What does our Spiritual spread reveal to us?
We each have our Solar /Earth Spread (Life Path) and our Spiritual Spread.
When we look at a Yearly Forecast, we look at our Solar Spread, also called our Earth spread since it relates to our daily life here on Earth as a human.
There is, however, one year in our life that we live our Spiritual spread. We live it in our 44th year.
Because we are divine, multidimensional beings first and foremost, our Spiritual spread reveals something deeper than how we think, love, react, work or dream – it reveals past life energies/patterns that are playing out in our current life.
I don’t believe we live in a linear, a to z fashion – that is manmade belief in order to understand time, setting a chronological order to all of life.
We are multidimensional beings operating at many levels on various planes at the same time.
This concept is a complete topic too deep to address here, but when we view our Spiritual Spread, we need to not think in terms of “past lives only”….but in terms of influences and energies experienced beyond our day to day path here on Earth.
What are some key points our Spiritual spread reveals?
In the Spiritual Spread, the cards are lined up in order, the Ace of Hearts starting at the Mercury / Mercury spot and continuing in order – moving left, then down a row, to the left, etc., until the end, then coming back up to the Crown/Sun line to end with the Jack of spades, Queen of Spades and King of Spades, which is always in that last spot in both spreads.
When you look at your birth card in the Spiritual Spread, it occupies the spot that is your second karma card in the Solar Spread. That spot is just as much your natural “home” as the spot you sit at in the Solar Spread. In the same way that your spot in the Solar spread speaks to who you are (what line it is in, what two planets rule that spot), the same is revealed in the Spiritual spread.
I’m a 6♣ and in the Solar spread, I’m in the Neptune line at Neptune and Saturn, which speaks to who I am in this life.
In the Spiritual spread, I sit in the Mars line at Mars and Saturn.
Does this encompass ALL of who I am/have been in every plane? No.
It reveals what is going on in the background from the non-material plane that is there for me in THIS life as a 6♣.
While we can call it the “past-life” influences present in this life, we can’t look at it and say, this is who I was in a past life. That is too limiting and views it in a linear way.
I am a southwestern girl – born in New Mexico, raised in Arizona. I moved to the east coast in my late 20’s. Even though I have lived longer on the east coast than I did out west, there are still things I love, do and perceive because I am a southwestern girl in my soul.
I love real New Mexican cuisine, margaritas, sunny days, pinto beans and cornbread, silver and turquoise and very casual clothes. I grew up with a pioneering spirit where life was what you carved it out to be and you relied on your neighbors and needed an open mind, creativity and courage.
That part of me is still there within me and it affects my life now as a North Carolinian.
That is how the influences of our Spiritual spread effect our current Solar spread- but on a deeper spiritual level.
For simplicity sake, let’s use that example to go back and look at where my card sits in the Spiritual spread.
Let’s say that the Mars line is like me being born and raised out west. I have a spirit of courage, boldness, pioneering, self-assertion, independence and Will power (All Mars qualities) that is there within me as I live this current life as a 6♣ in the Neptune line. (I find it curious that growing up out west takes the qualities of Mars to succeed!)
Those specific energies are in the background influencing me in my current life.
What is the dominant suit of your Spiritual spread?
Because the cards are in order in the Spiritual spread, your spread will typically be all one suit.
There are exceptions to this, if your birth card is a court card, your Spiritual spread will change to another suit.
I like seeing this as a soul group we travel in.
When you get into the study of multidimensionality, you see that the soul travels/experiences in groups of the same souls.
I like seeing the suits as a type of soul group – that group has a specific energy it plays out in various ways with each incarnation.
The suit of my Spiritual spread are predominantly Clubs, then a few Diamonds.
Regardless of what plane of existence a soul is experiencing, there is always knowledge and information to be gathered/experienced. I feel that is the influence/energy playing out in my background from my Spiritual spread. Tapping into that has been my lifelong mission and is what has changed my life for the better. I was/am in constant study – even as a child – desperately wanting to know, understand and teach.
The Diamonds suit is about building – taking that knowledge and creating something because of it.
Understanding how to manifest has been a key theme in my life as well as sharing knowledge.
I look at my Spiritual spread and see the focus, incorporation and transmission of knowledge.
That can play out in a multitude of ways for every 6♣ person.
