Empower Yourself through Your Soul’s Blueprint!
We are in a new era–an exciting time for sure! The Industrial Age is over. The Age of the Intellect is passing. The old way of living via outside forces that seem to control what you can and can't have, looking to outside authorities to tell you what to do and how to operate, viewing life as linear time, separation, physically working hard to succeed and one-thing-has-nothing-to-do-with-the-other-thinking is over. In this new era, empowered consciousness and waking up is “the new black.”
Welcome to Empowered Cardology!
Here is my story:
I never thought being genuinely happy each day was possible. It wasn’t what I experienced as a child. I was very shy and never felt I belonged anywhere. I was overly sensitive – seeing things not there, feeling what someone else was feeling, knowing things before they happened. It caused a lot of anxiety and severe depression.
Those times were very dark and suicide was a constant thought.
Besides a voracious desire to study that unseen world, I was also very drawn to playing cards. I had no idea why – weren’t they just for games like Go Fish? I knew they were for more, but I had no idea what.
I studied Tarot and tried to read playing cards by associating them with the Tarot. But something was still missing.
I studied astrology and numerology and made the connection with the numbers and playing cards. I was getting closer!
I finally came across the The Mystic Test Book by Olney H. Richmond and it all made sense and fell into place for me. I studied the cards with a new perspective and began using them to understand my life and those around me.
The deck of playing cards is one of the ancient wisdom systems created to guide and teach us.
It is what our deck of playing cards were originally created for: to contain the wisdom of the energetic patterns of the Universe – which is also within each one of us- so we can learn to live from our higher consciousness.
The deck is a book of sorts; a guide; a roadmap for living holistically.
Better yet, just as the snapshot of the stars at the time of your birth reveals a lot about YOU – the cards have a similar system.
You have a birth card along with a whole spread of cards, that reveals the energetic essence of you. It is what I have used to create the happy, more aware life I live.
Once I knew that my birth card (the 6♣) was known as the psychic card and that Six of Clubs people have a responsibility to the truth and to showing the way for others, I was able to put all the confusing pieces of the puzzle that was me, together.
Knowing who I was at my core opened opportunities, drew amazing mentors and teachers into my life and changed everything for me.
I knew I wanted to make my work with the cards my mission – to help others see who they really are and to navigate life from a higher perspective; from an empowered place..
I offer Empowerment Sessions where you can check in on anything you want to know about and we look at your Life Path spread, your current Yearly Forecast or relationship connections with others, to assist you on your journey.
Start by grabbing my FREE ebook that explains the system within the cards. You can learn about your birth card and about your intricate energetic patterns.
Life is meant to be an amazing adventure! You’re not here to struggle and be side-swiped at every move.
Why the content here is so valuable to readers like you:
- Are you ready to see the magic and possibilities in life? (instead of the hardships, struggle and limitations?)
- Have you ever wondered if you had the capability to achieve those really big dreams you have?
- Would you like to use your challenges to uplevel your life? (instead of being bitter or feeling hopeless)
- Are you wanting to live a healthy life in a body that is sustainable?
- Are you wanting to feel empowered and limitless in your everyday life?
- Are you wanting to really understand what makes your loved ones tick so you can relate and connect to them in a more healthy and joyous way?
We are so much more than we think we are. We are fully in control of what comes into our life. We get to choose the life we want to live–limited only by our creativity and imagination. We are divine beings. We are here to explore, experience and enjoy! 
I love assisting others through this system. I love watching someone light up when they realize that that thing they always wished they could do or wanted to do is really one of their gifts! I love assisting others to feel empowered, no longer living as a victim, owning their uniqueness and magic and grabbing life by the balls and having fun!
To wrap this up - I'll through in a few tidbits about me: I LOVE paisley, so you'll see it floating around the website and I love art nouveau and art deco...Mucha is one of my favorite artists.
Margaritas are my fav drink, as is coffee...the darker the better! Chips and salsa are my addiction food. I love all kinds of music and musicals and am a romantic at heart (hey, the Q♥ is my Venus card!).
I'm happily in love with life and live in the most magical mountains of western North Carolina!
Drop me a line and say Hi because I love meeting new people and talking about the cards!