Congrats on living the Love Intrinsic! Now that you’ve received your alignment, how to pass along the gifts that you’ve been given? Here are a few “guidelines” and FAQs–though your experience will be wholly yours and the best authority on who and when and how now lives in YOU!
NOTE: We are referring to those that are ready to receive a Love Intrinsic Alignment from you as “LIA aligned”. It means their vibration is at a level that matches the energy that you carry–aligned to this alignment!
Seeds of Love
Imagine being a seed bearer. Carrying 3-12 seeds that are unique and coded with special instructions in tiny bundles of energy. Each seed can only grow and expand when it has the perfect conditions–which live inside the one who it was designed for.
As you carry the energetic seeds of Love Intrinsic within you, they fuel you. They remind you that we are all connected–even those we haven’t “met” in the physical or that we couldn’t possibly imagine would be into this stuff. They remind us to trust. That we are synched to the Earth, to divine timing, and to each other!
A good gardener knows not to plant a seed in the wrong climate or season, and waits for the right nutrients and community of plants to nurture this blossoming of life. So are you a gardener of life, love and energy. You are becoming even more aware of the ways we are all supported by the Love Intrinsic to us all!
How does the Love Intrinsic have the 4-1-1?
The Love Intrinsic has many names: soul stuff, chi, prana, life force, spirit, divinity, The Field, the Universe, God…whatever you call it, we honor it! It is intelligent. It extends beyond time and space.
In our terminology, we use the energy of referencing when we channel the alignment and the number of future alignments that are planted within you and your energetic body (something we call the 2DD Vessel). This means that the alignment as you receive it taps into the number of future LIA aligned you are connecting to.
So, yes, it may feel like destiny as you gift the alignments to others. But it is also an exercise in trust–that you are to have that many conversations and touchstones of exploration in spirit.
Are the number of alignments I am carrying absolute?
Yes and no. Yes–at the time the alignment is given, there is an understanding of future connections, because the Love Intrinsic binds you to these connections.
But you also possess free will and can decide at any time not to pass them on–though it may feel a lot like starving someone of love they may sorely need. Our instincts in this shift to the 12-strand DNA and new paradigm are to always love and share what we have–what we are all privileged to by our mere existence!
Answer when there’s an asking
Previously, you’ve probably experienced the desires to rescue, save, fix or change those you care about. Now, you are living your empowerment, and you recognize that others are equally empowered.
It is natural to want to help others, especially because you are a glowing light of love and they will be drawn to you for solace, comfort, and connection. If you find yourself really wanting to give someone an alignment without them asking for it, it is most likely your ego driving the experience, meeting your heart’s desire to alleviate suffering. This is a very normal reaction to suffering.
However, the Love Intrinsic does not work from the Phase 2* drama of being incomplete and seeking something to make us complete. Therefore, if you feel that this alignment is the thing that someone needs to make them “better” or more “compatible” with you and your desires, it is probably not one that you carry.
It is more likely that someone will come to you and ask “how did you do it?” If you describe the alignment and they seem truly interested, perhaps they are LIA aligned. If they need time to “think” or ponder or check in with their own guidance about it, definitely give them that space. It is actually a good indication that they are taking it seriously rather than looking for the “quick fix.” The Love Intrinsic does not fix anything–rather it views everything perfect as is.
Remember that you are equipped with your own compass as to timing and connection. You will be able to easily discern between your desire to help someone
from a place of rescue or from a place of connection. The place of rescue will feel difficult, halted, and it won’t come easily. You might find yourself having to poke or prod them to do the alignment. This is an indication that it’s not the right person or time.
The place of connection will flow and there will be a sweet ease to it that is unmistakable.
*Vessel Phasing is something that our guides describe as plateaus of experience. The Love Intrinsic Alignment propels you beyond Phase 2, which is ego-driven and dualistic to those of connection, omniscience and group consciousness. You can learn more about Vessel Phasing here.
Divine Timing
The Love Intrinsic is threaded throughout every fiber of our being–and this extends to the reaches of the Multiverses/Existence as we know it! The alignment shifts our awareness to that of trusting in timing as all cooperative pieces of connection or manifestation. Now, we are always living the right place at the right time.
The Love Intrinsic alignments that you carry are not a burden or obligation. You hold them until the precise times that they need to be released. This is achieved by living the balance of being aware and in the moment, and trusting the undercurrent of divine timing–a combination of yang and yin, left and right-brained reality.
So, this is not something you can calculate or reason or logically understand. There will be no need to advertise that you have these alignments or a need to go “seek out” those that are LIA aligned. But it also doesn’t serve you to completely let go, leave this plane, or hermit yourself away and forego the potential connection of energy by passing on this alignment. Being present will always be the place of balance where your intuition/guidance/omniscience is clearest.
You are knowing when to pass on this energy to an LIA aligned. You are living natural, synched and divine timing now. Like the plants, you know when to blossom and when to store energy. Like the seas, you know where to move with the current and when to swell with high tide, and to recede with the low. Let this be the timing that brings you to another for an alignment. It will feel easy, natural, loving, and perfectly suited for both of you.
It may take weeks or years before you’ve passed on all the alignments you carry. Trust in divine timing that you will be alert and ready to pay the Love Intrinsic Alignment forward, all as a beautiful unfolding…
How is the alignment given?