My Ruling card is the 8♥. In the Spiritual spread, the 8♥ sits on the Venus line at Mercury and Venus. The suits for the 8♥ are Hearts, then Clubs. (About the same of each suit).
This influence brings in the focus of relationships, emotions, the feminine, art and beauty. These topics are the other loves of my life and is also what I have made my focus by being an artist, loving interior decor and realizing the value of aesthetics as well as healing and emotional work.
I realized in my later years that my love of home decor wasn’t best suited for a career as an Interior Designer. My knack was in teaching how the energy of our environment influences our vibration and affects our ability to manifest.
That is how the Spiritual spread influences played out in my life as a 6♣/8♥.
In the same way that we need to view a person’s qualities/energetic makeup by looking at the combination of both their Birth card and Ruling card spreads, we can do the same with the two Spiritual spreads. This paints a unique picture of the in-the-background influences that help direct the choices they make in this life.
We get to physically live our Spiritual spread in our 44th year of life.
In my 44th year, all of what I mentioned above – the studying, the art, the importance of what is in your environment, how to manifest, the emotional healing work – was the focus of that year and I could feel this inner need for something that my mind couldn’t understand. I was seeking, trying to find my place, the right career and truly understand who I was.
In some way, even if it’s just there at the perimeter, we all experience whatever our Spiritual spread is about in our 44th year.
If we’re aware of our Spiritual spread prior to our 44th year, we can consciously experience it and tap into it, making the most of the resources within.
The last key point for your Spiritual Spread is that the card in each Planetary period is the card that rules a 13 – year period of your life.
- Instead of reading your Spiritual spread the way you do a Birth card spread or a Yearly Forecast, view each Planetary period as an energetic influence for a 13 – year period.
My first 13 years as a 6♣ was influenced by the 7♣ (the Mercury card of my Spiritual spread) – the card of Spiritual knowledge, studies and the effects of my beliefs, thoughts and attitudes. That 7♣ sits at Mars and Uranus – a combination of energy that is about challenging the status quo – living by your own rules and testing the limits of things.
Combine that with the Mercury card of my 8♥ Spiritual spread which is the 9♥ – the card of Universal love and learning to let go of emotional attachments through loss. It sits at Venus and Venus, creating an abundance of feminine, creative, love of beauty and aesthetics energy. (hence, universal love!)
My first 13 years were living on the Navajo reservation as the only white girl in my class at school, being a minority and bullied, but also exposed to the rich spiritual world of the indigenous. I went against the status quo of religion, that the indigenous were subpar and that the white man’s world was best. Everything is Beautiful’ was a song we sang in school that truly reflected how I saw life through the eyes of the Navajo. I could go on and on giving examples of how those cards influenced that time period in my life and helped create my life choices down the road.
My Venus cards were the 8♣/10♥ influencing ages 13 to 26.
8♣ sits at Mars and Neptune, is a very powerful mind with a strong imagination, very sensitive, artistic and needs to help others.
The 10♥ sits at Venus and Mars, is lots of love and creativity, and is that contrast of the feminine and the masculine – of wanting love but wanting independence.
That clearly reflects my years of wanting to be an artist, of being overly sensitive and experiencing a lot of anxiety and dysfunction due to the constant need to help others, to trying too hard to belong and be loved, yet be free.
I won’t go through the rest of my spread, but I can see how those energetic influences played out in my life. If I had understood that (or my parents did), the pain and struggles to understanding who I was maybe wouldn’t have been so slow in coming! (but then again, our journey shapes who we are, yes?) My path wasn’t one of positive rearing by loving, supportive parents.
Does that show up?
Yes, in the Pluto cards of my Spiritual spread, which are the A♦/3♣
Any Ace is a lone energy, searching for Self in the area the suit represents. The A♦ sits at Jupiter and Uranus and speaks to being forward-thinking and liberal – not someone who belongs and is part of the status quo.
My dad is a 3♣ and was abusive and controlling, so as my Pluto card, he represented what I needed to break free from and transform in my life. The 3♣ is also the energy of worry and indecision, which was a big part of my early years.
My life has been about the issues between my father and I and because of what the Spiritual spread reveals to me, I can see that it is karmic and what I came to deal with and heal. My experience of not having a loving, close family unit and being the black sheep of the family wasn’t some mean joke from God, but a path that took me in a direction my Soul wanted to grow into.
Spending time looking at the influences from your Spiritual Spread and knowing that is what is playing out in your 44th year can be life changing!