If you’ve been feeling the desire to take Cardology to a place in your life where it provides deeper clarity for you…
Or you’re seeing how it can assist your family and friends…
And they are asking you for clarity and help..
But you aren’t 100% confident in all the ways Cardology works, and what everything means…
Let’s make it a reality for you.
Not having to spend years studying, reading, searching, wondering…am I doing this right?
Already knowing all the parts, pieces, meanings and ways Cardology can help transform a life so you can step onto a new path as a Cardologer.
Jumpstarting a new opportunity for you to feel more empowered in your own life and being able to empower others…
Does This Sound Like You?
♥ You know what most of the cards mean – except when you see it all together in a forecast and you get stuck on when a card is positive, a gift, a challenge or a warning.
♣ You use and understand other modalities - like astrology - but you struggle to put the layers together and tell the unique story of the clients journey.
♦ You receive intuitive hits – but you hesitate or doubt yourself and fear you're expressing a wrong message or inaccurate guidance.
♠ You’ve been using Cardology for awhile and you know about the cycles, systems and formulas – but you still aren't sure how to put it all together to give a client clear guidance that assists them to make changes and understand their journey.
If this sounds like you - you are where I once was! And I'm excited to help you get clear (much quicker than I took!)
I’ve been there. I saw the deck of cards very differently as a child. To me, each card was a person, had a character and personality and role. But I didn’t know why I saw them that way – except that I had a vivid imagination!
Then I met a woman who read them just like tarot cards, so I studied the tarot and tried connecting them to the deck of cards.
It just didn’t feel right to me.
My first love (and what I studied for years) was Numerology and then Astrology.
But no matter what I studied, the deck of cards called to me. I used them in my artwork and even as a way to create characters in the fiction writing I was doing.
Then, I came across a book and learned about Cardology.
For years, I studied and knew that was my path. I began Readings and s. l. o. w. l. y developed and grew my business.
One day, sitting and talking with Robert Camp, he showed me the 90 Grand Solar spreads and told me, this is all you need. Learn these charts.
I wish I had heard those words many years prior!
It changed everything for me.
The clarity and new information that came when I dove into the charts and realized just how this system works made all the difference. My business took off as well as my confidence.
I don’t want you to have to go as slowly as I did.
I don’t want you to waste time, money, and energy on all the wrong things.
As well, I want to show you your innate magic.
To be the bold, confident, knows her/his value changemaker you are. And most importantly, how to tap into the uniqueness of your Life Path spread, so that:
-->You can utilize it for your work as a Cardologer
-->You know how to show others how to tap into theirs.
The best Readings come from your heart, joined by your unique style, personality, intuition and inner wisdom - which isn't found in a book.
However, you can develop and enhance each part.
The Empowered Cardology Certification Program?
**NEW FOR 2024 - After years of taking groups through this certification course, I made some changes for the 2024 course. More time will be spent on practicing giving readings and understanding the cards for assisting in Relationships, and Forecasts.
The Modules I removed will now be stand alone masterclasses you can sign up for when they are out. This will provide students with more focused time on the cards and readings and the other material will be there for you whenever and if it interests you. This allowed me to lower the cost.
The Empowered Cardology Certification Program is designed to give you a strong foundation to establish a business as a Cardologer or to use the system for your own empowerment and growth.
This is more than a Course with information - it is a support system and hands-on-training so you can embody and connect with it.
You’ll get access to 6 training modules. Each module contains lessons, charts and guides that will strengthen your confidence in understanding how to use Cardology.
PLUS, each week, you have access to a group Q & A on Zoom to ask questions, use case studies, practice and talk about your own development with the cards. And a Telegram group to ask questions, be supported and connect with other students!