Do you want to completely transform an area of your life?
Is there something that has been holding you back or a deep fear keeping you from doing what you really want to be doing?
Do you wish you could change something in your life?

This in-depth and powerful new way of looking at your year will help you:
Create a roadmap you love in a way that makes sense to you.
Feel confident with your decisions.
Get clear and stop the confusion and anxiety about what is happening in your life.

Tired Of Feeling Tossed About By Life?
It’s time to feel in control and to love your life. The thing is, all of it is in our control and all of it can be exactly what we want it to be. We’ve been given powerful tools to guide us, so why not use them?
Stop letting the scary stuff going on around you be what creates your life. It will, unless you decide to be the one making the rules…
Are you feeling like things are out of control, or that you have to become better or more worthy to have what you want?
If your life looks like:
A tornado has hit...
...and you can't figure out how to sort the mess out
A speeding train about to run off track...
...and you feel helpless to do anything about it...
A day late and a dollar short...
...of reaching those great dreams you had at one time...
Boxed in by others' expectations of what your life should look like...
...when what you really want is to be living YOUR life...

But deep inside you have these dreams that just won't leave you alone...
Make that dream a reality (because you CAN!)
Learn to use your inner guidance (it is THERE for you!)
Live in alignment with Source as your co-partner ( because that is what IT wants to do for you!)
Have doors of opportunities OPEN for you! (because that is how it is supposed to work!)
Live each day in full confidence that everything you want is possible and ready for you (because it is there already)

Hi, I'm Ashley Long and I'm a soulmancer.
I work with a very ancient system; a tool, provided for us and based on the natural patterns and cycles that makes up the Universe.
This tool is based on both Astrology and Numerology and has never failed me in accuracy and as a guide to direct me in what ways I need to change, grow and become more aware.
It guided me through an extremely dark time and took me from hopelessness to bliss.
I’ve watched it do the same for many others.
With this tool as a touchable, workable, practical, applicable means of transformation, one can really see and use their innate gifts, opportunities and yes, even challenges and struggles to overcome anything.
The greatest tools are hidden...
...and the tool of soulmancing is hidden in a deck of playing cards.

- Each day of the year is associated with a specific playing card.
- Each card has a specific meaning, determined by its numeric value (Numerology) and its associated planetary influences (Astrology)
More than that, you have a birth card spread
That spread tells you more about:
- The characteristics, traits and talents that guide you
- Who you are at the very core of your life
That spread changes each year on your birthday.
- It reveals certain events, challenges, and cycles that, when used and applied, allow you to start walking the path your soul chose in this lifetime.
When you know your spread, you have a custom map that can show you the hidden gems and places you wouldn’t otherwise know about.
Each of us are unique layers of energies, patterns and expressions. We each came to this life with specific ‘soul stats’.
I stumbled around in the dark beating myself up for years because I just couldn’t seem to get to what I really wanted – or I didn’t even know what I really wanted. But once I utilized the guidance this tool gave me, my life made sense and changed quickly and joyously!
Helping others do the same is my mission.
You are always in control of how your life plays out.
but sometimes you aren't aware of what is blocking you
or creating the havoc, hurt or chaos you find yourself in.
We all need a guiding hand sometimes, to help sort through the confusion and questions that can throw us off course and make life less than joyous.
Because, bottom line, your life is supposed to be joyous!
Are you ready?
The Abundance Forecast has one purpose: To clear the way so you can begin the steps you need to take (inwardly and outwardly) to manifest a desire or specific goal.
The Abundance Forecast Reveals:
The main energies for your year
The result your soul is striving for by the end of your year
What will help you get to that result
The challenges you'll face and what they'll help you with
The people and opportunities that will be present during your year
Information and guidance about your health, creativity, business affairs, finances and spiritual growth

If you are contemplating working with Ashley, just stop thinking and do it. If you are not contemplating working with Ashley, perhaps you should! The reading and session were (and are) richly textured and detailed. The process was, for me anyway, the unveiling of a heretofore hazy and obscured landscape. The revealing of the pattern, the unveiling of the landscape were handled superbly by Ashley the Guide. Revelation, discovery, confirmation, admonishment…and many other moments and many other feelings/ideas occurred as we traversed the pattern that I am. We were, in effect, out of time during the process. The significance of the experience cannot be overstated. Ashley is first a foremost a speaker of the truth. She is a superb guide, walking side by side through the pattern of you. There is a wonderful sereneness, a calm, during the journey. Passionate and compassionate, her guiding is done with respect and reverence. The whole experience is most highly recommended!
Michael Hillsey -
The insights that I get from my readings by Ash have helped me on so many levels. When things have been tough sometimes, I have referenced my chart to help me see a bigger picture. Also I have felt encouraged and ready to face certain challenges knowing as I'm going into them what obstacles I might face within myself or distractions to avoid.It's strange to me how something as simple as a birthday can affect our life path, but after over a year of advising I have seen so many places where the cards have helped me find my way.
Susan Sojourner