In this post, we’ll learn how to use the immense power of the Eight of Spades. This card tells us that when we focus our will, our intention and we zoom in on a particular interest, we will be successful.
As a kid, did you ever take a magnifying glass on a sunny day and point it at a leaf and catch the leaf on fire? You magnified and narrowed the sunlight heat onto the leaf. This is exactly how the 8 of Spades works in our life. It tells us how powerful we are when we zoom in on something we want to achieve and we assert our will and intentions on that thing.
It relates to work and health. When we view our lives through the lens of our bodies—both as our way of living and work—this card speaks to the basic structure of living.
This card says loud and clear—YOU CAN DO THIS!
But how?
First, what does the word “Power” mean for you? This often causes confusion as to how to use this wonderful influence.
Power can feel competitive, overly masculine, aggressive or controlling, so we might not know how to apply our power or even where our power comes from!
Does it mean going at our goal like a pit bull?
No, not at all.
Our point of POWER is in the PRESENT.
First, I want to clarify what real power is in regards to our ability as divine beings to create the life we want.
Everything in life started or came into being with the idea or thought of something new or different. (Even the Bible says in John; “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”.)
The “Word” is Creative Power. God=Creative Power. This is what created all we know. It is the system and structure of life.
It is our ability to conceive with our Minds. Our power comes from the fact that we, as Divine beings in a human body, are here to create—to expand the Universe.
We create with our imaginations.
That is the power the card points us to. Not physical force, or aggression, or battling things into place, but with our imaginations. We conceive of what we want.
It all starts with what we believe about….. (fill in the blank)
Our thoughts are electro-magnetic realities which affect our body and are automatically translated by our nervous system into the actual way our body functions and experiences life. We literally create how our bodies are and what we will experience by what we believe. (About life, health, work, the world, etc.)
All the energy at our disposal as Divine beings is concentrated towards what we want in order to bring us the results. There are no ifs, ands or buts…it just IS.
Our power resides in our imaginations.
You have the ability to go into your imagination and create (vibrationally) the life you want to live and be there.
And by being there, living it vibrationally (even for just a few minutes a day), you shift the balance of power. You take the power away from the obstacles.
See, as humans, we tend to always see the obstacles and then we assign power as the ability to remove the obstacles (sometimes we literally think we have to power through them, right? )
But, the power we have as divine beings isn’t in our bodies or through being aggressive.
It is through our beliefs.
Your effective POWER of action follows your beliefs. If you believe in any limitations, weaknesses, or impossibilities within yourself or in life, you deny and block your innate power. You will GET only in direct correlation with what you believe you’ll get.
Society typically does this: One reacts against something they don’t want or like in response to events that seem to be happening to them.
That can be seen as “power” in our culture. (Go fight for what you want…or go fight against the bad stuff.)
What that does is create more of the same. But because it is an “outer” action, we think it is real power.
Instead, to use our real, innate divine power, we must use our Mind (not our ego-mind) but our beliefs and imagination, to form a mental image of our desired outcome as if it has already happened. We get tripped up here because we look out and see that “it isn’t there yet,” which activates all kinds of limiting reasoning against it. THAT blocks our power.
Because our beliefs have this electro-magnetic reality, the constant interplay between our contradictory beliefs causes power blocks, stopping the flow of energy we have access to in order to create.
Every single thing that is and happens follows this pattern: An accumulation of energy turned into action brought about by the culmination of our beliefs.
Find beliefs that allow you to ignore obstacles. Build a belief system within yourself so that you have no limitations or restrictions.
Now, let’s go back to the statement of, your point of POWER is in the PRESENT.
There are two parts to this.
Part One: Your present beliefs give directions to your entire personality, which reorganizes and changes your past experiences and in the same sense, alters the future.
If you are unable to achieve a goal, there is probably a belief from your past that’s blocking your point of power. We think that the PAST is who we are, when in fact, who you are is in the PRESENT moment.
We can change anything…anything…anything!….when we focus our point of power on the present.
Not the past (how things were then).
Not the future (if only I had this and maybe when I can get to that, THEN I can have what I want).
But seeing, feeling, imagining NOW what you want or how you want to be.
Part Two: Add to this the power that comes from being at peace with how things are in your life NOW.
You might want a change and that is OK– that is how it should be—as creators, we are always expanding. But when you focus on the things in your life that you hate, you block your power to change it.
Love and be grateful for where you are NOW, how you are NOW. That opens your flow of power. Find things to love and be grateful for with your present circumstances daily.
I like to wake up and start listing things, literally looking around me and focusing on what is there that I love; that pleases me; that makes me smile; that feels good. Then I also look at what I might not be happy with and I love it too, because I created it.
(I actually look at what I wish was different and I hear and see the character of Steve Urkel on the show Full House say, “Did I do that?” I can laugh and say, “Yes, I did, I am a powerful creator!” 😉
You are a Divine Co-Creator with the Universe and your desire is very important. YOU are important.
This is the Power of the 8 of Spades —it is the concentrated FOCUS, the unblocked power to actualize one’s goal.
You have this energetic influence to use when this card is in your yearly forecast. We all have access to this at all times, but when it is in your forecast, it says that now, at this time, you chose at a soul level this “energy” to use for a specific purpose. We always have free will—to deny, avoid or refuse. It is your choice.
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Create your point of power now by deciding to state a new belief that is 100% positive in regards to your goal.
Ask the Universe to reveal to you proof that your new belief is TRUTH.
If your birth card is the 8 of spades, you are a very powerful person with the obligation to use your power for good. Don’t use it to avoid or escape your fears – instead make a contribution to society. You are a hard worker and you express your power through actions and your powerful will. You can easily handle obstacles and you have the power to heal and transform the lives of those you know. Your challenge is to develop a more positive attitude about life and the study of spiritual topics will bring you more healing and personal freedom.
If you draw the 8 of spades ask yourself these questions:
- What would you truly like to change and improve upon?
- List your five top reasons to develop new empowering beliefs.
- What new beliefs will let you move past difficulties forever?
- When you become determined to achieve your goals, what happens?
- What very specific goal, project or topic are you wanting to focus on right now?
- What would you need to believe to be successful right now?
- What questions do you ask yourself that disempower you?
Thank you!