When you want something, do you tend to have a Plan B, a just-in-case scenario, or do you get stuck in the land of What if…?
What if…it doesn’t work…
What if….I fail….
What if…my idea is stupid….
One of the main points we teach here at CTL is that we are all omniscient beings. We aren’t tossed about and controlled by outer forces or circumstances (unless that is what we are allowing). We direct the energy and our own power to those things we focus on and whatever is focused on most, manifests in our reality.
We are the directors and producers of our own show. If we stand by and refuse to direct, we allow others or past experiences to do it for us. (We create by default)
I just went through a situation where I felt out of control and I kept saying “I don’t know.” Intuitively though, I did know. But I thought that if I shared what I was getting intuitively, everyone would worry about me, think I was crazy or doubt me. And being the good little 6 of clubs that I am, I don’t like when people doubt me.
So, I let my fears conjure up a Plan B. It did soothe my scared ego and it was a plan I could tell my friends about. It sounded sane, doable and they could rest assured that I wasn’t going to become homeless.
But, here is how this really works:
When you get an intuitive hit about what you want to do and what is the best thing for you to do and it scares you or your ego says, what the fuck are you thinking?!?! – there are several things that can happen.
- You go with the intuitive hit – secretly. (this is what I did) You don’t want everyone thinking you’re crazy, so you don’t tell them what it is that you will really be doing. Sounds ok, right? The thing is, it weakens your energy. You, as the Director and Producer are handing your actors two scripts. You weaken their ability to fully embrace and play out the real script because they are also needing to learn the alternate script as well. Do you see how this weakens your manifesting power?
Your ego will freak out and it will want to hang onto the plan B if that makes it feel better, but when you allow your scared ego to run the ship, you miss out on an empowered, real and magical journey! What you are really after might take longer, or not happen at all because at some point, if enough energy is going to the plan B – it will be what manifests in your reality.
- You talk yourself out of what you intuitively know you can do/want to do. This is because it sounds too whacky and you are allowing your ego to fully call the shots. It can only base its decisions on what you already know and have lived (or know someone who has lived it). In other words, it can only say, this is possible if it has something to base the possibility on. It will NEVER feel that a risk or big goal is doable. It will NEVER jump up and down and be your biggest cheerleader if the idea takes it out of the status quo and comfort zone. If Plan B makes it feel safe and secure, it will be all in and that is what will materialize, leaving you to think, well, I guess the other idea wasn’t meant to be after all….
Is that how you really want to live your life? Most who do end up saying…I have many regrets…
The ego wants a linear step by step plan and for you to be safe the whole way through. If it can’t fathom the HOW, it will maneuver to make sure it follows the only HOW it knows. This limits you via lack of knowledge on a topic, or lack of experience or even a lack of support from others.
- You follow your intuitive hit fully with 100% focus. This is how we are to live. If you feel excited and this idea won’t leave you alone – it is the right idea. Why? Because you know, within your body and being when something is right for you. You feel it. You might be a bit nervous – anything new or different feels scary to some degree (and that is also your ego making sure that you don’t kill yourself), but if it is what YOU want, then it is 100% possible. Your FULL focus and “owning” of it empowers you and the actors go all in on that script and create the play for you. You trust. You allow. You follow the paths that are revealed and you let the players that Source sets up to help you, help. If anything that looks like an obstacle enters the picture, you check in on your own attitude and you see if the “obstacle” is a mirror of what is going on within YOU. You course correct. You SUCEED.
You don’t need the Plan B.
If your close friends are going to abandon you over what you know is right for you, then are they really the kind of friend you want? They might think you are whacky for a time, or worry about you (which is really only about them and their personal worries), and they might not see how it makes sense (because it doesn’t make sense for them), but any true friend will stick with you and accept any of your intuitive hits – because it is what we all want. To be who we are, to be respected for our choices and to be supported even if what we choose to do isn’t what others would choose.
Trust your intuitive hits. Trust and go for your true wants and ideas and goals. Those hits are why you are here and what you were meant to do.
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