of change and they don’t like things to be upsetting. They can get stuck in relationships because they don’t want to rock the boat and make the necessary changes or get out.
Six of heart people have the ability to bring love into bad situations and therefore heal it.
This is the highest of what “karma” is about. Taking a fear or negative and transforming it into love.
You can’t do that by suppressing your feelings or pretending all is well. You have to realize the emotions, then transform them with the knowledge that all are worthy, all are divine and all are just wanting to be loved. AND that the belief you assigned that says you are unworthy of love is exactly that – an erroneous belief that needs to go.
Because Sixes are so keenly aware of the effect of their actions, they can be afraid to say or do anything. They are best at seeing all the angles; seeing the right in everything- which is what makes them so special (and needed!).
They help maintain balance and harmony – in others’ lives and in their environment.
If you draw a Six of hearts, ask yourself these questions:
- What about love is challenging you?
- What would you have to recognize within yourself to experience more self-love?
- Where has love let you down? (where and how you feel let down by love – that is an indication of an assigned erroneous belief.)
- What can you do to create a loving and harmonious life?
- Where do you need to be more responsible within your relationships?
- What are you tolerating in your relationships?
- What do you really want in your relationship?
Healthy relationships are key to our happiness. Many times it is an erroneous belief within us that consistently damages our relationships. I think it is so beautiful how this card expresses the importance of creating peace and harmony within ourselves first (by being responsible for what beliefs we hold), making the inner changes we need to make, which will then allow us to have healthy relationships – with our self and others!
Ace of clubs 9/23 birthday (female) and 10 of spades 1/4 birthday (male) dating (might want to get married). What would you say about this connection? Is there love? Can it be a good relationship? how will the Ace of clubs 9/23 birthday affect me 3of diamonds 6/14 bday. I ask this because she is a potential sister in law. I would hope she is the right one for our family.
Thank you!
Hi Jasmine and happy new year! As far as this connection – first off, his card is her Ruling card. (10♠) This also makes him her Venus card.
That can create a connection that does feel loving, right or desireous. And because he is her Ruling card, the relationship is helping her see aspects of herself. If any of her 10♠ energy is being suppressed or played on the low side, that is where conflict can arise. The low side of the 10♠ is having a mind that exaggerates things to the point of overwhelm, or to take on too much of anything, including work, to the point of being a workaholic. With that being her Venus card, she can be too intensely focused on success with everything she wants. While that isn’t neccessarily a bad thing, it can create a lack of boundaries or sound reasoning when it comes to material pleasures, making money or becoming obsessed with having things or people.
The energy they create togewther is the J♥, which is her Reward card and his Neptune card. So, this along with him being her Venus is like a magnet, pulling her to him. That J♥ can make the relationship fun, creative and dynamic, but also bring in either him always sacrificing for her or him pulling away and not wanting to be responsible. I’m talking possible issues – and every relationship has their challenges!
As far as you and her, you are her Jupiter card, so she can feel good with you in her life. You two create the 4♠, which can be a positive energy.
All relationships allow growth and they are all work and none are perfect!