Easily. Simply.
Think of the energy like holding a ball. How do you pass a ball to another? Any way you like! Toss, hand, lob, bounce…the styling is completely up to you and whatever feels natural.
Again, if you feel like you have to have some fancy modality to pass on the alignment, it may be fear that your ego provides (a Phase 2 limitation) in not trusting in its simplicity. Remember, you are understanding that you are limitless, complete and talented just as you are. There is nothing extravagant required to pass on the alignment–just an open heart and a sincere respect for the Love Intrinsic to us all.
The energy that you channel does all the work. In many ways, it has consciousness and knows who it is meant for and what it needs to do. It is complete with coded instructions to begin once it is living inside the body/consciousness of the LIA aligned it was designed for. Remember, it fuels you, while you carry it and even as it blossoms in the one that you’ve passed it to. That energy can never leave you, and as others experience their expanded selves, so will you always be fueled by this connection.
For example, imagine dandelion seeds being blown to the wind. Each seed is connected to the original dandelion flower, and even as it travels, it “remembers” and is energetically bound to it’s home. The energy that does the binding is the Love Intrinsic.
The alignment does not have to be given the way you received it. All the work was done when it was gifted to you. The receiver may feel sensations with the passing of the energy, but it will most likely not be like what you felt when you received your alignment and the seeds of “future” Love Intrinsic alignments.
The process can be very simple. You may find that as you gift alignments, your style changes slightly, but it may grow to be even simpler than when you started.
A suggestion:
The giver and the receiver, both close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine your heart connected to the one across receiving the alignment, perhaps with a band of light, or through a root system that travels from your body through the Earth and into the cellular structure of the other person…whatever image serves you. You may feel energy or tingling in your hands and/or in your body. You may simply extend your palms outwards towards the LIA aligned, or hold their hands, or place your hands on their body. Take another deep breath and imagine the seed of love moving from you to them. And then it is done!
It is as easy as a breath.
Can the alignment be given remotely?
Yes. As you live your 12-strand DNA blueprint, your understanding of how accessible the Love Intrinsic is through space and time will change. This energy knows no bounds. It can move miles with the same ease as millimeters.
However, there is an intimacy that being in the same physical space as the LIA aligned can provide. If you have the convenience of paying the alignment forward in person, often this is a wonderful way to go. But the seed will be planted no matter how far the LIA aligned is physically from you. Your heart and being knows that the distance of love is no matter of meters, but an immediacy that can be felt and appreciated.
Is there energetic exchange* involved?
Yes. Big time! But the energy you are exchanging cannot be priced. If you are charging the LIA aligned money for the gift you’re giving, then you are probably stuck in a Phase 2 paradigm and the energy will not work as it’s designed to.
However, the one receiving the alignment may want to offer you something in exchange, not because you’ve asked for it, but because they are insisting on showing their appreciation for your time and your love. If this is the case, receive it graciously. Again, what they offer is a gift, and cannot be expected.
The energy also works that you will probably be gifted something, perhaps by someone else, when you are most in need. This is the way energy works through the Love Intrinsic system. You are offering this alignment, and you are also taken care of, precisely when you are in need. It is not necessarily a one-on-one barter system, but one that spreads across humanity, and all of life!
*Energetic exchange is our term for commerce in the Age of Omniscience. We are evolving out of money as the currency and into living the balance of trade, whether it’s direct or indirect.
What if I want to provide the Love Intrinsic Alignment that seeds others?
Great! The complexity and power of the Love Intrinsic Alignment as you received is a treat to channel. It is a way to further our human evolution, assisting others in expanding their DNA and enabling them to pass the Love Intrinsic forward. It is a noble, fascinating, and fantastic way to work with our superhero consciousness!
We are developing an alignment/course/workshop that will enable you to do this and make you a bonafide Love Intrinsic Alignment provider! More information about this coming soon, so watch this space or contact us with your interest now.
Where do we go from here?
The Love Intrinsic Alignment carries with it the shift from 2-strand DNA to 12-strands. This means that we are literally restructuring the way we contain and experience energy. As you are understanding from your own alignment, the reactions, shifts and changes can be subtle or dramatic. It can go from feeling lighter, happier, and freer to a striking situation that the system needs to purge or release energy that does not serve you.
You are not responsible for coaching or answering questions of those that have received the alignment. In fact, the more they consciously carry the Love Intrinsic, the more they are understanding their own empowerment (as are you!) You will probably feel moved to continue to connect with them, but again, you are not in the role of saving, changing or fixing them. You are here to listen, to express your own experience, and to love.
If an LIA aligned is excited about what is in store for them or they have questions about what the Love Intrinsic Alignment is about, we invite you to point them towards this website
There is a lot of material on this site, as well in our Age of OM forum accessible for free as an Age of OM community member. Each month, we post channeled sessions in the forum from the guides on living in this new and exciting time. You/they can join the community here:
Once you/they have received the alignment, you are invited to join our private Facebook group:
We are also active on our Facebook page:
In the forum, Facebook group and page, we invite you to connect with us, ask questions and share your stories!
If you would like to contact us directly, we would love to hear from you! Email us at
Thank you for paying the Love Intrinsic forward!